late dawns and early sunsets

381 26 35

-One Month-

"You're huge."

"Rude!!" Umbrella laughs, slapping Party's arm as she wipes vile from her mouth and gurgles the water before spitting it in the sink.

"M'lady." Party says, holding out his hand, the gold band shining brightly.

Umbrella reaches up to grab his hand with an equally simple ring. Two gold band with than others real name carved into it. Umbrella pushes het hair back, waddling out of the bathroom. Her now, bright-yellow-haired husband is right.

She is huge.

She lays on the bed, looking at the ceiling. She feels two tiny kicks and smiles, closing her eyes. Party lays his hands on either side of her stomach and kisses it.

"We're gonna have some great looking kids."

She smiles tiredly, being pregnant is harder then she thought. Everyone's been really careful and helpful, but she still needs three naps a day. Party kisses her forehead.

"I'm gonna go see, Kob. I love you."

"I love you so much more."

"Doubt that, Sunshine."

He leaves, closing the door only slightly, just in case. Umbrella picks up the ultrasound pictures from the bedside table. Two little bodies show through. Twins.


Jet rubs down the halls, cursing their slick-ness. Ghoul, Party and Kobra are all in the top floor. He skips the elevator and burst through the stairs door, falling toward the conference room.

The three other men look at their out of breath friend skeptically.

"" Jet gasps, trying to pull himself upright. They all look at each other and rush toward the door. Kobra is still recovering. Party turns to help him, but he waves his older brother off.


Party runs down the stairs, taking them by twos and threes. The nurse at the front desk looks startled as they burst in. Jet relays their information and she gestures toward the waiting room chairs. Party paces, unable to sit still.

"Everything will be fine." Ghoul says, as Kobra settles into the chair next to him.

"I know. But I'm still nervous."


Umbrella closes her eyes. It's over. The worst part is done. She hears running and yelling and crying and an annoying beep that's uninterrupted.

She opens her eyes, blinking. A little bundle is placed in her arms as the doctor looks at her with apologetic eyes.

"I'm sorry." he says, moving off to do something else.

She looks at the baby boy. She can hear her girl screaming loudly. The little baby lays in Her arms, quiet as a desert night.

She kisses his little head and closes her eyes again.


"Ella. Hey. Wake up."

Umbrella opens her eyes, no longer holding her deceased son.

Cherri is grinning at her, a lanky figure standing behind him.

"T-The Phoenix Witch." she gasps.

"Yes." the figure walks forward and pulls her up from the bed. She looks back and sees herself, cradling the baby.


She turns to the Witch and Cherri.

"You can save your son."

"How?" She asks, ready to do anything.

"I am not a heartless creature." the Witch states, reaching out, "You will have one year with your family. Then you will die. In return, be will live out the rest of his days. You do not have to though."

"You already got one kid." Cherri says, shrugging.

The Witch elbows him in the ribs, and he gasps.


"I'll do it." Umbrella states, shaking the Witch's hand.



Party stares down at the birth certificates.

"Bandit Lee Way." His daughter.

"Defying James Way." His son.

If anything ever gets back to "normal" they can use their middle name's as their first name's.

There's frantic voices coming in and out of Umbrella's room. Hears the familiar recharge of a difibulater. More frantic voices as crying breaks out. There's a soft voice under it all. Umbrella.

He breaths sigh of relief that she's okay.


Umbrella sits in the quiet room, holding Defying in her arms. She's talking to him as he stares at her with wide blue eyes.

Party sits in the chair next to her, holding her hand and lightly bouncing Bandit.

She still hasn't told him about the deal. And maybe she never will. He doesn't have to know, does he?

Epilogue next.

no room for ghosts // danger days: book 2Where stories live. Discover now