Upstairs (Madistair, Maddie x Alistair)

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YAAAAAHHHH. Maddie ( -_-). I was strolling through Book End, trying to find Bunny.

I like Bunny, but I am sure she will not reciprocate my feelings. But I guess any Wonderlandian will do; everyone is just as crazy.

"What are you doing Alistairrrrrrr? Do you need a hat? A beanie? A boater? Any upside cap can turn that frown downside!!!" She spoke in a rapid tone and did that little strange giggle of hers. Whenever I'm with her, I feel like laughing, not the "I'm so happy with her" thing, it is the "She's so stupid but funny, if she goes on a stage, people will just laugh even though she said nothing" one.

"I'm looking for Bunny, Maddie," I pause, "Did you see her?" I answered politely.

"NOOOOOOOOOPE!!!" Face palm.

"Thanks anyway." I began to walk away until I felt Maddie grab my forearm with force. Owww. "Don't leave so soon!!! I think I saw a petite white rabbit hop into the forest!!! I can't really play matchmaker BUT GOOOOO AND GET HER!!!" She was blabbering so fast, I could barely understand. But you get used to it.

"Hold your donkeys Alistair! Are you looking for Lizzie?" I was about to mouth "No" but she kept on saying things. "She just passed by, being all "OFF WIH YOUR HEADS!!!" and stuff, maybe youuuuu can help her." Maddie said worriedly, but I was restraining my laugh upon Maddie's imitation of the princess of Hearts.

"Thanks Maddie." I was going to leave, my brain told me to go search for Bunny, but my heart told me to stay with Maddie.

"Hey Maddie?"

"Yes Alistair? Do you need tea? Black tea? White tea? Milk tea?" Maddie replied happily, pouring a cup of tea... upside-down.

"Uhhh, yeah," I stuttered nervously while scratching the back of my head.

"Well, what kind? Darjeeling? English Breakfast?" She then grinned and chuckled, suddenly her eyes went in circles, a normal person would say "rolled her eyes" but nope, this is Maddie, people. "How about... A TEA SHIRT?!"

"No thanks Maddie. How about green tea instead?"

"Okkkkkayyyy!!! Don't ask for red tea!" Maddie talked back as she skipped to the Mad Hatter's Haberdashery gracefully.

"Hi Alistair!!! Would you like a tea hat?" The Mad Hatter greeted me with shock.

He was holding out a hat and inside the hat was a brown tea.

"Oh," Maddie replied then knocked the top hat down, spilling a flood of tea over the floor, "No, daddy... silly! He wants green tea!"

"Really? There's some in the ceiling!!!"

"Daddy, I didn't get my Flying License yet!!!"

"There's some upstairs, darling. Please go and fetch it!"

"'Kay, dad!" Maddie's voice only echoed as she disappeared to the cellar. "Come on Alistair!!! Do you wanna come?"

I hesitated but then ran up the stairs. It was dark. Maddie pull the curtains open and I spotted a table, set for tea time with lots of Ocha and matcha tea.

"Have a seat Alistair!"

And so I did, Maddie pushed a chair out of the roof for me and I sat on it. Earl Grey popped out of Maddie's Bag Of Many Things and started passing everyone tea.

This is going to be a fun day.


Author's Note
PTCVBF here. Duly apologize for the lack for posts. I was busy on 5 Feb and I promised myself to post two chapters on 12 Feb. Well. I forgot. And I shall post two chapters today, Thursday. I'll try to write more chapters so please try to comment some EAH ship suggestions. Thanks. I'll be needing them. Thanks everyone for reading and adding to your reading lists! Hope you enjoy, sorry for the delay, if this is bad, sorry, I was in a rush and I just remembered. Ta!
By the way, next chapter is either Bropper or Dizzie, please comment which one!!!

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