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It's so darn cold...

Zion rubbed her arms for warmth as the icy rain began to fall from the sky.  The sun was covered by a shield of dark, plump clouds that were now releasing their contents in the midst of winter.  The girl didn't have a coat, as it would have been too large to carry upon her travels, but her uniform was enough for her usual terms of travel.

In front of her was an Asian-style temple, housing those who destroy demons known as Akuma.  Her steps through the entrance would end her current mission as an Exorcist.  But now, her only intentions relied in warming herself and drying her hair and clothes.

She rapped three times on the heavy temple doorway, and when a person inside realized she was one of their own, he let her in.

"Zion, you're back!" An excited shout was heard, and the brunette girl turned to face who was calling her name.  It was none other than the Head of the Asian Branch, Bak Chang. "Here, let me get you a towel." Bak pulled a soft, dark colored towel from a cabinet, handing it to the soaking girl.

Zion proceeded to untie her dripping hair, letting its length fall completely to her breasts, soaking her shoulders more than they already were.  She rubbed the dark towel around her head, drying the straight locks in the process.  Once she removed it from her scalp, she wrapped the towel around her shoulders, letting the partly wet hair fall in messy strands, her semi-dried bangs plastered to her forehead.

"Thanks." She mumbled quietly.  "Can I have some tea while I call Komui?" The young woman murmured through purple-tinted lips.

"Of course! The phone is over there." Bak pointed to the telephone on the wall not too far from the entrance to the temple-like building.  Zion nodded in gratitude.

The brunette Exorcist picked up the black-colored telephone and dialed the connection to the European Branch, her home that she hardly visited.  In fact, she could only recall that she had visited the particular Branch of the Black Order, the one that she considered her home, once in the past year, and stayed for merely one night.

"Hello?" A questioning greeting was heard on the other side of the telephone.  It belonged to one of the few people Zion actually knew from the Order.

"Hello, Lenalee." Zion smiled, waiting for her friend's excited response.

"Is that... is that really you, Zion?!" The barely younger girl's voice began to raise.  The brunette heard muffled words from the other side of the telephone, assuming Lenalee was having small conversations while alerting those who knew her of her return.

"Mhmm.  Guess what." A wider smile played on the girl's lips.

"What? What?!" She could hear Lenalee squeal in anticipation.

"I'm heading home tomorrow."

The muffled words continued, she could barely make them out to be the female Exorcist's excited declaration to the other side, telling those at the European Branch of Zion's return.

"How long will you stay?!" An enthusiastic question was yelled into the speakers, a voice she only knew to be the Head, Komui Lee.

"I plan to consider the European Branch my home, so I'm going to stay for a while..." Zion trailed, waiting for their response.

"I'm so excited! I can't wait to see you again!" Lenalee's excited voice echoed through the telephone.  A moment later, Bak emerged from a doorway, beckoning for Zion to come.  She quickly bid farewell to her friends from the European Branch and followed the Asian Branch Head.

He led the brunette girl who was almost dry, but not quite warm, into a homey room.  It had a large wooden desk that appeared to belong to the Head, and a plush couch sat before it.  Sitting on the couch was a man dressed in dark colors.  He had silky black hair that sprawled across his broad, muscular shoulders.  His arms were crossed, and as she entered the room, she received a cold glare from his icy dark eyes.

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