Valentine's Dance

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"It's nine thirty," Bebe calls out over the conversation, "We should start heading down soon,"
The fire gets put out, and we pile haphazardly into whichever car has space. Y'already know who yah boy is sitting next to on the way to the dance.
I fidget uncomfortably in Kenny's passenger seat, leaning inconspicuously into Tweek, who was crammed in the middle seat with Bebe.
In my head, the countdown to doom ticks by and any sort of joy I might've gotten from casually being this close to Tweek is diminished by the anxiety of losing him to some random dick in a couple hours.
I wrack my brain for any sort of last ditch effort to confess, manually wiling myself to get my courage up and just fucking say it.
No such luck.
We, the dateless, move as a group that consists of Tweek and I, Lola, Red, Jimmy and Clyde. For some reason Bebe and Kenny are also hanging around, even though they're clearly here as a couple.
I orbit around Tweek like some sort of desperate lost puppy, stewing uncomfortably in the back and forth conflict of whether I tell him or not, as the minutes tick away.
I haven't even gotten a chance to enjoy myself at Kyle's expense I'm so overly preoccupied with this.

The group's whittled down to just Tweek and I, and Lola and Red, sitting on the bleachers like a group of rejects.
Or at least that's how I feel, the girls seem to be having the time of their lives, covertly passing back and forth a flask, and giggling like they're preteens on their first ever date.
Tweek sits quietly, alternating between smiling along with whatever the girls are going on about, and staring anxiously into space, wringing his fingers. I sympathize heavily with his nervousness, feeling like I'm about to throw up every time I glance at the side of his perfect face.
"I'm gonna get some punch," I mumble, stumbling my way off the bleachers to where the punch bowl sits, guarded by Mr. Mackey.
I grab a cup, and lean against the side of the table, looking into the dance floor for the rest of my friends.
Looks like an impromptu dance-off has erupted, lead by Nichole and Token vs Kenny and Bebe. I watch in fond amusement as my friends laugh and whirl around the dance floor. Its like I'm witnessing a well-choreographed movie scene, rather than attending a mediocre high school dance.
"Hey," Tweek greets, scooping up a punch-filled cup and leaning next to me, smiling at the spectacle on the dance floor.
"Hey," I return, my sense of impending doom soothed by the free show.
"At least some of us are having fun," he smirks around his cup, motioning to where Cartman spins a very intoxicated Kyle, who's basically clinging onto him to remain upright, and laughing hysterically at the absurdity of the situation. Cartman looks perplexed, undoubtedly never having experienced interacting with Kyle so amicably, he tries his best to keep the both of them from ending up sprawled out on the floor. I smirk.
"Awe, they're cute," I coo. Tweek laughs out loud.
"I'd pay, to see them make out later." He grins.
"Me too," I grin back.
"...Hey, Tweek...?" I venture tentatively.
"I... uhh, you, uhm..." I struggle to just get the damn words out before I lose my nerve again, but the words just don't wanna come out. Tweek looks at me quizzically, but my feeble attempt at confessing is interrupted as the dance 'competition' ends, and the punch table is flooded with parched couples.
"Hey! Did you see us?" Bebe enthuses, skipping over to where Tweek and I still stand.
"Yeah, you guys were rad," I compliment, smiling weakly and clinking her cup with my own. She beams dazzlingly, and also clinks Tweek's outstretched cup.
"I didn't know Kenny could dance like that!" She gushes, looping an arm around his waist.
"Kenny can do a lot of things you don't know about, baby." Kenny winks, kissing her on the cheek.
"Hey! It's almost time!!" Wendy rushes up to us, Stan in tow.
"Time for what?" Bebe questions curiously.
"For Tweek to meet his secret admirer~" Wendy sings, winking conspiratorially. My stomach twists angrily and I suppress the urge to heave it's contents onto the floor. I glance at Tweek, and he seems to be in a similar state, colour drained from his face, eyes wide in fear.
"Oooohhh~ I almost forgot about thaaat~" Bebe sings.
"A-actually, I think I'm just gonna go," Tweek mutters out, shakily putting down his cup and trying to make a quick exit.
Yes! Run away! We can go and do anything else, just please, don't go meet this sleezeball! I cheer internally.
"Oh no-no-nooo~" Bebe says, too quick for poor Tweek, she catches his arm and tugs him back into the group.
"You gotta at least see who it is! If you don't like him, you can go then, and we'll all go, afterparty is the best part anyways." She reasons, as her and Wendy March Tweek between the both of them towards the bleachers.
"Shit, I'm glad my love life isn't some sort of entertainment, poor Tweek," Stan says, empathizing uncomfortably. Kenny smirks.
"It's more fun that way," he tells Stan.
"No it's not," I state bitterly. Stan nods in agreement, and Kenny gives both of us a sidelong gaze.
Lola and Red notice us walking up and meet us at the bottom of the bleachers.
"What's happening?" Red asks, a shit-disturbing grin stretching her lips. It's uncanny how similar her and my sister are. As if they're full-on twin sisters, not just cousins.
"Tweek's meeting his secret valentine!" Wendy informs grinning.
"Yeah! Exactly, I'M meeting him, so all of you just..!" Tweek flusters, shaking himself out of the girls' hold.
"Sure, Tweek, we'll be here if you need us," Kenny reassures good-naturedly, before the girls have a chance to insist intruding any further. Tweek visibly gulps, nodding nervously. He casts his eyes up to me briefly, and for a second I thought I saw a flash of hope, before he turns stiffly, and walks around behind the bleachers.
"Let's go see who it is," winks Wendy,  holding her finger up to her lips conspiratorially. Bebe giggles and links arms with her, and they scurry off. I look at Kenny, and he shrugs, smiling slyly and starting after them.
All of us end up going, and I feel like a dipshit.
At least it wasn't my idea to spy on him though.
Everyone leans into each other, trying to be as covert as possible, and I'm sure that with the 7 of us, it's anything but.
God, I hope Tweek doesn't see me.

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