Happily Ever After

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"Don't leave me," Tweek slurs, clinging onto me desperately.
"I don't think I'll ever leave you again." I slur back, clinging onto him just as desperately.
"Okay, then both of you get the fuck out. And drink a shit load of water when you get inside." Token sighs in exasperation. Nicole giggles from the seat next to him.
Somehow we make it out of Token's truck, and into Tweek's kitchen still tangled together.
Tweek snuggles into the crook of my neck as he fills up a glass of water in the sink.
I sway slightly, watching him blissfully as he chugs down the entire glass, then sloppily shoves it under the tap once more. He chuckles softly at his poor coordination, and leans into me to keep from swaying more than we already were. He clumsily tries to hand me the glass, and manages to spill half of it down my shirt.
"Fuck! I'm sorry!" He gasps dramatically, and I chuckle, haphazardly chugging the rest of the water.
"So'kay," I slur, awkwardly placing the glass into the sink and leaning down to kiss him. He flings his arms around my shoulders and presses himself into me, humming hungrily against my lips.
"Are your parents home?" I slur breathlessly, some shred of my brain still lucid enough to attempt to avoid an awkward, drunken confrontation at 2 in the morning.
"Uh-uh," he shakes his head, half-lidded eyes honed in on my mouth as he pulls me down into another kiss.
I lift him onto the counter, and he wraps his legs around my hips, groaning eagerly into my mouth. His hands are all over the place, tugging in my hair, scratching across my shoulders, groping down my chest, slipping underneath my damp shirt and tugging upwards impatiently. I laugh as we get stuck on the armholes, and my balance goes completely. Tweek falls on top of me as I careen backwards onto the kitchen floor, giggling hysterically.
"We should be in bed," I reason drunkenly, watching him try to focus his eyes to meet my own unfocused ones. He bites his lip and giggles suggestively.
"What's wrong with right here?" He murmurs seductively.
"We're waayy too drunk for anything but sleep," I laugh breathlessly. Tweek pouts, and plants a heated kiss on my mouth in attempt to sway my already-shaky resolve. I give in to his intoxicating kiss, letting my hands hungrily roam his torso as he grinds his hips softly into my pelvis.
"...Tweek," I groan. He moans thickly into my ear, his hot, panting breath tickling against my neck as he writhes against my body with increasing friction.
"Tweek, not like this," I say, on my last brain cell. He pauses, disengaging his burning lips from my throat and looking down at me conflicted.
"I don't wanna forget any of this," I murmur, bracing myself up to kiss him. He whines into my mouth, but he knows I'm right and he struggles to stand up. I snicker as I watch him stumble over himself drunkenly as he tries to stand up, and this sends him into a giggle fit that has him collapsing to the floor again.
"It's fucking hard being alive!" He howls with laughter. I fall into his giggle fit too as I attempt standing, swaying all over the place. I brace myself against the counter and stretch my hand out towards him still giggling drunkenly.
"Comeon, let's go to fffucking bed," I slur out between giggles.
We somehow make it up the stairs and into his bed, which is literally the softest most comfortable bed I've ever laid in and I'm not just saying this cause I'm drunk. Probably.
He wriggles out of his pants and shoves them out of the bed.
"Ahh that's better," he sighs, snuggling into me.
"Wait," I say, and follow his example before finally settling in to his thick comforter and pulling him close. He hums contentedly as he wriggles in closer nuzzling into my neck.
"Happy Valentine's Day Craig." He murmurs, smiling up at me like a sleepy kitten. I kiss him.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Tweek."  I murmur back, having trouble keeping both eyes open at the same time.

