Chapter XL

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Chapter XL


"Alright, now we've just got to figure out a way to get out of the city and..." I suddenly realized that she wasn't with me. "Ariadne?" I turned around and scanned the crowd for the diminutive Greek princess turned slave.

"Please, I just..." I heard her voice, and she sounded afraid.

I shoved my way back through the crowd and saw her cornered by a menacing individual. I bit the inside of my lip. He was almost twice my size, but Ariadne... I pushed forwards and grabbed his shoulder, bringing his attention to me.

"Hey, leave the girl alone. She's with me," I said with as much confidence as I could muster.

The oaf raised his eyebrows, "Is that right?"

I gave short nod. "Now, please back away and we can pretend that this never happened." Perhaps if I wasn't rude or anything he'd go away.

I was in luck. He mumbled something and disappeared back into the crowds. I gave a breath of relief.

"Thank you, Lycus, again," Ariadne whispered, clutching my tunic again.

"Let's go," I started walking again, grasping Ariadne's hand so she'd stay with me. I twisted and turned through the city streets. We would need somewhere to get some sleep and food, then discuss our situation. Ariadne's disappearance may or may not have been discovered by now, and that meant we needed to hurry.

"Do you have any money on you?" I asked Ariadne, who was stumbling along, trying to keep up with the pace I'd set. I knew she was still worn out and cramped from her stay in the holding cell, but I also knew that that might be exactly where we would end up if we didn't hurry.

"No, I don't," She gasped in response.

"Hmm, that does put a damper on our escape attempts," I mused. "Have you ever tried stealing anything, aside from those honey cakes?"

"I'm a princess!" She said indignantly.

"Keep it down, we're still in a figurative danger zone," I hissed to her. "I'm afraid that stealing might be the only way we can get some money and other necessities."

She didn't look too happy at the prospect of thievery, but it might be our only way.

So sorry for taking longer than normally to update, all! Thank you for your patience! :)

Lycus - GadSul

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