Secret Admirer

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I trail after Tweek, ending up in the washroom.
"Oh, hey Craig." He sighs in relief, after a startled outburst as I walked through the bathroom door.
He's in front of a sink, clutching onto it, and taking deep calming breaths.
I casually take a piss, then walk over to wash my hands next to Tweek, who's eyes are closed in concentration as he continues breathing deeply.

"You okay?" I ask quietly. He opens his eyes to glance up at me.
"Yeah, f-fine, just needed some calm." He explains. I nod.
"Yeah, I swear they get worse every day." I agree. He nods, letting his head droop forward as he exhales loudly.
"They should just fuck and get it over with already." I voice aloud. His head snaps up in my direction, eyes wide.
"You think so too??" He exclaims, a smirk tugging at his lips. I grin.
"Oh yeah dude. They're so hot for each other." We laugh, and the tension the bathroom evaporates. I dry my hands, crossing my arms and casually leaning on the wall next to the paper towel dispenser.
Tweek smiles to himself, no doubt still amused by imagining Kyle and Cartman hot for each other.
"So, a secret admirer," I smirk, changing the subject.
"Who do you think it is?" He scowls at me, making an impatient, frustrated noise.
"I d-don't know man!! Ugh! What kind of sick twisted freak does something like that?!??" He wonders frantically.
I can't help my grin.
"Yeah, what an asshole," I agree.
"Why take the time to send someone something like that if you aren't even gonna f-fucking tell them who you are!?!??" He rants, mostly to himself.
"It's gotta be some sort of f-fucked up joke!! I don't even talk to any girls!!" He cries.
"Well, maybe it's from a guy," I muse casually, bringing the 'guess who' game a little too close for comfort. He blinks up at me, a strange expression on his adorable features.
I start sweating. Did he already figure me out?? But he just sighs, face falling.
"No, it can't be from a guy. It's just some fucked up joke." He mutters. I frown slightly.
"Why dude? It's not like you aren't likeable. We all like you," I try to boost, innocently.
"Yeah, as friends. No one likes me like that." He reasons.
"Well, obviously, someone does."  I argue. He looks at me, frowning slightly.
"Clyde didn't get one," I add to lighten the mood, as well as to casually throw him off my trail. Tweek giggles, eyes sparkling mischievously.
"And you got a ton, even though you're a dick." He quips.
I laugh, a little louder than appropriate, but it was true.
More than that, I really like hearing Tweek call me out like that. He looks pleased with my reaction.
"So I guess everyone only likes freaks and dicks, not nice guys like Clyde." Tweek continues sardonically, and I grin, having a blast with this banter.
"Of course. And of course, it's always everyone except the one person that matters, cause then THAT person likes the nice guy." I snicker. Tweek pauses, eyeing me thoughtfully. I raise an eyebrow at him, curious about his sudden shift in mood.
He smiles sympathetically, taking a step towards me and wrapping his arms around my middle. My pulse speeds up, partly from surprise, but mostly from his touch. He breaks the hug before I can even fully process what happened, smiling up at me.

"I'm sure your 'one that matters' likes you too." He says.
I'm speechless. I consciously have to close my mouth.
"I could tell, cause your eyes looked sad." He explains awkwardly, as I continue staring at him in mild shock for a moment, before shaking it off laughing, and pulling him into a playful noogie. In all honesty, I just wanted to hug him again. He fights the noogie, and we end up having a sort of mini wrestling match, laughing like idiots.

He grins up at me; flushed and panting,  all tangled up in my arms, and it's all I can do not to kiss him right here and now. I pull away as smooth as I can manage, trying my damnedest not to make my feelings obvious.

"Lets go see if those assholes killed each other." I say casually. Tweek nods,  still smiling as he straightens himself up, tugging his shirt back into its comfortable position.
A faint blush still dusts his cheeks, budding in me a hope that the colouring means something more, rather than just being left over from the physical exertion of our play-fight.
The excitement that bubbles from that small hope, brings with it the urge to touch him again, and seeing as I'm fresh out of ways to casually touch him, I propel myself out the bathroom door.
We walk down the mostly empty hallway towards the cafeteria in silence, and I daydream shamelessly, expanding on the recent feeling of Tweek against my body.

"You really think someone really likes me like that?" He asks quietly.
"Yes." I state without hesitation. He considers this a moment, then smiles shyly, still-flushed cheeks slightly darkening.
So cute.
"Thanks," he sheepishly grins up at me. I shake my head smiling, giving in to the urge to mess up his hair.
"No problem, twitchy." I chuckle.

A S-CREEK-ret AdmirerWhere stories live. Discover now