I wake in a warm, comfortable, blissful state, cracking my eyes open to see Tweek gazing up at me through sleep-heavy eyelids.
"Hey," he murmurs. I smile down at him, before hiding my head in the pillow.
"My hangover is ruining how awesome I feel," I groan. He snuggles in closer.
"Yeah, that's why I haven't gotten up yet," he says. God, he's so warm. His arms squeezing around me, and his breath against my neck, as we lay pressed close together, smothered in cloud-like bedding is the most perfect thing I've ever experienced.
"You want breakfast?" He mumbles into my throat after a while. A sound, like a cross between a whine and a groan, escapes my lips and I bury my face in his hair.
"Five more minutes, mom." I mutter into the wild mess of blond. I feel him smirk against my neck, then his lips part, and he places them on my skin. I inhale sharply as something moist and quivering tentatively trails up my throat, and he pauses just underneath my jaw to suck gently.
OhhHhHhh, Tweek.
It's suddenly a lot hotter under the blankets.
He smirks up at me as I roll us over and pin him, but he's blushing hard, and his moistened lips are parted slightly to allow those excited little panting breaths to escape. I stare at him in awe as I trail my fingers down his cheek, tucking stray hairs off his flushed face, before cupping the back of his head and kissing him hungrily. He hums eagerly into my mouth, but the moment doesn't last long because the rooms starts spinning and I feel like I'm going to throw up and fall off of the planet. I groan, rolling off of him and letting myself fall onto my back.
"You okay?" Tweek asks, propping himself up next to me.
"Just the spins," I groan. He hums in understanding and goes off to the bathroom, returning with a cold wet cloth which he lays tenderly on my forehead.
"Better?" He murmurs quietly.
"Mmhm, thank you," I sigh, feeling the world slow. He kisses me, then hurries off to the bathroom again, this time returning with a glass of water.
"Take your time, I'm gonna go make food for us before I pass out from starvation," he says placing the glass on the nightstand and kissing me again.
"Sorry," I mumble
"Don't be," he grins giddily, "I got to wake up in Craig Tucker's arms today," he sings gleefully as he dances out of the room, "Craig Tucker is soOoo in love with meee, he wants to kiisss meeee," his little braggy song continues as he makes his way down the stairs. I grin to myself, my heart pounding in my chest as the reality that Tweek is my boyfriend now settles over me.

He sets down the plate of pancakes in front of me, then plops down on my lap, looping his arms around my shoulders.
"Aren't you gonna kiss your wife for breakfast?" He asks playfully, fluttering his eyelashes at me theatrically. I laugh, but my heart thumps in excitement. I kiss him deeply.
"What if I wanna be the wife?" I quip humorously, pushing my forehead against his. He chuckles.
"You can be the wife tomorrow at your house." He replies, nuzzling my nose.
"Oh yeah?" I challenge, turning my head to nip at his earlobe. He shivers, giggling, and catches my lips with his own once more.
"Yeah. I expect you to deliver a full, three course meal, and the newspaper." He says, bumping his nose against mine. I snort, grinning.
Every time I daydreamed about our fantasy life together, I'd always imagined him being the one to cook, since I can't even make toast without burning it. But that little bossy note in his playful tone suddenly makes me want to cater to his every whim.
I make a mental note to sign up for cooking classes.
"I can make you toaster waffles?" I say sheepishly. He smirks.
"As long as you butter em up for me, baby." He tells me breathily, causing several simultaneous electric explosions in several parts of my body. I laugh weakly, crushing him to me and devouring those smart-ass lips. He moans softly into my mouth, his fingers tugging at my hair as we shamelessly make out in the middle of his kitchen.

On Monday morning, there's new couples everywhere.

Kenny and Bebe chat cozily against her locker, Butters and Annie hold hands smiling sweetly at each other as they make their way to first period, Jimmy flirts with the senior girl that was the other emcee at the dance, and even Red and Lola giggle close together as they side-eye the usual cringy love-hate banter performance that's going on between Kyle and Cartman.
Clyde prances in with a big bag of taco bell, loudly bragging that he got himself a date with the goth girl who works at his favourite fast food place
"She's in college too! So basically I win Valentine's Day," he brags loudly, spinning around to make sure everyone can hear him.
I snicker happily, squeezing Tweek's fingers, which are twined snugly in my own, and he grins at me, squeezing back and bumping playfully into my arm.

The End

Or is it 👀

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