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Token doesn't fuck around.
He honks his horn in my driveway at exactly 6:45.
I give myself a last quick once-over in the mirror, making sure my hair still looks how I styled it.
I smirk vainly.
I look damn good.
I had opted for my new skinny-fit black jeans and vintage leather jacket; that me and Clyde had both gotten for our matching Halloween costumes freshman year, and styled my hair the way Red said makes me look like a sexy vampire.
I ruffle my hair out a tiny bit more, just so it casts a liiiiittle more of a shadow across my eyes, and debate briefly about grabbing a pair of shades, but quickly decide against them. It's gonna be dark where I'm going, I'd just look like a tool.
"Bye! I'm going now!" I holler as I jog down the stairs.
"Be safe!" I hear from the kitchen.
"Don't be too loud coming back in!" My dad adds.
"Kay!" I yell back, closing the front door behind me.
Tweek sits shotgun, him and Token are sharing a laugh and don't notice me till I open the back door, which makes Tweek jump about half a foot in his seat.
"Jesus Christ! Ninja warrior Craig over fuckin here." He flusters, undoing his seatbelt to transfer himself into the back.
I grin at him as he hops out of the passenger seat, and he very obviously pauses to check me out.
He straightened his hair. Damn he's cute.
"Wow, you look..." he starts.
"Like Damon Salvatore." Token finishes for him, smirking. Tweek snaps out of the strange paralysis he'd suddenly fallen into, and shakily agrees with Token. I chuckle.
"I'm not even gonna ask why you know that. Where's Nichole?" I say, climbing into one of the middle seats.
"The girls are all getting ready at Bebe's. And I watch The Vampire Diaries with Nichole." He explains, then points at my chest.
"Isn't that your Halloween costume from last year?" Token asks.
"You think I bought a proper leather jacket just to wear on Halloween once?" I ask him incredulously.
"Touché." He says, turning to the front and gear-shifting to drive. He pauses.
"Uh, Tweek? You gonna get back in?"
Tweek still stands outside staring blankly into space. Me and Token share a look.
"Tweek?" I say, waving a hand in front of him. He snaps out of it, quickly clambering in and shutting the door after himself.
"Sorry," he says; face tinted pink, and eyes fixed on his shoes.
"It's cool, you good?" Token asks.
"Yeah, fine." Tweek confirms, flashing Token a quick smile.
Token backs out of my driveway, and Tweek turns his gaze out the window.
I take this chance to really check him out.
Tweek always straightens his hair for special occasions.
He says it makes him look more like he cleaned himself up, and I think he looks unbearably sexy.
His straightened hair looks so soft and silky, and the way it falls, it's as if it's made of moonlight.
He's wearing an extremely cozy looking smoky-grey knitted sweater, overtop of a dark-purple collared shirt, that makes his green irises pop out and stab me directly in the heart.
Goddamn I can't take my eyes off of him.

We pull up to Clyde's and he hops in to the front seat, wearing my outfit almost exactly, except he opted for the shades.
"Sup guys, ready to get your party on??" He shouts, turning to grin at Tweek and I over his shades. Tweek smiles weakly and I bob my head in a noncommittal motion.
"Nice." Clyde praises, motioning to our matching outfits. "You look hot, bro." He says, holding out his fist. I bump it.
"You too bro." I reply smirking. "Love the shades." I add. He grins.
"Thanks, I love your hair like that." He compliments generously, and I feel guilty for making fun of him about the shades, even though I was the only one who knew.
"Thanks, but actually bro, those shades seriously suit your face really well," I add genuinely, trying to alleviate my guilt.
"Why don't you guys just make out while you're at it." Tweek quips. Token laughs boisterously, but still raises an eyebrow at Tweek, whereas I'm fully surprised. Where did that come from?
Clyde guffaws.
"Yeah, Craig wishes!" He teases, winking cheerfully at me, before turning back to face front. Tweek tugs nervously on his sleeve, not meeting my eyes.
"Alright!! Let's get this party started!!" Clyde whoops as Token backs out of his driveway.

"Isn't Jimmy coming?" I ask curiously, as we drive past his house.
"He's one of the MC's for the dance, so he's going there early." Token says.
We get to Starks Pond, and park next to Kenny's beat up old pickup truck.
Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Butters and Kenny sit in the bed.
Cartman sits uncomfortably close to Kyle, and by the dopey look on Kyle's face, he's already pretty lit. Stan sips a beer looking extremely entertained at Kyle's agony, and I grin to myself at Kyle's expense also, as I get out my side.
"Dayummm Tweek!! My compliments to the chef, cause you look ~DELICIOUS~." Kenny hoots as Tweek hops out his side. I feel a sort of indignation to his remark, and I hurry around the back of the car in order to shield Tweek from other people's eyes.
"Holy shit." Kenny gasps dramatically as I round the back of the car, staring at me like he's about to die from sudden cardiac arrest.
"What." I bark out, still irritated from his remark about Tweek.
"I give you America's next top model ladies and gentlemen," he announces, getting to his feet and presenting me to an invisible audience.
"Hey! What about me??" Clyde demands, presenting himself to Kenny.
"Dope shades. You look like a badass mother fucker Clyde," Kenny says, tossing him a beer. Clyde beams, clambering into the truck bed next to Stan. 
"I'd appreciate it if you all could stop comparing my appearance to the gayest tv shows." I sniff, slumping down on the tailgate next to Tweek, who cradles an unopened beer in his hands thoughtfully.
Stan slaps a beer into my hand and I nod my thanks, digging my keys out of my pocket and gouging a hole into the side of the can. Kenny whoops as I shotgun the whole thing in one go, slapping me on the shoulder.
"Tucker brought the fucking party, boys!! Let's fucking go! Pony the fuck up!!" Kenny challenges.
"Designated drivers are exempt from participating." Token states. Kenny nods sagely.
"Of course, but everybody else, FUCKING CHUG CHUG CHUG!!"

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