It's been a week since I've arrived at Buck's he's already put me up for school I start Monday.Buck was currently throwing a party and I couldn't help but join in "So Luis you still dating that black girl?" Buck asked we were both leaning on the pool table with some of his drinking buddies "We broke up the day I left, both of us didn't want a long distance relationship"
I sipped on my beer "How long were you two dating?" Buck asked interested in what's been happening since we last saw each other three years ago. "About four years" I replied sighing "Cheer up kid, you'll get over it plus plenty more broads here" One of Buck's buddies said nudging me with his elbow I gave him a meek smile before drinking the rest of my beer "What about that one?She's been staring at you a lot"
Buck nodded I looked in the direction he nodded a short girl with long brown hair she was tan with brown eyes, she wore a small navy blue dress that was too tight for her stood shyly smiling her face went red once she saw I was looking at her "Brunettes aren't my thing though" I stated
Buck let out a snort "So? Go talk to the girl" He shoved me forward I shrugged making my way over to the girl when I got closer she was a lot shorter then I thought "Wanna dance?" I grinned at the girl she looked up then around as if she was looking for someone "Yea-Sure...I mean-o-ok" She fumbled with her words her voice high and soft "Come on then"
Grabbing her hand I dragged her to the dance floor "I-I can't dance..." She said quietly I could barely hear her "It's fine" I smiled grabbing her waist she flinched a little under my touch "Oh shit...I should of asked you if that was okay" I apologised "No it's fine" She replied we began slow dancing.
As the night continued the more we dance I had her back against my chest my hands still remained on her waist I smirked as I started press her against me she didn't say anything or make any objection, slowly I began grinding pressing my body completely against her my hand were about slide under her dress but I heard her let out a sob "You okay?"
I instantly stopped removing myself off her she nodded but I could see she was shaking I grabbed her arm taking her away from the dance floor and to a quiet corner "You okay?" I asked again forcing her to look at me her lip was quivering "I-I'm sorry" She choked out I sighed "How old are you?"
I asked starting realise that maybe she shouldn't be here "Fourteen" She sobbed I grimaced mentally punching myself "What are you doing here?" I barked she jumped a little from my sudden rise of tone "I wanted to prove to my friends that I wasn't a prude" She whispered
I frowned "Stupid fucking stupid. Do you know how stupid you are being" I questioned she shook her head "What if some other guy got you? What if you got your drink spiked? Or someone could've took advantage of you when your drunk?!" I growled
A tear slid down her cheek "Any of your friends here?" I tugged at my hair looking around "Yea one...Lucy I haven't seen her in a while" She bit her lip "Right, what does she look like?" I asked "She has blonde hair that's up in a bun with a dress similar to mine but purple" The girl said.
Grabbing her arm I started drag her with me looking for Lucy I didn't see her my stomach turned at the sudden thought I turned around to the girl "She-She could be upstairs" I stated the girl's eyes widened we quickly ran up the stairs checking every door
We eventually found one unlocked I opened it seeing a man on top of a girl "Lucy!" The girl yelled the man looked up my jaw clenched seeing Lucy under him looking terrified "You dirty old bastard!" I yelled grabbing the man throwing him off Lucy he was obviously drunk
He slurred slowly standing back up "Drunken fuck" I spat right hooking the man instantly knocking him out, turning my attention to Lucy her dress was ripped she quickly tried cover herself "Here" I slipped my top off looking away as I gave her it.
"Thank you" They both said in sync "What's your house number I'm calling your parents" I demanded "No-Please don't" Lucy begged "What would of happened if I hadn't gotten here in time! What if you gotten pregnant did you even consider any of this?!" I roared scaring both of them "Do you trust me?" I asked softly they both nodded I smiled letting out a sigh "Let's call your parents".
I watched as the girl were taken into their parents car "Oh thank you so much!" A mother wept grateful of what I had done "It's fine" I smiled rubbing the back of my neck
"What is your name?" She asked me I was confused on why she'd ask "Luis Mitchel" I told her she wiped her eyes before rushing off to the car and driving off. Letting out a loud sigh as I leaned against the railing on the porch the cold air nipping at my skin since I still haven't gotten a top on
I rummaged through my jean pocket grabbing the slightly bent cigarette "No point giving these up" I lit the cigarette inhaling the smoke tilting my head back. I heard the door open then close behind me "Heard what you did Luis" Buck said
standing beside me there was a long pause "I'm proud of ya" He smiled I started cough and laugh "Thanks.." I grinned looking over at him "Did you get any action?" I questioned raising an eyebrow he elbowed me in the side gently "Nah...You?" I passed him my half finish cigarette "Nope" Standing up straight stretching my arms out "I'm gonna go sleep now" I announced before going back inside pushing pass people to get to my room upstairs.

Broken Bones. Broken Soul
Fanficanother Outsider fanfic! a boy named Luis Mitchel meets the gang through Buck as he is Buck Merrils younger brother who moved in after his mum re-married. Luis is a smart seventeen year old, dealing with issues and tries to cope with them.