The Secret is Out?

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I slept in.
I guess all the emotionally charged stuff yesterday took a toll on me.
I manage to make it into class, just barely in time, and luckily the teacher still isn't in yet.
Huh, must be an off morning for her too.

I sleepily trudge to my desk in the back, overhearing Bebe and Kenny's conversation.
"I think they'd be cute!" Bebe exclaims, clapping her hands together, and doing that bouncy thing girls do when they're excited.
"Yeah, I think he'd be a good match for Tweek." Kenny agrees.
"Who is?" I ask. They turn to me, and Bebe hands me a note.
"It's not from anyone, we're just playing guess who."
I read it in disbelief.
No. Fucking. Way.
I nearly fall over, but manage to play it off as just flopping lazily into my seat.
Someone just claimed MY secret admirer note.

The note says: Meet me under the bleachers at 11, and, don't be expecting a girl.

Who the fuck is this?? Someone else has a crush on Tweek?? I flip over the note, scouring it for a signature.
No name, no anything. Just a very unsubtle hint that they're a guy. What a sleezeball for stealing MY fucking bit!!
I quickly glance at Tweek, who's head is in his hands as he stares, wide-eyed down at his desk.
I can't help calling out to him, and he snaps out of his trance, shakily meeting my eyes.
"Craig? Y-you were right... it was from a guy."
Was my first indignant thought, but then my rational brain kicks in again.
Is he disappointed that it's from a guy?
Does that mean I shouldn't step up to claim my valentine?
"You wanted it to be a girl?" I ask. He blinks.
"N-no, I... it uh, doesn't matter, I guess..." he mumbles, realizing the implications of his statement.
"So you're bi?" Bebe asks excitedly, clasping one of Tweek's hands.
He blushes, fixing his eyes onto his desk.
"U-uhm, I d-don't know..." he stammers awkwardly. Bebe smiles, giving his hand an encouraging squeeze.
"Aw, Tweek! It's okay if you are! I am! And so is Kenny! Right Kenn?" She beams at Kenny, who winks seductively.
"Sure am," he confirms. Tweek glances at them both anxiously, then at me, before fixing his eyes back onto his desk.
"I'm not sure..." he whispers.
Bebe is almost down his throat she's leaning in so close.
"Well, do you like girls?" She asks him as if she were a schoolteacher.
"..Y-yes..?" Tweek stammers uncertainly.
"And do you like boys?"
"...Uh.. I, uhm.. m-maybe...? I don't know.." He stammers again.
"Well then, you might be bi! You don't have to label it, if you don't want to though," Bebe gushes, patting his hand soothingly. Tweek's cheeks are flushed brighter than the bright-red top she's wearing.
Stan and Clyde snicker quietly, greatly amused by the ordeal poor Tweek is going through.
"I'm bi too," I blurt, wanting to take some of the pressure off of Tweek.
Seven pairs of eyes fix onto me, several accompanied by gaping mouths. Everyone is speechless.
"What?" I say, mildly confused, and slightly annoyed. Clyde breaks the stunned silence first, giggling stupidly.
"I mean, it makes sense, Craig's such a dick he'd have to play both sides to get any at all!" He jokes at my expense. I flip him off, but I'm actually kinda grateful he shattered everyone's weird silence.
"You forget, I got the most valentines." I say coolly. Clyde only laughs again.
"Well now that I know most of them were from dudes, that evens the playing field." He says, giving me finger guns. I flip him off again rolling my eyes, but I can't help but smirk. It'd be pretty funny if half of them really were from dudes.
Makes me feel like I'm all that and everyone knows it.
Everyone except... I look over at Tweek, who's giggling at my expense along with everyone else, but he quickly shifts his gaze away when I catch his eye.
A twinge of nervousness roils in my stomach, and I wonder if maybe coming out wasn't the best idea... but Tweek said it doesn't matter, right? So, I'm sure he doesn't think I'm, like, gross.. or something.. right?
The teacher finally walks in, and tells everyone to hush.
She starts the lesson, and I zone out, thinking about how I'm ever gonna tell Tweek that it was me.
What if he doesn't like me back?
What if he thinks I'm... gross.
He couldn't even look me in the eyes just now... oh man, what if I fucked this up??
What if he won't even wanna be friends anymore??
Jesus Christ.
I really fucked up.

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