Chapter 27

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"You said you healed it. I didn't believe you," I hear from behind me.

I breathe a deep sigh, "You should have."

The God of Mischief moves to where I can see him, eying me questioningly.

"What are you doing here?" He asks, gesturing to his mother's garden, "People never come here."

I raise an eyebrow, smiling slightly, "I did. You and I spent quite a lot of time here, actually. I'm going to miss it."

Loki hums in response, taking a step toward me. I move a few inches on the stone bench and he takes a seat beside me.

"You're leaving today." He states plainly.

It's been a few weeks since I asked Odin to return to Midg- Earth. Loki has warmed up to me greatly, but his memory is still missing as many pieces as before. Each and every moment of my healing was spent hoping Loki would remember something, anything about the time we spent together.

Fate, of course, is never so kind.

"Yeah." I reply.

He glances at me out of the corner of his eye, "All of this," he gestures at nothing and everything, "is rather confusing. One moment I'm seen as nothing more than a prisoner, a criminal. The next I am once again a prince, my sentence reduced."

I nod slightly, "I can't imagine."

"I'm told quite a lot of my good fortune is down to you." he finishes.

I shake my head in disagreement, "No, I just did what was asked of me."

He says nothing in response and we sit in silence for a few moments. I fidget with the hem of my blouse, rolling it between my fingers.

"Thor told me you loved me." He informs me, "Did you?"

"I still do." I whisper.

"Did I love you?"

I turn to look at him, his face almost child-like as he tries to fill the blank spaces in his memory.

I bite my lip, a habit I've no doubt picked up from Endre, "You said you did."

He stares at the ground, his brow furrowed in concentration, "I wish I could remember," he says quietly.

Hesitantly, I reach out and squeeze his forearm gently, "It's alright, Loki." I lie, "The fact that you want to is enough."

He sighs, "You shouldn't lie to the God of Mischeif and Lies, Flora."

I chuckle a little in spite of myself, "Just trying to make you feel better, Sunshine."

His expression is unreadable as he stares at my face, once again looking as though he is seeing right through me. I feel my eyes begin to water and he opens his mouth in an attempt to speak when Thor interrupts from the entrance.

"Flora," he says quietly, "It is time."

I shoot a forced smile at the two princes and stand. Loki offers me his arm and, slowly, we make our way to the Bifrost.

A Very Unlikely Tale // LokiWhere stories live. Discover now