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Zion shuttered as though she was crying, but Kanda felt no warm tears fall from her face.  He knew they had a mission to accomplish, but he couldn't bear to release the girl just yet.  If anything, she needed comfort.

However, an eerie voice crept through the dark restaurant, whispering threats to each of the three Exorcists that were all mainly focused on the young girl's insecurity.  Kanda placed a stern, yet uncharacteristically kind expression on his face as he lifted Zion's chin so she their eyes could meet.

"We have a job to do." He said quietly, forcing the girl to blink back the tears in her hazel eyes.  She immediately put on a tough facade, as ready as she could be to prepare for the upcoming battle.

With the cold Exorcist's assistance, the brunette was lifted to her feet.  Pain and anger flared in her heart, and she let those emotions be displayed through her honest eyes.  Her Innocence soon bled from her wrists and engulfed her small hands.  The moment Kanda finally removed his hands from her body, rough, metallic ones were placed on her shoulders.  They tugged roughly, so Zion ducked before swinging around in attempt to cause damage to the Akuma.

After the unsuccessful attempt, Kanda, Lavi, and Zion walked backwards until all of their backs were forced together.  All three Exorcists took their fighting stances, each displaying looks of fury in their own particular ways.

When they prepared for battle, a familiar blonde stepped through the wooden entrance.  His wavy hair was tousled and unkempt.  His blue eyes were frantic and seemed terrified. When he shifted slightly at the sight of the Exorcists, he removed his left arm from clenching onto his right bicep, where blood oozed from a fresh wound.  Like a logical savior, Lavi rushed to his side to tend to his wound.

"There was... something... evil...." Olivier was out of breath and full of panic.  Zion felt Kanda's tension release slightly against her back as she did the same, but still didn't dare approach her past boyfriend.

Without hesitating, Lavi tore pieces of the blonde's cream-toned shirt, much to his protest.  He began to press on his wounds before the Akuma's effect spread, but the female Exorcist caught sight of something peculiar across his abdomen.

A thin scar ran across his abdominal muscles as images from the previous night in which Zion was injured flooded her mind.

"Wait, Lavi! Get away from him!" She shouted in protest, earning a confused look from both Lavi and Olivier.  Much to her delight, Lavi did step away cautiously.  "He's the Akuma!" She proclaimed, taking a weak step back.  Kanda readied his sword for battle once again.

A small, yet weak laugh bubbled from the demonic blonde.  "Y-you... You think I'm the demon?" He panted.

"Zion, he can't be! He's the one that's injured as well as you!" The red-haired Exorcist protested, seeming to have earned his trust.

"Shut up.  She's right." Kanda grumbled as he ran towards Olivier.  Once he reached the supposedly terrified man, he stumbled to the side, ultimately avoiding Kanda's blade.

"What are you doing?!" He threw up an arm as a guard, knowing that the simple guard wouldn't offer any protection against the silver weapon.

"His scar." The cold Exorcist merely stated, causing more confusion in Lavi's green eye.

"Last night, Kanda cut the Akuma in the exact same place before it fled." Zion said breathlessly, trying to hurry to her companion's side as fast as she could with an injured ankle.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Olivier waved his hands in protest, still on the wooden floor. "This scar?" He gestured to the large, freshly pink wound across his abdomen.  "I glass shattered while I was cleaning it! A piece accidently cut me!" He defended as tears appeared in his eyes.

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