wearing your vintage misery, i think it looked a little better on me

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Jet steps out of the room for a second.

Ella feels as of she's not in control of her own body, as she reaches up and presses her hand to Party's cheek.

Things flash behind her eyes.

Pictures. Sounds. Memories.

Bright colors. Desert roads. White masks. The black and white tile of a diner. Aviators and a deep thunder-rumble voice.

She moves her hand away and they stop.


Party's eyes are glued to the Mystery Girl's, as they go out of focus.

Her cool hand is pressed to his cheek, and he finds himself leaning into it.

She mumbling things. Things about cherries and death.

She carefully removes her hand from his cheek and glares at him.


Before she can really get anything out, Jet Star runs into the room and grabs Party's arm, dragging him away from Ella without a sideways look.


"What the hell?!" Party shoves Jet's arm away, but continues to walk beside him.

'They're transferring Kobr-uh Mikey."

"To where?"

"Not "to where". To who."

"To who, then?"

Jet stops in front of the new headquarters.

"To us."


Mikey sits in the wheelchair, twisting his hands in an anxious fashion. The waiting room is all but empty.

The nurse, his nurse, is talking to someone on the other side of the door.



Ella's head snaps up. She's just been standing in the waiting room, staring at her feet.

She remembered.

Something important.

Something red and riddled with bullet holes.

But, back to the present.

She looks around the room, the only other person, is a blond guy in a wheelchair.

His staring at her with familiar eyes.

"You." He repeats, pointing at her, "Kill-Killjoy?"

She nods, moving closer to him.

"Yea. I'm a Killjoy. Or, I used to be. I don't remember."


He presses his pointer finger to the middle of her forehead.

"Hurt." she confirms, "What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you, Mikey. I'm Ella."


She smiles and presses a kiss to his forehead, before walking out just as the doors open.


Party huffs loudly as his right hand is yanked toward Ghoul as he pushes his hair back.

Jet cuffed them together before he went to get Mikey.

"What even was your real name?" Party asks, as Ghoul let's his hand go limp again.

"I think it was Frank? I dunno. I wanted to start a band. Tour the world with my best friends."

"I'm pretty sure my name was Gerard. I was gonna be an artist. Make comic books."

The door opens and Party stands abruptly. Jet is alone, and wearing a grim smile.

"Mikey's getting settled." He crosses the room, and unlocks the handcuffs, "And we're," he gestures to all of them, "Are going to be a team agian wether you like it or not."

"But, mooooom." Ghoul teases, smirking.

Party rolls his eyes.


Ella's head is spinning. Why did she kiss Mikey? And what the hell did she see as she did.

A face. But it wasn't quite Mikey's.

Blond hair. Green eyes. A pair of dog-tags.

A voice.

"Look Alive, Sunshine."

Stuff ahead. WOoOOOooh.

no room for ghosts // danger days: book 2Where stories live. Discover now