The Innuendo Thickens

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"Craig? Is that you?" My mom calls from the kitchen, as me and Tweek shuffle in the front door.
Perfect, she's already home. I grin at Tweek.
"Mom! Mom, take a selfie with us. And look really happy like you're having a lot of fun." I say, rushing into the kitchen, with Tweek on my heels giggling madly.
"What? Why?" My mom asks, dumbfounded.
"Cause I'm getting revenge on Clyde, so we gotta send him this picture."
"I don't see how-"
"Mom! Enough questions! Just make a face," I demand, setting up the shot. Tweek positions himself on the other side and sticks out his tongue, winking and throwing a peace sign. My mom sighs, and copies Tweek's peace sign, throwing in a goofy grin and crossed eyes.
"Yes! That's fucking perfect." I say, looking at the picture.
"Yeah dude, Clyde's gonna be so butt-hurt!" Tweek laughs, looking over my shoulder at my revenge selfie.
"Woow, you boys are energetic today," my mom observes in amazement.
"Are you staying for dinner, Tweek?"
"Yes please, and thank you, Mrs.Tucker. Your dinners are always the best." Tweek croons, in perfect-child mode.
"Awww, thank you Tweek. You are more than welcome anytime." My mom beams happily at him, and on that note, we take our leave from the kitchen.
"Smooth fucker," I mumble under my breath as we run up the stairs, jabbing a finger into the fleshy bit above his hipbone. He yelps like a kicked chihuahua and stumbles over his feet in his mad dash up the stairs, trying to avoid any more tickle assault.
I chase after him, and he giggles hysterically as I catch him, tackling him before he can escape into my room to lock me out, in order to negotiate a truce.
We collapse half through the door on the floor in my room, and I am in full offence mode.
He thrashes below me, laughing hysterically and trying to block the onslaught.
"Just.. because... your.. mom.. likesmemore!" He taunts breathlessly between uncontrollable laughter, which only makes me attack with more fervour.
"That's only because she doesn't know how much of a smartass you are!" I counter, but I can't help laughing along. His giggles are contagious as fuck.
"Are you homos done yet?" Comes an annoyed, adolescent voice from behind me. I turn to see Tricia staring at us like we're the dumbest people she's ever seen, her phone clutched in her hand.
"I'm on the phone with Alicia, and all she can hear is your dumb ass giggling." She states, in her 'holier than thou' teenage-girl voice.
Tweek shifts up into a siting position, chuckling a sheepish apology, and I just flip her off. She rolls her eyes, walking back into her room with her own middle finger outstretched towards me.
"Yeah, no, they were just foreplaying on the floor or something. What were you saying about-" her voice cuts out as she slams her door, and I turn to Tweek, silently mimicking her on the phone. His cheeks puff out as he stifles his laughter, and we both snicker at her expense.
I get up to close the door, and Tweek settles in on my bed.
"Oh wow, new blanket?" He asks enthusiastically, as he sinks into my extremely fluffy new comforter. I smirk.
"Yeah dude. Best shit right?" I brag. He flops over and rolls so that he is now completely wrapped in my new comforter, like a piggy in a blanket.
He pokes his head out, an extremely satisfied expression on his face.
"I'm taking this home with me." He informs me. His hair standing on end all over the place, like a static electricity hair halo, making him look like an adorable yellow pompom. I chuckle, but my knees go weak. He could take anything he wants, and I'd let him.
"What am I gonna sleep with, then?" I laugh, a little awkwardly.
"I guess you're just gonna have to come with me." He says cheekily, sticking out his tongue at me.
My heart explodes.
"Or you could just stay here, to save time." My mouth says on its own. He smiles at the floor.
"If that's okay," he says.
"...if what's okay..?" I draw a blank. Is he.. flirting with me..? He laughs, shaking his head.
"If your parents are cool with me staying over on a weeknight?" He says.
Oh. Yeah, duh.
Damn. It's getting hard not to take all this playful banter seriously.
"Oh, yeah, I'm sure they don't give a fuck if we're quiet." I tell him, and feel heat rise to my face as I think about the implications of that statement. He ducks his head and laughs out loud.
"I promise I won't scream too loud." He giggles.
Jesus Christ, Tweek. 
"Oh my god dude." I laugh, tugging my hat down over my eyes.
"Come on! You walked into that one!! I had to." He continues laughing, but, his cheeks are flushed too.
Now all night, I'm gonna be thinking about him screaming my name.

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