The Harvest

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Fear feeds the fever

Brewing and boiling

Huddle , hidden and ready for the harvest

Kicked to the knee and kneeling down

Begging for bandages 

 A chance to change to another channel

And I keep digging 

down deep inside my skin

And I keep digging

down deep inside my skin

And I keep digging

down deep inside my skin

And I keep digging 

Yet I haven't found what I am looking for

Abandoned angels left to ash

wailing in the wind

Sink in the sea of insidious sadness

Tedious and tasking to find the time

Lacking the self love

Partnered with pain yet without peace

And I keep digging

down deep inside my skin

And I keep digging

down deep inside my skin

And I keep digging

down deep inside my skin

And I keep digging

Yet I haven't found what I am looking for

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