i can't swim, don't rub it in, i'm gonna run a little faster

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Party wakes up in a tangle of sheets the next morning. His arms are wrapped around Umbrella, and her head is pressed to his bare chest.

He runs a hand through his black hair, thinking over what it could mean.

"It's yours."

I mean, various things, but....

Umbrella whispers loudly in her sleep and he hold her closer. He realises how pale he's gotten as she runs her hand over his chest and collarbones. She isn't particularly tan anymore, but against his skin, her looks like a completely different nationality.

The ceiling fan over the bed is spinning lazily.

He takes a deep breath and looks over the clock. It's about 3 in the afternoon. He rubs his hand over Umbrella's stomach to wake her up.

Her hand quickly grabs his, pulling it from her torso, and placing it back on her waist.

He kisses her, rubbing circles on her hips.

"C'mon, Ella. We have to get up."

"I don't want to." she sighs, rubbing at her eyes. A sudden wave of nausea hits her and She sprints to the bathroom. Party groggily trails after her.

"I shouldn't have gotten that drunk." she says, rubbing her stomach, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Party pulls up her hair and kisses her forehead.

"I love you." she whispers, tears silently streaming down her face, "I love you so much."

"Hey, hey." he wipes at her tears, "No need to cry, alright Sunshine?"

She nods, and calms down.


Jet looks from the information on the screen to Umbrella, then back again.


"Do you want me to answer that?"

"No. Actually I don't, but how is it so delayed?"

"The Doctor's say it was because of the bomb. Everything about it was kind of postponed,but now that it's in action, it'll be a little off. Everything's fine though."

"How long did you know?"

"First hospital visit. It was at the very bottom of my chart in little letters with a question mark. I asked the doctor about it. He said all signs were positive."

"How far....?"

"3 months. So this." she gestures to herself, "Is accurate and easy to hide, but in 3 more months, I'm not so sure."

Jet shakes his head, "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

Something is going ooooooonnnnnnnn.

Any guesses?

no room for ghosts // danger days: book 2Where stories live. Discover now