Chapter LI

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Chapter LI


The soldiers started roughly dragging us through the streets. I wasn't exactly sure where they were taking us; there were options. They might take us straight to punishment, but Ariadne would probably be held for ransom. Or they might take us to the Emperor or some official for judgement before we, or I, was punished.

I saw no way whatsoever for getting out of this. By all appearances, it was hopeless.

The soldiers were making a real spectacle of leading us through the streets, shouting every now and again who we were. The escaped slave and fugitive princess. The crowd seemed to love it. Every time they mentioned the bit about us being "lovers," I cringed. I wanted to correct them, but everytime I tried to speak I received a fist to the face. I didn't at all like being dragged with malicious purpose through a screaming crowd, and I imagined Ariadne felt the same. Sometimes, I questioned the sanity of the Roman mob.

After what seemed like a lot of unnecessary drama, we at last arrived at the steps of an official looking building. The feeling of dread that had been growing in the pit of my stomach only intensified as we were dragged up the pristine marble steps and through the doors to a sort of receiving room. We were shoved through some halls and eventually to a large room that contained a few shelves piled with scrolls, and a large desk scattered with papers, at which sat a man.

Drusus stepped forward and bowed deeply, "My lord, we have brought the traitor, Lycus and his accomplice, the Greek princess, Ariadne." He gestured dramatically to us.

The soldiers gripping our arms threw us to the ground, where we landed roughly, our hands the only things keeping our faces from bashing on the floor.

The man at the desk put down the stylus in his hand and made a steeple with his fingers. "So, you've brought the the escapees," he said, almost bored sounding.

I kept my eyes trained on the floor, almost cowering before him. He had the power to send me to a cruel and painful death, as I had no doubt he would, and as there was no possible way to get out of this unsavory situation, my fate seemed to be sealed. And a very unpleasant fate it was.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Ariadne raise her head and look straight at the official. Though she trembled, she spoke out defiantly, "I am a princess of Thebes and will not be treated in such a manner. I demand justification."

I marveled at her strength and admired her defiance, but I feared it would do nothing for either of us.

And here's an early update because we hate to keep you all in suspense! 😊

Lycus - GadSul

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