The bell rang for the end of the school day me and Steve stood up leaving the class room "Wanna meet my friends?" He asked a slight grin appearing on his face showing his crooked teeth I shrugged "Sure, Haven't gotten anything else planned"
I followed Steve out the school into the car park where his car was parked we quickly hopped in he then started drive out. "You see them two kids there?" He pointed to a boy who looked thirteen to fourteen with light-brown hair and greenish-grey eyes. And the other boy big black eyes in a dark tanned face; his hair was jet-black and heavily greased and combed to the side, but it was so long that it feel in shaggy bangs across his forehead.
"Yea? What about them?" I asked as Steve slowed down so we were now trailing them, "Let's give them a little fright, eh?" He grinned at me arching his eyebrow I smirked.
Steve loudly honked the car I quickly leaned out the window "What that mouth do?!" I yelled the boys jumped in fright causing Steve to let out a loud snort I began laugh too the boys turned relaxing when they saw Steve "Hey Steve" the boy with black hair said "Get in" Steve demanded the boy with light-brown hair shot a glare at Steve then raised his eyebrows looking at me.
"So, Who is this?" Light-brown hair boy questioned "I'm Luis, I just moved here" I beamed grinning the boys smiled back "This is my friend Johnny Cade and my name is Ponyboy Curtis" The brown boy hair announced my smile dropped
"Are-are you serious...Is your name actually Ponyboy" I bit the inner of my cheek hard trying not to laugh but I was practically vibrating. Pony sighed before nodding "We're here" Steve said turning the engine off before getting out I hopped out with the two other boys I looked at the house it was a small house a little shabby but it was homey making my way up the little set of stairs they creaked under my weight.
"I'm home!" Pony shouted as we entered the living-room three boys sat on the couch while I heard someone else shuffle about in the kitchen I glanced across the living-room "Hey Dal" I said he looked up from his cigarette he was trying to light "Oh, hey Luis man" He mumbled still trying spark his lighter.
"You two know each other?" Pony asked looking between us "We both live at Buck's" I replied taking a seat beside a boy with dark gold hair which is greased back he also has brown eyes he turned look at me with a big goofy grin
"You both live at Buck's?" He beamed "Buck's keeps picking up strays" Another boy said he was around six feet tall, stocky in build, and has long, rust-colored sideburns with grey eyes like me I noticed he was wearing a Mouse-Mickey shirt I internally cringed at it
"I'm actually his brother" I corrected checking my pockets for any smoke "Dal, You never said you had a brother?!" The dark gold hair boy yelled shocked
"What? What no he ain't my brother, he's Buck's kid brother" Dallas furrowed throwing the broken lighter onto the coffee table "What's going on?" A large man, of 6' 2" appeared. His hair dark brown it sticks out in the front of his head with a cowlick in the back. His eyes are like two pieces of pale blue-green ice.
"This is ol' Buck's kid brother" Steve answered "What's your name, kid?" The man asked "Luis Mitchel, don't call me kid" I sent a small glare at him "That name is familiar..." Pony trailed off
"Better introduce ourselves" The boy beside me stated I nodded in agreement "My name is SodaPop, Pony is my kid brother and that big guy with the apron on is my older brother Darry" Soda beamed pointing over to Darry I let out a snort
"Is-is your name actually SodaPop?" I put my hand over my mouth trying not laugh too loud he grinned and nodded "And I'm Two-Bit" The boy with the Mickey-Mouse announced I nodded not knowing what to actually say.
