Chapter 18

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I rise from my seat at the table and walk over to Odin, who turns to me.

"I wonder if you wouldn't mind giving us some entertainment, Flora."

I raise an eyebrow. What does he want? A table dance? A strip tease? King or no king I am not going to-

"You see I haven't actually seen your gifts in action." He continues.


I smile and nod, "Of course, my king."

He gestures to an open space in the center of the room and I make my way over to it, deciding what I'm going to do.

The room stills and I once again feel the curious stares of nearly every person in the room.

Okay, fire won't be a problem, water won't be a problem, air won't be a problem, but I do not see a single living plant in this entire room.

"Sif," I call, "would you mind bringing me a piece of fruit? Something with seeds?"

I can only hope this works.

She nods and rises, bringing me something similar to an apple.  I thank her and she returns to her seat.

"Ladies and gentleman,  for those of you who don't know my name is Flora Addams.  I'm from Midgard." I begin, "Um, I guess that's all there is to say for the moment..." I trail off.

I catch Loki smirking at me and roll my eyes.

I begin to let a gentle heat crawl through my hands until I produce a small flame in my palm.  I hear gasps and see Odin raise an eyebrow.

"Fire," I say slowly, "as you all know, is quite uncontrollable when it gets out of hand." I pause for effect and enlarge the flame, letting it take the shape of a lion's head, and remove my hand.

They want a show? They got it.

There is stunned applause from the long table and I let the fiery creature dissipate. 

"That was the third gift I discovered.  The second was water."  I summon the water from Loki's goblet and it glides across the room until it surrounds my hand.  He glares at me mockingly, and I fight the impulse to stick out my tongue.

"Water is elegant, and peaceful.  It can be gentle," I begin adding to the little sphere of water with droplets from the air, twisting it in a circular motion until it resembles a small tide pool in the air, "or it can be dangerous." I refill Loki's cup, "For example..."

I freeze what's left of the water in tiny spikes and impale them in the back of Volstagg's chair.  The huge man stares at them and grins widely at me, "Well done, Lady Flora!"

I chuckle a little, "Air was fourth. Loki," I gesture to him, "was actually there the first time I manipulated it.  However, you can't really see air can you?"

Multiple shakes of the head.

I grin mischievously, "So how about a contest?"  This is gonna be fun.  "Would Prince Thor, Lady Sif, and The Warriors Three like to join me? I would ask Loki here as well,  but he's already had some experience with this particular ability. I'll explain the rules."

Thor laughs loudly, echoed by the warriors.  Sif smiles at me excitedly, and Loki can hardly contain himself.

He knows me too well.

"The rules are these: You can not touch one another.  You can not touch me.  I'm going to produce some wind and you must face it head on.  Every man and woman for themselves and the last person standing wins.  Got it?"

I am met with various responses of excited "Yes, my Lady's" and "Easy's." and a very confident, "I shall win for certain." From Volstagg.

"Take a moment to brace yourselves."

I take a few steps back and take off my heels. Improper. I know. I'll put them back on afterwards. 

When they all seem to have taken their places I begin with a gentle wind which receives, "How nice." And. "It seems we will all be winners."

Thor stays silent and looks at me expertly, knowing I have something up my sleeves.

He is correct.

Immediately, I strengthen the force of the wind, gradually making it stronger until the warriors do not speak for focusing on keeping their balance.

Hogan and Fandral are thrown to the floor almost simultaneously. 

Volstagg struggles against the air but smiles at me broadly.

I put more energy into the pocket of air and he's on the ground, leaving Thor and Sif, who smile competitively at each other.

"Give up now, Lady Sif!  I shall win!" Thor taunts, shouting over the wind.

"Over my dead body, my Prince!" Is her reply.

I laugh at the banter and up the intensity one more time, sending one of them to the ground.

I cease the wind and Sif is met with wild applause, while Thor laughs from the ground. 

Loki is almost doubled over from laughter.

I laugh as Sif celebrates her victory and the men argue over wether Fandral or Hogun was out first.

It was Fandral.

Slipping my shoes back on, I wait for the noise to die down.

"This is my favorite, and my first ability." I mutter gently,  picking up the apple looking thing.

"It may take some time but it should work.  As I look around I don't see any houseplants." I look at Odin for confirmation and he nods his head, "But the fruit in my hand contains seeds.  The seeds are alive, waiting to flourish.  Normally,  a tree would grow over decades, sometimes even centuries," I pause, "probably even longer here.  But with a little encouragement I think we can speed up the process."

A sprout breaks through the fruit from its center, and rapidly grows as I will it.  I decide not to alter its appearance, though I could. Instead, I place it on the ground and let it stretch across the throne room.  It flowers, and produces fruit.  It's roots stretch over the floor, searching for a hold.  A large trunk grows and widens.  There are gasps once more from the table. 

Loki smiles widely at me from across the room.

Brilliant, purple petals flutter down from the tree, catching in the hair of myself, Odin, and his guests.  I stare up at the beautiful tree for a moment, and reverse the process, watching as the it shrinks back into its tiny shell of a seed.



I half curtsy and straighten.

Dozens of eyes look at me expectantly.

"Oh um, that's it..."

They laugh kindly at my awkward ending and I flush a light pink.

Odin stands, "Thank you Lady Flora,  that was truly special."

I nod my thanks.

"I hope you have all enjoyed yourselves,  the dinner is ended."  He Loki and Thor stand.  Loki takes my hand and we make our way over to the base of the large staircase and pause, "Myself, my sons, and the Lady Flora shall remain here to bid each of you a farewell." He announces.

I hear Loki groan almost inaudibly.

I lean over to whisper at the Prince, "We will?"

He meets my gaze and smiles sympathetically.

I watch as the 60 ish guests begin to walk towards us, plucking petals from their hair as the do so.

We will.

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