Extra: Be My Valentine

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On this love-filled holiday, the Black Order Headquarters is bustling with activity.  The specific group of young friends had diverse emotions over the holiday, but nonetheless contributed to the large amounts of activity throughout the organization.

Allen Walker was joyful, but felt awkward among the spreading of love throughout the place, being without his own special someone to hold.

Lenalee Lee, per usual, was bubbling with happiness, not hesitating to spread chocolates and roses to ever passing Exorcist, allowing her joy to be emitted from her mere smile.

Lavi pranced through the Headquarters, giving a wink or flirtatious smile to every girl he passed, though he had a particular girl in mind to visit and spend this holiday with.

Kanda Yu planned to spend the day hiding within the confinements of his own bedroom, as the pink and red decorations that lined the halls irritated him.  He didn't have anyone to spend the holiday appreciating, nor did he particularly want to spend the day with anyone... Though his usual thoughts may have altered since the previous years.

Meanwhile, Zion Anastasia still remained under her bed covers, resting after returning from a mission late the previous night.  The only reason she had ever cared for the lovely holiday was for the masses of baked goodies that she created, but never had anyone to give them to.  Though this year, she didn't have any plans to bake those treats, as there was no reason to do anything besides catch up on much needed rest.


A delicate fist rapped on the doorway, causing a sleepy groan to emerge from the girl inside.  Despite the lack of answering the door, Lenalee forced her way into Zion's room, where she was lying sprawled across her bed.  The exhausted Exorcist pulled her violet plush pillow over her head, grumbling into the cushion.

"Good morning, Zion!" Lenalee sung, wearing a frilled red dress that covered from her upper chest to her lower thighs.  Sheer lacing covered her collarbone and arms, but the dress adorned her thin body perfectly.  In her arms was a pale pink pile of clothing, clearly waiting to be worn.

Zion didn't respond, but did pull the plush pillow further over her head.  However, it was pulled from her grasp and thrown on the floor, causing sunlight to shine across her face as she squeezed her hazel eyes shut in protest.

"Lenalee..." The tired girl whined, only to be given a preparation talk for the day to come.

"Rise and shine, single girl! We need to spend at least an hour to make you look perfect today!" The short-haired girl proclaimed as she tossed the blushed fabric onto her friend's misshapen bed.  She released another groan before Lenalee dragged her off of her comfortable sleeping space.

Zion's body hit the floor with a rather loud 'thump.' "Ow!" She cried out, finally partially waking up.  "Fantastic morning to you too..." The brunette sat upright, crossing her legs and rubbing the back of her bruised head as she digested her skinny friend's words. "Wait! You're single too!" She accused.

"Yeah, but that's why I'm dressed like this!" Lenalee exclaimed, twirling in her frilled dress and causing it to fan out around her waist like flower petals.  "And you are going to look gorgeous after I'm done with you!" With that declaration, Lenalee took Zion by her shoulders and pulled her to her small vanity to tend to her unruly sleep-tousled hair.

An hour and a half later, the process was complete.  Lenalee had restricted Zion from digesting her appearance in the mirror until now, where she stood examining the completed product.

She twirled, watching the way the blush-toned dress fit her body.  It reached the upper portions of her voluptuous chest, covering it modestly, yet still being rather beautiful.  Sheer fabric covered her collar-bone to her neck, and wrapped around her shoulders and back like a tank top.  The dress fit tightly around the upper half of her body, but fell in loose layers at her true waist.  A thick black belt emphasized her figure in a subtle way at the separation of the tight and loose-fitting portions.  Furthermore, her normally straight brown hair draped to her breasts in loose, elegant waves.

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