Chapter 17

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Loki and I are in our own rooms. Ida is helping me choose an outfit for some important dinner Odin is holding tonight. I am entirely distracted by the events of yesterday afternoon. Never had I allowed myself to care for someone the way I found myself caring for Loki. I had always accepted the fact that love wasn't meant for me. I would have to watch them age and deteriorate and while my love for them would not waver, it would hurt immensely to watch them die.

Then, when Loki was all but thrown in my direction, I found myself hoping.

I love you too.

I feel the blood creep up my face, settling in my cheeks.

Why did he have to be so...

You know.


I am called back to Earth...or...Asgard. Ida is holding a gorgeous green gown out for my approval. The draping forest green fabric shutters gently at the slightest breeze coming from the open window, mimicking the brilliant green leaves during the summer. It is floor-length, only reaching up to wrap around the left shoulder, leaving the right bare.  Shimmering, delicate designs adorn the cloth from head to toe.
I notice the gentle golden undertones beneath the first layer of sheer green fabric and I can only gape at the garment.

Ida chuckles at my awed silence and wordlessly helps me into it.

"Oh, Miss!" She exclaims.

"Please, Ida, call me Flora." I say for the fifth time.

"Flora," she amends, "you look so lovely!"

She pulls me eagerly to the large mirror which leans against the wall of the room and, not to toot my own horn, but I look damn good.  My bright red hair is a sharp contrast to the muted green, and the darkness of the color compliments my pale complexion.

"Wow.." I breathe.

Ida once again giggles, "I can not wait to do your hair."

Uh oh.

Hours later my scalp is unimaginably sore from all of Ida's "pampering."

However, she's done a remarkably good job.  My hair is in an impressive updo, almost like an upgraded messy bun, with a few curled strands of hair left untucked to waterfall from the masterpiece.  She places a few sparkling decorative pins in in random places in order to catch the light.

She's also insisted that I wear a golden cuff at the midway point from my shoulder to my elbow, and I was very easy to convince, as it goes perfectly with the earrings she's picked out for me. 

Note to self: give this girl a few days off.

My makeup is minimal, I never did enjoy wearing it. 

Ida chose shoes to match the dress; green with golden undertones.  She's a genius I tell you. 

"Well, Flora," she says with a bright smile, "I do believe you're the most beautiful woman in the palace."

I blush furiously, "Ida, you know how I feel about flattery."

"Yes, but you needed some color on those cheeks."

This only succeeds in making me blush even more.

She helps me stand and pushes me toward the door,  "Good luck!"

"Thanks." I mutter.

I begin to make my way toward the large throne room and end up walking alongside Thor, who has also just emerged.

"Lady Flora, you look lovely." He takes my hand and respectively brings my knuckles to his lips.

"Thanks Thor, you look," I pause, taking in his extravagant ensemble, "interesting."

He guffaws loudly, "I agree it is a bit much. However, it is quite special, is it not?"

I smirk, "Yes, very special."

We arrive at the magnificent golden doors and he turns to me, "Loki is already there, Odin summoned him before the dinner began.  If it would make you less nervous, I shall have the steward announce us together.  All you need do is tell him your name."

I nod, suddenly feeling very self conscious, "If you don't mind?"

He smiles and turns to the steward, "Prince Thor and Lady Flora..." he trails off.

"Addams." I fill in.

The steward nods and two guards push open the doors.  Thor offers me his hand.

"Prince Thor and Lady Flora Addams!" The steward announces.

We descend down the grand staircase and immediately I feel everyone's eyes on me.  I shouldn't be surprised.  I'm the immortal from Midgard.  I would be curious too.

Thor leads me to a long table and escorts me to an empty chair across from Loki.  He pulls it out for me in the fashion of a true gentleman and then takes his seat beside his adopted brother. 

"My son," Odin acknowledges, "Lady Flora. Welcome."

I smile at him and utter my thanks. 

Loki hasn't taken his eyes off me since I arrived.  Thor notices and claps him on the back, earning him a halfhearted glare from the dark haired god.

"Tonight is indeed a cause for celebration.  Not only do we have an honored guest in our midst," Odin gestures to me and I am met with smiles and curious stares.  I try not to look embarrassed. "but my son, Loki, has also returned to us." 

I smile encouragingly at Loki, who meets my gaze and looks down.

There is applause from everyone at the table as Odin finishes his statement.  I clap along with them. 

"So," the Allfather spreads his arms, "eat! And be merry."

Immediately the hulking ginger-haired man to my right, Volstagg, begins devouring everything on the table.  I met him not long after I arrived, he was one of the men who brought back Thanos' body.

To my left, Sif scoffs and tells me to ignore him if I can. 

I grin at her, "Is that possible?"

She smiles back, "Probably not. I've been trying for years."

We laugh and are met with and indignant "I heard that."

I reach for a fruit that looks similar to a pear, except the color is a dark fuchsia and it tastes like a cross between a kiwi and an apple. 

"You look beautiful, Flora." I hear from across the table.

I turn to Loki, "Thank you.  You're not too bad yourself."

He laughs and eventually Sif, Loki, Thor and I all get into a riveting discussion about the differences between the natural life on Earth and Asgard. 

After a while, Odin catches my eye and beckons for me to join him at his side.  I furrow my brow in confusion.

I wonder what this is about...

A Very Unlikely Tale // LokiWhere stories live. Discover now