Warm Love (Kittistair, Kitty x Alistair)

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Author's Note:  I know I did this ship before, but that one was very sad and I was requested, so another! Here ya go, everyone! :D I'm definitely very rusty; ever since the cancellation of Ever After High, I never visited this fandom ever again. Please forgive me if this is out of character. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy!

No games.

Just us.

Just me and Alistair.

Was romance always this simple? Because if so, I would have asked Alistair to go out with me long back. 

Yet, I slightly regret asking him that day. He accepted my invitation to a one-on-one date so easily. He even showed a sweet grin on that perfect face on that perfect head of blond hair, and I just don't think I can believe this. Any other sane person in Ever After would've cocked an eyebrow and asked, "Kitty, are you playing a trick on me?"

But he trusted me. Me, Kitty Cheshire, the least trustworthy person in both Ever After and Wonderland.

Maybe, Alistair did have a touch of madness, just like the rest of us Wonderlandians.

My palms are sweaty. I peek behind a tree to see Alistair patiently leaning on it, probably waiting for me. He definitely didn't know I was behind him. 

I was late for our date.

Well, not really, I've been here for ten minutes because I was too nervous to greet him normally. It's a different situation than our usual. In any other normal situation, a normal person would've calmly waved to Alistair, passed by without hyperventilating, carried out their daily lives' duties as usual without letting Alistair plague their mind for the following hours. But to be honest, in any other normal situation, I, Kitty Cheshire, would've pranked him.

What? It's in my blood.

Before I became too entangled in my thoughts, I stopped hiding and said "Hello" to Alistair, with my two paws behind my back in an attempt to showcase my innocence. 

No tricks for today.

Just me and Alistair.

Alistair's head whipped up and glowed when he grinned cheerfully upon realising that I finally arrived. Actually, he isn't the angry type so I doubt he harbours any negative feelings towards me due to my late arrival. Correction: when he grinned cheerfully upon realising that I was here with him.

"Let's get started then," he exclaimed, his bubbly aura infectious. I only smiled back. "Shall we?" he said, stretching out his arm.

Baffled, I just encased his hand with mine and began walking. He, too, began walking and we tried to match each others' speeds. 

What? It's my first date, don't expect me to know about hand-holding and strolling and all that stuff! I'm just Kitty Cheshire, who has the nerve to ask their crush on an afternoon out.

Talking about afternoons, the weather was warm. The breeze was cool and prevented the Sun from heating up the ground. Unlike the mornings, birds weren't out, instead, people were. Today, it seemed that everyone and their mother were out. I hope that no one makes up some strange rumour about Alistair and I, if this actually works out, I want to keep it a secret. Secrets are fun.

"Um," I broke the silence, "Where are we actually going?"

"You didn't really specify that on Monday so I guess we can just walk around if you like," Alistair responded.

I thought about it for a moment, "Okay, let's just walk."

"And enjoy each other's company!" Alistair beamed.

It felt warm.

This felt warm.

His hand also felt warm.

We aimlessly explored the park for no reason but to "enjoy each other's company". Is this what love feels like? No goals, no success criteria, just living life but with another special person beside us to brighten it all up? Laughing with other people and not at them? 

Is this love?

Love is warm.

I tightened my grasp on Alistair's arm, he noticed this and radiantly twinkles at me. I just smirked back. He was wide-eyed then burst into a fit of laughter, but still keeping his fingers firmly wrapped around mine.

All this has been so far is me gushing on the inside and Alistair doing a one-man smile fashion show to a one-gushing-woman audience. That smirk was needed to shake things up a bit.

When Alistair finally finished, he stared right into my eyes. A healthy amount of eye contact is an unhealthy amount of eye contact for Kitty Cheshire. I dissolve into silent laughter as I hastily turned away from this dreamy guy.

Am I being too obsessive?

Or is this just love?

If this is love- if this good-feeling, warm, bright, sunny, comfortable thing is love,- then I feel guilty for ruining that chess club meeting between Bunny and Alistair.



After some time, my legs betrayed me and demanded for a rest. I could tell that Alistair was feeling worn out, too.

"Wanna sit on that fountain over there?" I suggest, pointing northeast. 

Alistair cheerily- but lethargically, it sounded- agreed to my proposal.


Will something as simple as this lead to marriage at some point?

I know it is too early to think about that, but does marital love actually start at something like this?

"Earth to Kitty~"

"Uh, uh, yes! Let's go!"

Alistair chuckled as we sauntered to the fountain. He sat first, patting the empty space next to him.

We sat in silence.

Actually, it was a beautiful day. I observed.

Done with my examinations of the sky and scenery, I glanced at Alistair, accidentally catching him staring at me, supposedly admiring me. He muttered an apology and blushing, buried his face in his hands.

I got an idea. I scooped up some water from the fountain- cats dislike water but sacrifices must be made- and playfully threw it at Alistair.

He jerked back, still able to maintain a sunny smile on that face.

We continued to sit in silence.

We sat in silence.

No, it wasn't boring.

Love is just living life but with another special person beside us to brighten it all up. 

I gazed down at our interlaced hands, refusing to part from each other. From their world of sunshine and warmth.

This is love.

And Alistair and I love it.


Author's Note:  That, was pretty long. And love-dovey. But whatever, I think it's good (I hope), thanks for reading, hope you enjoy! Also, this book is also published on Quotev, haha. First chapter in a long time, huh? Welp, yeah. 

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