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Taking a deep, crisp breath of winter morning air, Zion opened her sleep-filled hazel eyes.  Just as he was when she had fallen asleep, Kanda was in the opposite corner of the room, furrowing his eyebrows in a concentrated slumber.

The brunette allowed a smile to crack through her lips as she sat upright, inhaling a tired yawn.  She took a plush pillow that she had slept on through the night and threw it across the hotel room, making forceful contact with Kanda's sleeping form.  He groaned in annoyance as he was brought into consciousness.

"What the hell?" The cold Exorcist growled, pressing into the white cushion.  Zion flashed a cheeky smile before sticking out her tongue playfully, attempting to fully wake the two of them up.  The gesture earned a pillow in her face as well.

"Owie..." She whined while pouting her lip in protest.

"Did I hurt the little Pup?" Kanda tormented with a white smirk on his lips.

"Kanda... you're so mean..." Zion continued to whine.  She rubbed her nose that had grown swore after being crushed under the weight of the pillow thrown by her companion.  His smirk only grew wider.

Thus, he proceeded with his teasing.  He stood up and approached the bed that she sat on.  Like the night before, he had both his arms supporting his muscular body placed on either side of her.  He leaned closer, his warm breath tickling her nose.

"Poor little Pup." He snickered before backing away and tending to his dark silky hair.  The female Exorcist puffed her cheeks, trying to clear the blush that the close contact brought to her face.

"Anyway, Veyras is two towns away.  It shouldn't take more than a few hours to get there, but there is the weather to deal with." Zion mentioned as she peaked through the single frosted window of the room.  The overcast sky threatened snowfall at any moment.

Across the room, Kanda balled the over-clothes that the girl wore as her uniform before tossing them to her.  However, she isn't very sure that the man understands his own strength.  She winced as the pile hit her back hardly.

"Ow! Stop throwing things at me!" The girl protested, earning yet another devious snicker from the unfriendly Exorcist.

Within moments, the two had slipped on their uniforms and met their other companion in the hallway of the inn, all carrying their belongings.  A slight limp was still present in Zion's steps, but her Innocence had healed the most severe injured portion of her ankle.

The three Exorcists returned their inn keys at the lower level, and then set off the leave the town where they had met with Zion's previous boyfriend and faced two Akuma that had possessed her dear friends.  At the gates of the town, signifying their leave, Zion looked up at the gray sky.  White flakes began to kiss her red-toned cheeks.  She held out her hands to collect the falling snow that melted to water at the touch of her warm skin.

She turned to her fellow Exorcists, flashing a joyful smile before speaking, "It's snowing!" She earned a cheeky smile from Lavi who also lifted his hands in attempt to catch the flurries.  It was hardly noticeable, but Kanda also cracked a small smile.  The girl's overwhelming joy was contagious.

They proceeded onto the gravel road, passing several other travelers on the way.  Many of them seemed tired while riding on the backs of elderly horses.  Little did they realize that the rate of snowfall increased significantly since leaving the previous town.  The three Exorcists had barely reached the next town when they could not see their hands in front of them.

The atmosphere was thick and bitter cold, snow spiraling around them as they trudged through the strong winds.  The three noticed lights nearby and hoped it would provide them with much needed shelter throughout the nearby blizzard.  Zion rubbed her arms for warmth, but to no avail as Lavi and Kanda resorted to doing the same.

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