Chapter 9

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   I sit at a little table in the living room, staring at absolutely nothing.  It's been about a week since Loki let me truly see him.  To be entirely honest, it's been uneventful.  We wake up, we eat, we argue about something or another, we read, I play piano, we eat again, we go to sleep, and then Loki may or may not have a nightmare. 

Today though, it's different.

I realized that today would be an off day yesterday, and since then I haven't slept, dreading what little this godforsaken day would bring.

It's stupid, really.

Loki isn't even up yet.  No nightmares last night.  Thank god.

I pick absentmindedly at the rich red pomegranate I'm holding, and close my eyes, trying to shut out the day.

Maybe if-


My eyes snap up quickly to the face of the dark haired god, who is staring at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Flora, I've called your name three times now.  Are you well?"

I smile slightly at him, "I'm fine.  Just...lost in thought I guess."

He hums in response and takes a seat next to me, "Would you like to share?"

I look at him for a moment, "It's my birthday." I muse softly, "380 years on Earth."

"Is this not cause for celebration?" He inquires carefully. 

I scoff at him, "Another year stuck watching all you love waste away before your very eyes? I don't think so."

I look around the house, feeling a sudden need to be outside. 

I let out a deep breath, "C'mon, Sunshine.  We're going for a walk."

He rolls his eyes at the name, "Must you continue to call me that?"

"Yes." I affirm.

He begrudgingly gets off his ass and follows me down the stairwell to the forest floor.  Somewhere in the back of my mind I note that this is the first time we've ventured outside since Loki arrived. 

What a couple of couch potatoes.

I meander along, Loki in tow, winding in between trees until I reach my destination.

I smile contentedly as I breathe in the scent of the creek.  It is earthy and clean and comforting.  I choose a random spot on the ground to sit and cross my legs. My muscles relax and my eyes flutter shut. The perfect distraction on a day I'd very much like to ignore.

Loki clears his throat from behind me, "Would you mind telling me what we're doing here?"

"Listening to the water." I reply simply.

"Why?" He asks.

How obnoxious.

"Because I want to.  That's why."

He huffs and crosses to the opposite side of the brook, taking a seat on the driest rock he can find and we listen in silence.

A Very Unlikely Tale // LokiWhere stories live. Discover now