Hungry Eyes

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"Okay, so we're all meeting up at Stark's Pond at 7pm-sharp, to get our pre-party on. Alright?!" Bebe instructs, dancing a tiny jig after gathering us all up around her like a football coach.
Everyone nods or makes some sort of noise in agreement.
"I said, ALL RIGHT?!?" She yells. We all respond again, this time with more enthusiasm. That's the head cheerleader for you.
"Good." She beams, clapping her hands to signal that we're dismissed.
The group disbands, breaking off into pairs and trios to head home together.
I walk with Clyde, Tweek, Jimmy, Token, and Nichole, heading to the parking lot.
Clyde calls shotgun; running full speed to Token's SUV, only to have Token deny him in favour of Nichole when the rest of us get to his truck.
"Middle seat then!!" He hollers, shoving me playfully. I shove him back, keeping him from getting into the car until everyone else already has.
"Craaaaig! I called middle, dammit!!" He whines, shoving against me with all his might. But even with his stocky build, he's still half a foot shorter than me, and I use my long legs as leverage to brace against him.
"Craaaaaaaiggg!!!" He whines again, this time really getting frustrated. I laugh at his attempts to shove me out of the way, then I'm suddenly on my ass on the ground, as Clyde changes tactics; backing up instead of shoving forward.
"Serves you right!!" Clyde gloats as he scurries past me into the middle seat.
"Are you guys done?" Token asks sternly. I casually stand up and brush myself off before climbing in, making sure to trample over Clyde on my way to the back bench.
I never even wanted Clyde's seat, it's just hilarious fucking with him.
No, I want the back bench. The seat next to my adorable, neurotic, sleep-deprived blonde.
"Guess you can't win em all." He smirks at me from behind his thermos.
Ohhh, Tweek. How right you are, I think wistfully, watching enviously as he eagerly presses his lips to the sleek, stainless steel container, taking a large chug of its contents. My stomach flips, then twists in icy dread. I still haven't gotten a chance to tell him.
He catches me staring, and proffers his thermos towards me.
"Want some?"
I only endure a sip of the bitter black liquid, in order to inconspicuously press my lips to where his had been moments ago. A sort of desperate, indirect kiss. I lick my lips, letting my imagination run rampant as I hand the thermos back to him, stealthily sliding a little closer as Token rounds a corner.

Tweek and I sit quietly, listening to Clyde and Jimmy discussing a plan to 'get chicks' at the dance. I shake my head and smirk, I bet whatever Clyde's plan is, it's gonna fall straight on it's ass. My eyes wander to the front seat, where Token and Nichole are holding hands and having an intimate conversation, beaming at each other sweetly. They're sooo sweet, I think to myself smiling, and I can't help my automatic sideways glance at Tweek.
He's zoned out, staring thoughtfully out the window. I quickly glance around the rest of the truck, before adjusting my position to comfortably watch Tweek, inconspicuously.
His lawn-coloured eyes drift dreamily along the passing scenery, and he absently nibbles on his plump, always-pink lower lip. My gaze immediately hones in on that action, and I find myself unable to look away. His lips look so soft, so pliable... I want to kiss them so bad. I wanna be the one that sinks my teeth into his lower lip... I wonder what he tastes like... probably coffee, but, what if he doesn't have any? What would he taste like then?
His lip nibbles pause, and he lifts the sleek thermos to his mouth. I suddenly have an urge to feed him.
I wanna feed him strawberries, and grapes, and little chocolate kisses, anything small and delicious, so that my fingers would brush against his moist lips, as they part seductively to accept my offering.
Goddamnit, it's not like I needed anything new to perversely fantasize about, and I know I'm definitely not gonna be able to stop daydreaming about this one.

Token drops us off in order of seats, first Nichole, then Jimmy and Clyde, and finally Tweek and I.
"Need a ride to Starks?" He calls after me as I climb out the back door. I duck my head back in.
"Drinking and driving is bad m'kayy?" I drawl. He rolls his eyes, smirking.
"I'm not going to be drinking, m'kaaay?" He replies.
"What? Why not?" I ask surprised.
Token has always been the most responsible out of all of us, save for maybe Wendy, but he- no, we ALL get loose and goofy when the situation calls. And the situation is definitely calling tonight.
"I have plenty of time to get trashed after I get into my first choice college, but right now I need to buckle down and take shit seriously."
I raise my eyebrow at him.
"You do know we're still in sophomore year, right?" I ask. He just raises an eyebrow as if to say 'are you serious?'
"Besides, who else will drive you assholes home." He chuckles affectionately. I snort, shrugging my shoulders in indifference.
"You say that now, but just wait till everyone's drunk and pressuring you to be their beer pong partner." I caution.
"Yeah, well, I pride myself on having more self restraint than you, or Clyde. I'm not the one you should be worrying about, Mr. Blackout." He smirks. I shut the door, and point at him as I back up.
"I resent that." I say, smirking back. He laughs, backing out of my driveway.
"I'll be here quarter to seven." He calls out his window before driving away.

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