Chapter LXV

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Chapter LXV


No. No. No. Why? What was even going on? This soldier had come in, and now there was another one? My mind was still foggy.
"Clavius," the first soldier said with a bow of his head, "I was just checking on the prisoners. No need to worry."
The second one, named Clavius, scowled. He sent a harsh glare at Ariadne. "You will do well to remember whose ground you're on, princess." He spat out the word like an ugly curse. "This is Rome and we will not be talked back to like the scum you seem to think we are."
I glanced at Ariadne, knowing that she wouldn't like the harsh words. I was right. I saw her send a glare right back at Clavius.
"How dare you! You Romans have humiliated me and and caused me and my friend no small amount of pain. I don't see how you have any more right to speak to me as though I were no more than a slave or a peasant. I am a princess of Thebes and will be treated as such." The angry words spilled out of her lips and her dark eyes flashed.
I continued to marvel at her spunk and boldness. No doubt, her defiant words would get us more punishment. Ugh, I hated that word.
Clavius' eyes widened at her outburst, then narrowed dangerously.
I closed my eyes and chewed the inside of my lip. Sometimes I wished Ariadne would better bridle her tongue. She apparently also saw her mistake, for she bit her lip and shrunk beneath Clavius' angry gaze.

"Strong words from one so young." He crossed his arms. "I'll give you one chance to take back those words and save you and your friend more pain."

Ariadne swallowed hard.

"One chance, princess. Will you take it? What's more important, your pride or your friend?" Clavius taunted.

I groaned inwardly. Why, Ariadne? Why? Keep a lid on it for once! This wasn't going to end well for either of us.

Oh boy! A little bit of a cliffy for you all! Enjoy >:)

Lycus - GadSul

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