life is short to say the least, we're in the belly of the beast

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Ghoul laughs, taking the wine bottle from Party's hand and taking a swig himself. Party pouts, grabbing for it.

"Shouldn't you go see your br-brother. See how he's holding up with this, y'know?"

Party takes the bottle back, glaring at his friend, "No."

"Why not? It'll help your mortality."

"You're one to talk about morality Mr. Sleeps-with-his-best-friend's-dame."


"The point is you knew. You knew I loved her."

"What if I loved her too, Party? Then what? What gives you the right to her?"

"Cause she loves me."

Ghoul rolls over on the couch, to face Party, who's sitting slumped in his chair.

"You don't know that."

Party takes another drink from the bottle as Ghoul inhales more drugs.

"Well, I know she doesn't love you." Party states.

"Oh yea? How come she remembered when she looked at me, and not you?"

"Bad memories are the easiest to remember."

"You're lucky I'm stoned and wasted." the shorter killjoy mutters, taking the bottle back.


"Where could they be?" Umbrella asks, looking through rooms. She's kind of hoping Jet is the one to find Ghoul and Party.

But no such luck.

"Oh wait." she shifts the communicator, to study the room, "Found them."

"Where?" Jet asks from the other side.

"South Quarter. Room 039."

"Alright. Meet you there."

" 'Kay."

Umbrella shuts off the communicator and shoves it in her pocket. She cautiously walks into the room. Smoke is billowing from Ghoul's lips and various bottles litter the floor around Party's feet. His jacket is discarded, his sleeveless shirt exposing his bare arms.

"Oh God, Party.." she breaths, kneeling next to him, "You're dead walking."

He only turns his head to look at her with half-lidded eyes, "I've always been like this. You just helped."

Ghoul glares at him, blowing another smoke cloud to the ceiling.

"No." She says, taking the cig from his lips and smashing it. He pouts at her, blowing smoke at her.

She gets Ghoul off the couch, and he holds onto her tightly, trying to stay upright.

She gets Party up with her other arm. One of their hands drops to ass and she rolls her eyes, huffing loudly. She pulls them put pf the smokey room and into the hallway, hoping Jet gets here soon because these two are too wasted to function.

She pushes Party's hair back, looking at his bloodshot eyes.

"Oh thank God." Jet runs down the hall, and takes in his wasted friends, "Alright. Take one of them. We'll have to let them sleep this off, but keep an eye on them, so that they don't die of puke in their sleep."

She nods, picking up Ghoul, because he's more manageable. Party looks hurt, but accepts Jet's hand anyways.

Double update!!

no room for ghosts // danger days: book 2Where stories live. Discover now