Chapter Ten

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Cyrene Parris

I was already dressed in my white top with some ripped jeans. I straighten my hair then got to my makeup, took me at least 15 minutes since I kept it very simple. I glimpsed at the clock realizing it was 6:45 which was good, for once I was on track.

"Cece" I heard from the opposite side of the door. I got up opening it.

"So may I come in?"Daniel asked with attitude.

The inner me was telling me to slam the door in his face but I just couldn't bother with going back and forth about it after. I opened the door fully allowing him to enter.

"Why are you all dressed up? Where are you going? why do you have a pair of white stiletto heels right there are you planning on wearing that? I mean aren't you already tall enough?" I almost thought he wasn't going to stop.

"Could you pass me that paper on the ground you should get it since you're closer to the floor" I said rolling my eyes.

"I don't put my nose in your business so please to take yours out of mine it would be greatly appreciated" I added flashing my petty smirk, he went ahead and picked up the paper I had asked him to.

"You do actually if you didn't why would you be in here talking to Sammy. I bet you tryna get information so you can run and text your friend," He said raising his voice a bit.

With the position he's in with two girls I know about I should be the last one he's yelling at. Then it hit me, it all made sense now, he looked at me as if he too had just realized he informed on his self.

"You son a... YOU WENT THROUGH MY PHONE?!?" I couldn't believe he'd do that, now it makes sense why he was acting so weird when I came back into the car.

"You have your boundaries and I have mine why can't you respect mine. Rule numero uno don't ever invade my privacy." I said trying to calm down. I held the bridge of my nose as I tried my best not to go off on him.

"Okay I was wrong for that, but can you please don't go flying your mouth to Lisa or anyone about Sammy...please," He said, I could see the sincerity in his eyes, either he's a good actor or he actually has real feelings for Sammy.

"Why should I be doing any favor for you when all you do is make fun of me and treat me like crap," I said folding my arms, he rolled his eyes releasing a sigh.

"Okay I'll stop just please" he pleaded

"I wasn't going to either way but okay, sounds like you really like Sammy though,"

He gave me a cold stare then walked off, I could tell that was him trying to fight the insults that were coming my way.

Quickly brushing off that encounter I took a final look at myself, making sure I was well put together and I was. I got on my shoes looking at the clock realizing it was 6:55, wow time flies. I looked out my window seeing Sammy walking over with Chris, he was all dressed up too. Let me give him the benefit of the doubt, he probably has some plans with Daniel even though Daniel wasn't dressed, but just in case he's not let me put some sneakers on so I won't be taller than him. I grabbed my purse then headed downstairs seeing Sammy and Christopher standing at the door.

"Is Cece ready?" She spoke up.

"Yea I am" I answered grabbing all three of them attention, Chris looked at me smiling as if he was loving what he was seeing.

"Yall know each other" Daniel stupidly said putting on a show for Chris.

"Yea I met her at the party" She quickly answered seems like they did this a lot.

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