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Tweek stands there, leaning against a support pillar and pumping his heel nervously.
My heart is pounding, and I don't know if I'll be able to handle this. It's a good thing I'm at the fringe of our ridiculous little snooping group, hopefully no one notices if I leave suddenly.
Someone walks in from the other side of the bleachers, and I swallow dryly.
Tweek stands up straight, picking nervously at his sleeves.
I recognize this guy.
He's a senior. I think there was a rumour about him being gay, and everyone staying away from him or something, but I can't remember. Either way, my hair stands up on end. I have a bad feeling about him.
He smiles at Tweek, and Tweek smiles back.
"What're they saying??" Hisses Red, trying to lean in closer to hear.
"Shhh!" Whispers Wendy, as the whole group leans forward simultaneously to try and hear.
It's no use though, the music is too loud, and we're standing way too far to hear their words.
Then, the guy makes a gesture everyone understands, and Tweek hesitantly agrees, following him out from under the bleachers, and out of the gym.
We all hustle out after them, taking off shoes and trailing them in sock feet like a bunch of creepy stalkers down a couple hallways, Red, Wendy and Bebe leading the hunt.
Red turns a corner and then turns back around, frantically motioning for everyone to stop. We quietly sneak up to the corner, and I can't help but quickly peek out.
The guy has got Tweek braced up against a locker, grinning down at him like they're in some cheesy anime.
Anger boils up in me, and it takes all I have not to march straight around the corner and punch this dick in the face.
"So you are a fag, huh." That guys' voice echos around the hallway. We all frown in confusion at each other.
"Uhm, n-no, I-I'm pretty sure I'm bi..." comes Tweek's voice, confusion tinged with fear clear in his tone. That guy chuckles darkly.

********TRIGGER WARNING*********
Scroll to the next trigger warning label to skip 

"Sure, keep telling yourself that, if it makes you feel better. But really, you're just a little dick sucking faggot aren't you? I bet you loved that your secret admirer wasn't a girl."  Theres concerned looks on everyone's faces now.
There's a bang, and Tweek yelps.
That's when I lose my shit.
I whip around the corner.
"Hey! Fuck face!" I yell, striding towards the pair. That asshole has Tweek pinned to a locker, feet dangling off the ground, and Tweek looks terrified.
"Why don't you stop projecting your own little insecurities on other people and grow a fucking pair of nuts." I growl. The bully just sneers.
"Is that your boyfriend?" He croons at Tweek, slamming him into the locker again.
"You better fucking watch yourself asshole, unless you want a hole in that empty fucking skull." I threaten with all the malice I can muster. If he touches Tweek one more time, I don't know what I'm gonna do to him. I'm already seeing red.
He drops Tweek and turns to me just as I get to them. I tower over him, and I guess he only just realized I'm bigger than him by the look on his face.
"Fuck you faggot." He spits at me, clearly running out of courage.
"I bet you'd like to wouldn't you. I bet your daddy touched you funny and now you can only get hard thinking about getting fucked, like the little spineless bitch you are." I say, taking a step forward, getting right up in his face.
"Oh, good one! I'm sure you know first hand what that feels like. I can tell from your faggot face, that you suck off old men in gas station bathrooms for free while you fuck your little faggot boyfriend here because you just can't get enough of that dick." He hisses, shoving me.
Looks like I hit a nerve.
"At least I'm getting some, limp dick." I lie, "Unlike you I actually have a dick and a pair of nuts in place of where your quivering pussy throbs for your daddy's cock." I mock, and I can see the rage in his eyes. He's about to hit me, but then his eyes shift past me and he pales.
"Fuck you faggot." He growls, and takes off in the opposite direction.

***********TRIGGER WARNING END************

Whoops and cheers break out behind me, and I turn briefly to see everyone running up towards us before turning back to face Tweek.
"Are you Okay?"
He gapes up at me with saucer eyes and an open mouth.
"HOLY FUCK CRAIG. That was SAVAGE. You fucking tore him a new 'quivering pussy'!" Kenny hollers in amusement, slapping an arm across my shoulders.
I'm lost in a blur of hands patting me in congratulations, voices praising me, and all I can see is Tweek. The way he smiles brightly at Wendy, nodding as she clasps both his shoulders and asks him something. The way he seems to be completely fine, if not, even better than fine. The way he seems to be glowing.
His eyes meet mine, and suddenly the world comes back into focus.
"I say, we get the fuck out of here." Bebe suggests emphatically.

"You sure you're okay, Tweek?" I overhear Butters ask, his tone soft and concerned, as if talking to a wounded child.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Tweek says politely, for around the tenth time to someone new since we all met up, and Kenny regaled us all with the tales of my "heroism". It's fucking awkward. I try not to look at Tweek, because I know what my face has written all over it. All I did was flip out on some douche for fucking with the boy I'm in love with, it wasn't heroic, it was self indulgent and reactive.
The shit I said to that asshole... I'm not proud of it... no matter how much of a sleezebag he is, I can't believe I said something so thoughtless. I'm ashamed my anger turned me into someone like that, no matter how briefly, and all the praise is only making me feel worse.

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