Next thing I knew it was dark and we were all listening to a dumb story Two was telling about how some broad turned him down "So, Luis you got a broad?"Dallas smirked kicking his feet up
"Nah, just actually broke up with a girl" I replied sipping on the cheap beer "Aw too bad for you man, What happened?" Soda questioned "We both didn't want a long distance relationship...Think she wanted it more then me even said not to call, after four years of being together" I sighed pushing my hair out the way
"Get over her! She probably had another guy" Two said loudly I just let out a long sigh did she have some other man on the side? Was everything a lie? I grumbled downing the nasty beer before opening another
. A couple hours passed when I decided now be a good time to leave "That's me going" I yawned standing up rolling my shoulders back Dallas stood up as well"Bye!" They all said in sync as we left
"You okay man?" Dallas questioned raising an eyebrow I shrugged I couldn't get her off my mind and it was starting cause a headache "Is it that broad?" He asked "Yea" kicking a rock as we walked down the path the rest of the walk was quiet the odd car drove pass but that was it.
"We're Home!" I yelled kicking the door shut then slipping my boots off "Don't you get cold Luis? Walking around in just a shirt" Buck asked drying his hands a cigar hanging from his mouth I noticed he cleaned up
"Oh, A broad phoned asking for you" Buck told me as I was walking up the stairs I tensed up "Told her phone back in an hour or something" He continued Dallas gave me a side glance I gritted my teeth storming up the stairs and slamming my bedroom door.
"Stupid. Stup-fucking bitch" I mumbled digging through my draw throwing stuff out I grabbed the small tub "Thought I wouldn't need you or these again" I frowned un-screwing the cap then dropping two of the bright yellow pills in my hand
"Aye, Luis phone for you" Dallas entered knocking I quickly hid the pills looking at my feet "Yea I'll be down in a sec" I bit my lip avoiding eye contact he gave me a wary look but nodded.
I saw Buck chatting away on the house phone he glanced up seeing me "Here he is" He handed me the phone. "Hello?" I said nervously I don't even know why I'm nervous "Hey" Her soft voice replied bringing a smile on my face
"Look Luis I'm be straight, I know I said to never call" She rushed I hummed in response leaning against the wall "I just thought it'd be cruel to not tell you" I raised my eyebrow confusion washed over my face "Not tell me what?" I started get nervous and over-think
"Luis" She paused causing me clench my jaw she knew how build the tension up. "You know how I told you that I was just getting fat and you said-" She stuttered "And I said you still looked beautiful and-" I trailed of grinning "I'm pregnant" She blurted out interrupting me I froze standing up straight
"Your pregnant?" I repeated she remained silent "How long?" I asked pulling strands of my hair "A couple months" her voice broke I sighed resting my head against the wall. "Is it mine?" I asked "yes of course!" She barked it was quiet for a while
"I'm coming back, I don't want you raising the baby alone" I announced standing up straight I looked over seeing Dallas listening to our conversation "No Luis.. This is why I'm telling you when your gone, Your too reckless and wild I don't want you to help look after the baby" She stated I felt my heart shatter in a million pieces I'm not allowed help raise my own child?!
"Would I be allowed see the baby? I am the father I have my rights" I demanded getting frustrated I wrapped the cord around my finger "No I don't want you to see the baby I don't want you to have anything to do with it!" She yelled I clenched my hand tightly around the phone
"You lied!" I barked back there was another long pause. "Luis I just don't think your suited to be the dad your just too wild and immature" She sighed I could hear her sob a little "Come on baby, please give me a chance I can be a good dad I'll get a job let me prove you wrong" I practically begged my voice wavered a little
"No Luis. don't call or try make any contact, okay?" She spoke again "No! I'll send money anything! just let me help" I begged again feeling weak now
she sighed "You wanna help?" She asked my face lit up "You can help by not doing anything" She spat then the call was ended I stood frozen listening to the beeping of the other line "Luis..?" Buck said slowly making his way over
I couldn't help but shake "Calm down" He hushed prying the phone out my hand "Calm down?! I'm not allowed see my own kid!" I yelled in his face shoving pass him.

Broken Bones. Broken Soul
أدب الهواةanother Outsider fanfic! a boy named Luis Mitchel meets the gang through Buck as he is Buck Merrils younger brother who moved in after his mum re-married. Luis is a smart seventeen year old, dealing with issues and tries to cope with them.