Chapter 28

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Midgard: 8 months later

"Flora! I'm going to go and play by the creek!" I hear from outside.

"Be careful! Dinner is in an hour!" I call back. Endre says nothing in response, and I can only hope he heard me. He's done so well here, and he seems happy. I take him on the long journey into town quite a lot to give him chances to make friends, which he has.

Grateful does not even come close to describing what I feel for him.

I can not begin to think how my life would be if I had come back here to live in isolation. My mind would probably be mush.

We speak of Asgard often, and Thor comes to visit when he can. However, we never mention Loki.

I wish I could.

I wish I could just talk about him like everything is alright. Like it doesn't matter. I wish it didn't tear a hole in my heart every time I think about him.

Endre and I plan to visit Asgard very soon, probably within the next few weeks. The Bifrost can't touch down in the same place too often.  The very few people who are close enough to see it's flash would start getting suspicious.

I huff and skim through the pages of a random book. My beloved fairytales are still with Lo- they're still on Asgard.

I won't lie to you. I have absolutely no idea what this book is about. My eyes have pretty much just been scanning the pages aimlessly for the past few minutes.

I fling the book to the side and stand, stretching. As I exit the library and walk into the hallway, my eyes land on the door to a room that I haven't set foot in since I got back.

With slight hesitation and a heavy sigh, I push the door open and sit down on the dusty wooden bench, lifting a heavy wooden cover and revealing ebony and ivory keys.

My fingers begin to have a mind of their own, waltzing across the keys with surprising ease, slowly at first and then gaining a little speed. My eyelids flutter shut, and I relax into the music. I feel myself swaying slightly, leaning in and out with the inflection of each pitch. My lungs feel as if they are no longer breathing air, but instead inhaling the music, filling my being with peace.

Yeah. It's amazing what music can do.

Eventually, my fingers slow to a stop. My eyes remain closed, reluctant to reopen.

I hear soft clapping from the doorway and a small smile crawls its way onto my lips. I prepare to greet Endre with a dramatic bow.

"That was lovely, Flora." I hear from a voice that is definitely not Endre's.

I freeze, suddenly unable to breathe.

Seconds pass, feeling like hours.

"I brought you your book." He says quietly.

I turn to stare at him, studying him. He hasn't changed. Not even a little bit. Then I guess neither have I.

"Loki," I breathe.

He smiles shyly, taking a small step forward and setting the fairytale book on the piano, "Hello."

"What are you doing here?" I ask incredulously.

His smile grows, "I've been having very strange dreams lately, Flora. Funny thing is, you're in all of them," he raises an eyebrow at me, waiting for me to reply. When I don't, he continues, "You were holding my face. I remember how it felt to finally be rid of that blasted thread,"

My eyes fill with tears faster than you can say, "Don't cry, Flora."

He remembers.

I listen as he speaks, "You always were so kind.  So patient even though I never deserved it.  I remember how you always smiled when you read.  There was a water fight wasn't there? By the little stream? You got sand all over me, and I got mud in your hair.  It took us ages to get it all out."  I laugh, nodding along. 

" I remember this.  Watching you play.  You always played to match your mood.  I remember the first time I saw you in Mother's garden." He stares at me,  holding my gaze, "You weren't afraid of me when I showed you what I am.  You even went so far as to call me beautiful." 

I open my mouth to interrupt, but he shushes me, "I remember when you told me you loved me.  I didn't believe you.  How could I? After everything I've done, all that I am, how could someone like you love someone like me?" 

He strokes my cheek gingerly, "I remember, Flora.  I don't know if I remember everything.  But I remember enough to know I love you more than I ever imagined I could love another living soul.  I know I don't want to go another second without you by my side." 

I smile.  A real genuine smile, "I love you."

"I love you," he pauses, grinning, "So will you?"

I laugh, not really catching on, "Will I what?"

He raises an eyebrow, "Will you stay by my side?"

My hand reaches out to stroke his cheek, "You know I will."

He shakes his head, "No.  You don't understand.  I want something more."

"What do you mean?" I tilt my head a little, confused by his words.  I catch him biting the inside of his lip.

"Would you become my wife?"  He asks, searching my eyes.

I stare, slack-jawed, as my mind registers what just happened.  I force it shut and somehow I smile bigger than before.

My arms wrap around Loki's neck and I crush my lips against his, desperately trying to assure myself of the fact that I'm not dreaming.  I feel him smile into the kiss, and his arms snake around my waist.  His lips move with mine and for a moment, everything is completely perfect.

He pulls away, "As enjoyable as that was, I do still need an answer, Flower."

I giggle lightly, pretending to think about it, "Hmm..."

Loki grabs my arm, grinning, "Come now, don't keep me in suspense," he pauses, sombering, "Marry me?"


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