Pre-Game - Part 2

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The girls roll up well past 7 sharp.
Try seven-fucking-thirty.
They skid in, screaming and whooping as if they're already wasted, hanging out of Red's Jeep like this is some shitty teen-Hollywood movie.
As soon as they park, Kenny beelines over to Bebe like a heat-seeking missile, offering her a pint of something he'd had concealed in his pocket. She beams radiantly at him and takes the bottle, pecking him sweetly on the cheek in thanks. He whispers something in her ear, and she nods, then they 'covertly' sneak off somewhere.
Damn. I wish I were that smooth.
Butters also hops out of the truck, swaying slightly - even though he's only had one beer - and shyly makes his way over to Annie, with a beer can offering.
They look like matching cherubs.
Both short, both in pastel colours with rosy, child-like faces, bright blue eyes and fluffy blond hair. I wonder to myself if they'd coordinated previously, as I watch them blushing at each other bashfully.
It's their first date tonight, and Butters had been nervously tapping his fingers distractedly, anxiously awaiting the girls' arrival. They head down to the waters edge, to sit on a bench together in semi-privacy.
I deeply sympathize with his nervousness, impulsively chugging the rest of my current - 3rd - beer trying to wash down the anxious lump in my throat, and turn my attention to a less nerve-wracking scene.
Red and Lola unload a few bags of firewood out of the back of the Jeep, laughing at some inside joke together. Clyde suddenly mobilizes, barreling off of Kenny's truck to hurry over to the two girls, spying an easy opportunity to assert his manliness with the wood.
Stan stumbles out of the truck bed after him, just as Nichole and Wendy walk up, and he's immobilized, staring at Wendy in awe.
"You look," Stan starts, but just continues staring at Wendy as if he can't believe his luck she's with him. Tweek snickers under his breath at the display, while Token helps Nichole up onto the flatbed, and they settle back against the cab comfortably, lookin like an Abercrombie ad as per usual.
Wendy chuckles, kissing Stan lightly before addressing the rest of us.
"How many's he had?" She smirks in amusement, hooking an arm around his waist. Tweek holds up four fingers, smirking back at her. She shakes her head grinning.
Stan has this thing where he gets super emotional when he's drunk. He'll randomly come up to you and go on a long, heartfelt tangent about how much your friendship means to him. Sometimes he even cries and drapes himself over you, if he's had enough to drink.
But when it comes to Wendy, he goes completely speechless. As if he can't comprehend she's a mortal being, he just stares at her in awe.
They're actually real sweet when they get drunk together. She gets super affectionate, and when she gets all cuddly with him, he handles her so tenderly and full of admiration, it's endearing to watch.
"You're cut off until further notice," she tells him chuckling. He nods devoutly.
My attention shifts behind them, back to Clyde, who is making a show of trying to look macho carrying the three full bags of firewood at once, as Red and Lola watch on in amusement.
A collective snicker sounds as Clyde drops one of the bags on his foot, overreacts and drops the other two on himself as well. I glance around at everyone, to see them smirking and shaking their heads at Clyde's antics.
Kyle suddenly stands, almost losing his balance, and announces loudly:
"I'm gonna go mmmake the fffire." He slurs, attempting to hop out the side of the truck bed, but careening backwards in a slow-motion fall.
Cartman easily catches him, and tucks him under his arm as easily as you would a football, mumbling something about ginger fire-crotches as he hops down from the truck and makes his way toward the fire pit, with Kyle still tucked snugly under his arm. Tweek wastes no time shifting positions, and stealing the spot where Cartman took up a large section of Kenny's truck-bed mattress.
I casually shift my spot next to Tweek, and Stan and Wendy settle in across from me. Red and Lola give up trying to help with the fire head over shortly after, leaving Kyle and Clyde to fight over the fire while Cartman just looks on, yelling obscenities.
"Let's play a drinking game while they struggle with the fire," Wendy suggests after Red and Lola grab a spot on the mattress.
I shrug noncommittally, in accidental synchronization with Tweek, the others in the truck bed more or less agreeing in the same fashion.
Beers get passed around, and Wendy sets the drinking game.
"Fuzzy duck," she says.

"FUZZY DICK!!" Tweek shouts in surprise as Nichole changes the direction. The truck roars with laughter, and Tweek drinks, cheeks flushed in embarrassment. After hearing all the fun we're having, Clyde wanders back over to the truck.
"Whatchu guys doin?" He sing-songs, as he leans on the tailgate trying to look cool.
"Playing fuzzy duck." Token tells him. Clyde nods.
"Cool, cool, you guys wannaaa come hang out by the fire?" He asks, finger gunning towards the fire and winking at Lola. I look to where the fire is now roaring full force, around it Cartman and Kyle bicker like an old, drunk married couple, and Butters and Annie sit cuddled together on a log next to Kenny and Bebe who had also reappeared at some point, giggling at whatever Kenny's saying while gesturing lewdly towards the bickering boys. I can't help the smirk that tugs at my lips as I watch, imagining that whatever Kenny's saying about Kyle and Cartman is extremely gay.
"Yeah, I'm down." I announce, standing and following the group off of Kenny's truck towards the fire pit. I hang back, falling in step with Tweek.
"Hey," I say casually.
"Hey," he replies.
"You nervous, about later?" I probe. Tweek grimaces up at me.
"I was trying not to think about it, thanks so much for reminding me," he quips. I snicker.
"Come on, you're not the least bit excited to meet this guy? What if he's cute?" I say, playing devils advocate, but really, what I'm doing is low-key interrogating him. He eyes me sideways.
"Do YOU wanna meet whoever it is instead? You seem way more excited," he glowers. I chuckle in amusement. I do, in fact, wanna meet whoever the fuck this is that thinks they can claim MY valentine.  I wanna meet them to my clenched knuckles, that's what I want them to meet.
"Can we please just forget it and get drunk?" Tweek sighs in exasperation, grabbing a seat around the fire.
"Yeah, sure," I chuckle, grabbing a seat on the log next to him, but my insides twist in cold panic.

There goes the one casual lead-in of nonchalantly figuring out how he'd react when I tell him it was me.

[A/N: This damn chapter took literal YEARS to edit. The rest of the chapters are all written, it was literally just this one chapter that I couldn't get right. 😤🤬
I am definitely finally finishing this fic for Valentine's Day 2020. I just gotta edit/fine tune the rest and it will be finishedddd 🥳💘]

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