Chapter VII

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Chapter VII


I awoke with a start and sat up, disoriented. Then the past few days came rushing back to me. The attack, fleeing, my mother being taken, and now going to find her. I had been traveling for several days and the provisions I had found were running low. I was lost, and losing hope.

I looked down at my dirty clothing and body. Quite frankly, I stank. Not to mention that my legs were covered in scratches from thorn bushes all over this forest that I had been traveling through.

I stood up and picked up the filthy cloak I had slept on. It was hardly worth putting back on now, and the sun was getting to be high enough in the sky that it would only cause more of a hindrance. So I decided to leave it where it was and continue on after finishing what food I had left.

Around midday, I stumbled across a small creek bed and greedily drank from it. I had never been so uncouth before, but my throat was so dry that I barely even stopped to think about that. I was just grateful that no one was there to witness it.

After several more hours of walking, to my relief I reached the edge of the forest and spotted a settlement not too far away. There were green fields surrounding it and several other buildings which I assumed to be some of the slave quarters. From what I could tell, whoever owned this villa was of high status.

I started to make my way over to where I could see several slaves finishing up their work in the evening sun, but then I realized something. I had no idea where I was. And if I had actually made it to Rome, then I most certainly wouldn't be welcomed here. My people weren't in agreement with the Romans at this time, so I knew they wouldn't take too kindly to a Greek princess just marching right into their country.

Suddenly, I wished I had my cloak. I became starkly aware of the dress and jewelry I was still wearing from the night of the attack. They were dirty, and the dress was wrinkled, but it was still distinguishable as Greek.

I hurriedly pulled off my rings, bracelets, and earrings before bending down to take off the gold anklet around my ankle. Only, it didn't come off. The clasp was so crusted with dirt and filth that it was stuck. I yanked and yanked, but it wouldn't come off no matter how hard I tried.

Eventually, I gave up, hoping that no one would notice it. Instead, I glanced down at my chiton, wondering if it was too Greek as well. I hoped it wasn't, because I didn't have anything else to wear.

Deciding that I wouldn't be able to do anything else, I headed towards the villa, keeping my eyes peeled to make sure I wasn't spotted. I would have gone right around this place, but my stomach was painfully reminding me that I hadn't had a decent meal in far too long.

I reached the edge of the first building just as a slave came around the corner and walked past, heading for the field. I held my breath and didn't let it out until he was far enough away that he couldn't see me.

Carefully, I continued on, hiding from anyone who came by, until my nose caught the scent of something sweet. I was not sure what it was, but I could tell that it was food. My stomach urged me forward, searching around until I came across a back door that was slightly open. The warm, sweet smell emerged from the door.

I peeked in to find it empty. Looking around, I realized that it was a kitchen. That's when my eyes noticed the small round cakes, steam still rising from them. My mouth watered at the sight of them, and I could hardly believe what I was about to do.

But I did it anyway, praying that I wouldn't be discovered.

Oh boy... bit of a cliff hanger here! We hope you are enjoying reading this! Let us know in a comment or a vote!

Ariadne - Ithildae

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