Chapter 26

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   I feel a light weight on my side and feel soft breath on my neck.  I struggle to remember where I am, and flashes of Thanos and the battle invade my mind. 


I need to know if he's okay. 

Slowly, I force my eyes open and see why there is a pressure on my side.  Endre is curled against me,  sleeping.  I lift my hand to rest it in his disheveled hair and he wakes, raising his head to look at me.

His eyes widen and a broad grin brightens his features, "Flora!"

I giggle a little, "Good-morning, Endre."

My eyes dart around the room.  I recognize my chambers and stretch a little in the large bed.

"How long have I been asleep?" I inquire warily.  Endre looks down, biting his lip slightly.

I raise an eyebrow, "Endre?"

"Um, not long! Only a few weeks!"  He says hurriedly.  He eyes me for a moment, trying to anticipate my reaction.

I feel the blood drain from my face. When I speak my voice is a whisper, "Weeks?"

The boy nods slowly, fidgeting with the edge of his shirt, "Eir said you used too much energy and it was bad for you.  She said you might take a while to wake up if you woke up at all." He pauses, glancing at me, "I knew you wouldn't leave me."

I try my best to give him a reassuring smile, "How is everyone? Loki? Thor?"

He opens his mouth to answer, but The door opens and Thor walks in, pausing in shock when he sees me.

"Lady Flora! You have awoken!"  He booms, moving to sit on my other side and wrapping me in a surprisingly gently embrace.

I grin, "It looks that way.  How are you?"

"I am well.  My injuries were easily healed.  You are a hero, My Lady."  He says solemnly.

I roll my eyes and pretend not to hear the latter part of his statement, "Loki?"

Immediately, his face falls, and his gaze drifts down to stare at the white sheets.

"He is alive, and awake.  He is walking and speaking and eating, but..." He says, trailing off.

A familiar feeling of dread settles in my stomach, "But?"

Thor sighs, finally meeting my eyes.  He takes my hands in his huge ones, "The force of his impact against the palace wall did damage.  He has lost much of his memory."

I feel myself gasp, "How much does he-"

He cuts me off, "The last thing he remembers clearly is fighting Malekith, which means-"

"He doesn't remember me." I finish.

He nods gently.

"We have tried to tell him of you but he won't listen.  He knows about Thanos' death but refuses to believe those who tell him you were the one who defeated him."

I laugh despite myself, "A mere mortal couldn't defeat a Monster like Thanos."

Thor grins at me, "You are no mere mortal."  He rises, "I will send for Ida.  My father will want to see you.  Endre, would you like to accompany me?"

I nod in agreement and watch them leave, smiling gently at the boy when he glances back at me.  When Ida comes in she hugs me gently and works to find something easy for me to change into.  I wash off and brush my hair, and Ida ties it back simply, knowing I will want to rest when I return.

A Very Unlikely Tale // LokiWhere stories live. Discover now