Slamming the truck door shut as I stepped onto the gravel "So this is the place?" I called back to the driver as he walked round to me with my duffle bag "Only Buck Merrill I know kid"
He grunted dropping my bag down "That be fifty dollars" The driver spoke holding his hand out I took out my thin wallet handing him the fifty. Lifting my overly packed bag I walked over to the large house I knocked loudly on the door hearing heavy footsteps approach the door
"What do you- Luis?" The door opened as my older brother stood in front of me you could describe him as a tall lanky cowboy with blonde hair and buckteeth. Or he used to be bucktoothed before he had the front two knocked out in a fight.
"One and only" I said confidently he let a gruff laugh before letting me in I quickly wiped my boots off on the mat "Always had your manners" Buck commented taking my bag off me "Unlike someone" I smirked he just rolled his eyes "So how long ya staying?"
He asked watching as I took my boots off at the door "Oh forgot mention I'm living with you" I replied grinning "Okay-wait what?!" He yelled some spit landing on my face I grimaced wiping my face "I'm. Living. With. You" I stated slowly snatching my bag back off him "Why? What about ma?" He questioned again. "She re-married...again"
I grabbed my boots and started heading upstairs into one of the rooms "You can't sleep 'ere" Buck said following me I groaned turning around"And why is that?" I leant against the old oak desk knocking over a picture
"Cause someone else sleeps here" He folded his arm "Uh-huh" I picked up the picture examining it closely. The picture was of a blonde little boy smiling hugging who I guess is his mother she was smiling too "Buck where are you?"
A loud slam of the door then followed by a new York accent "I'm up here Dal!" Buck shouted back "Who's Dal?"I raised an eyebrow as heavy footsteps came rushing up the stairs "Why you here? And who is this?!" A man demanded he had an elfish face with high cheekbones, it didn't look like he had a haircut in a long time nor did his hair have hair oil so his almost white-blonde hair fell over his forehead in wisps he had blazing blue eyes.
his cold stare looked over to me "Don't touch that!" He growled quickly grabbing me by the collar and slamming me against the wall "Dal put him down!" Buck yelled I just smirked at the man who is Dal we were the same height "You heard him" I felt my smirk widen more Dal let out a huff before letting me go "Thank you" I said sarcastically making my way back over to Buck.
"Dallas this is my younger brother Luis Mitchel. Luis this is my friend Dallas Winston who stays 'ere" Buck introduced us "Didn't know you had a younger brother Buck" Dallas spoke taking out a cigeratte and lighting it I watched as he inhaled the smoke blowing smoke rings.
I started clawing at my arm biting my inner cheek "Want one?" Dallas offered Buck a smoke which he took I fidgeted about as they stood smoking Dallas noticed my fidgeting he raised an eyebrow "Want one calm those nerves of yours" He offered I shook my head "Trying quit" I replied my grip on my arm tightening
"It'll be harder to quit all together try easing off" He handed me the cancerous stick "I guess" Dallas quickly lit my cigarette as I placed it in my mouth deeply inhaling the smoke feeling it burn the inside of my throat as it entered "So Luis what brings you here?" Dallas smirked asking me "Ma re-married again and I didn't like the guy" I answered he nodded we all stood quietly smoking
my eyes followed as the ash fell onto the floor "Luis let me take you too your room" Bucked said snubbing his cigarette out I followed him down the hall into another room it was pretty clean "No one uses these" he said "Thanks Buck" I smiled he smiled back "No problem" he scratched the back off his neck
"Long time, no see" I beamed wrapping an arm around his shoulder "Yea.. Long time, no see" He put me in a headlock and began ruffle my hair about I squirmed "The hair don't touch it!" I whined shoving him away he let out a chuckle "Whatever, pretty boy" He muttered leaving me in the room.

Broken Bones. Broken Soul
Fanfictionanother Outsider fanfic! a boy named Luis Mitchel meets the gang through Buck as he is Buck Merrils younger brother who moved in after his mum re-married. Luis is a smart seventeen year old, dealing with issues and tries to cope with them.