Partners In Crime (Sparchess, Sparrow x Duchess)

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It is a lovely weekday in Ever After High. Hunter and Ashlynn had embarked on an arranged date, therefore Sparrow and Duchess must, too, embark on a meeting... To discuss their awful plan to ruin everyone else's lives! So, th-

Hi! Sorry, I'm late!

Brooke! It's fine, but I already started the story, so I am the only one who will continue the story now.

Aww, okay!

So, as Sparrow practices his guitar, sitting on the same exact marble fountain where Duchess planned to expose True Hearts' Day, Duchess glides around gracefully on the circular edge of the fountain, diving and tipping to the music at perfect times. Only once did she seem to stumble, but then she made an amazing recovery and continued on with her ballet routine. She is the only student who can both fully tolerate and co-operate with Sparrow's loud electric guitar music. She is implementing Sparrow's strums and chords into her flawless dance.

Eventually, when Sparrow decided that it was enough music for today, he pulled the plug of the electric guitar, which was connected to a nearby power source which Duchess brought along with her. Duchess immediately stopped her Rond de Jambe and angrily glared at Sparrow.

"Hey Duchess! What are we doing here anyway?" Sparrow exclaimed.

"We were supposed to discuss Huntlynn's break-up, but since, this fortnight, we had caused lots of problems in their relationship, I am one hundred percent sure one of them is thinking of breaking up, so this pirouette is a gift, well done." Duchess raised both of her arms to start turning for her ballet move, but Sparrow yanked her right arm from her left arm. Unfortunately, too much force was used and Duchess slipped off the fountain and...

Ouch! At least she fell back first! Her arms secured her.

Yes, Brooke. Anyway! Despite her graceless fall, she straightway picked herself back up... Gracefully, this time.

"What was THAT for?!" Duchess ejaculated.

Instead of informing her politely it was an accident and that he felt bored, Sparrow matched Duchess' pace.

"We're ALWAYS here for your STUPID AND UNIMPORTANT PROJECTS that ALWAYS FAIL!!!" Sparrow screamed in one breath, undaunted that anyone will hear as they are in a secluded part of the forest, Hunter and Ashlynn have their "hidden" part, Sparrow and Duchess have theirs too.

After what he said, Sparrow needed to inhale and exhale a lot. Duchess let him.

To be honest, she looks pretty offended.

Duchess calmed herself down, internally, then urged herself not to shout, but to speak intelligently. Finally, she opened her mouth.

"No one forced you to come."

It was the truth. The silence stood between them. They were silent. So silent, that you could feel and hear the fierce wind flurry among the two, chilling them both, encouraging them to stay.

Finally, Sparrow knew they will reach nowhere if no one says anything. His first thought was to say that he never liked her, then shortly walk away, gripping his guitar firmly with dignity. Instead he blurted out:

"I like you a bit."

Even Duchess' eyes widened. Sparrow just realized what spewed out from his mouth and attempted to correct it. He bent his head down to hide his blush, then thought of excuses. May I add? Very VERY LAME EXCUSES!!! "Just a bit! You know... You dance good and, and, you watch my band and give us endless support... You-you actually listen to me whil-" Sparrow was interrupted by a soft hand on his shoulder.

"It's fine, Sparrow." Sparrow knows that Duchess likes Daring, he also knows that they recently went to the movies together. Duchess also knows he knows this.

"I like you a bit too." She reassured him.

Since Sparrow's lips were still sealed shut, Duchess added to her sentences.

"We will always be partners... Partners in crime."

Sparrow forced a smile unto his face as Duchess took back her hand and strolled to her dorm... Probably to bother Lizzie if she can't find anyone else who doesn't like being bothered.

He accepted this celebratory gift of a... Pirouette. He liked this.

Maybe they don't have to be more than friends. Mega best friends or romantically involved. Or even frenemies. Sparrow and Duchess realized.

Everything was perfect.

Just the way it is.

As partners in crime.

Aw man I was totally unimportant in this story!

Goodness Brooke! You ruined the perfect ending! I'm sorry readers! Curse you Brooke!


Author's Note
Hi! Hope you all are enjoying these stories! Thanks a lot for reading! I have readers from USA, Indonesia, Canada and Greece! I AM SO HAPPYYYYYYYY!!! Yay!!! Thanks a lot for everyone's support! The original title for this chapter was "Rond de Jambe" but since I asked my awesome friends whether they liked the current title (Partners In Crime) more or the previous one, they said current one, I had no idea which one to choose, because Rond de Jambe means round of the leg in French and is a ballet move, and I think of Sparchess as a circle of continuously trying to ruin people's lives but Sparrow keeps backing out... Whereas Partners In Crime, to me, perfectly describes Sparrow and Duchess. Sorry, this fortnight, I'll be very busy with examinations. Please suggest Ever After High ships in the comments section below, please, I really need them because the only ideas I have are Dexpid and Darlase. In my opinion, they seem complicated to write. I don't own Ever After High or these pictures. Thanks for everything guys! Thanks to you too Mattel! Ta guys!

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