Isn't It Me? (Daring x Apple)

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Probably really out of character because I haven't watched Ever After High in two years. This takes place after Apple "sleeps" and wakes up after being kissed by Darling. It's Dragon Games. Sorry if it deviates from canon, I never watched Dragon Games myself because I can't afford Netflix.

My usually glittering smile seemed duller. Maybe it was because it was faker than usual. 

"No worries, Daring Charming, you are still," I paused to point finger guns confidently at my debonair reflection in the mirror, "handsome!" My reflection returned a pleased smirk, however, digging deeper, he looked as gloomy as Apple would, listening to Raven Queen's lectures about changing your destiny and what not.

Speaking of that, I am reminded of me: an ideal example of a perfect Royal. A loyal-to-my-destiny Royal, though after what I witnessed, I want to change it more than ever. 

When Apple fell into her deep slumber, I thought I was the one who had to kiss her to wake her. Instead, it was my darling sister, Darling. She kissed her and she woke up.

I could not believe it.

Everything, whatever I knew about my destiny was false. Fake. Apple does not have a Prince Charming; she has a Princess Charming. Hence, I am not her Prince Charming and she is not my princess Apple. If it is not Apple, then who could it be? Whose story am I in? 

A voice called out to me, snapping me out of my thoughts. I did not move, still slumping against my locker with my fake grin. It was my supposed beloved, Apple. Although she was not running hastily, she panted the moment she reached her destination, uselessly repeating my name. She kept uttering my name despite already having my undivided attention. I don't often pay attention to people, but of course, only the best for my lady.

While she struggled to recollect her breath, I gave her my regards because she just nearly died if it wasn't for my sister. She absent-mindedly thanked me and began a fast-talking speech. "Daring!" She started boldly, "we should break up because when we started dating, I only agreed to it because I thought that in the future, we would be married, anyway, but we will not be as you can see from recent events that have come to light and now-" 

To interrupt her and stop her from trailing off into nonsense, I chuckled. My laughter was a boom. "I understand, I understand, my blessings for your blooming relationship with my sister and anyway," I said, with a fake leer, "I was not even aware we were dating!" 

She winced at my last statement. The outcome of the Dragon Games is going to hurt us both, me mostly, but we both will have to go through with it. Life is like that. I had to fake a carefree attitude to make this simpler for us both. "Uh," Apple hesitated, playing with her fingers nervously. She only nodded to confirm our separation. 

So this is it, huh? It ended in a meaningless manner, just like how it started. Was this relationship meaningless? Was it a ploy to draw more attention to us, the loveliest of lovers and most popular of Royals? Most importantly, why was there a gaping hole in my heart whenever I thought of this separation moment? There shouldn't be; I knew that this moment would never come. Nevertheless, here it is, creating a tsunami of pain in my chest. Did I love Apple? Or was I so fake even I tricked myself into thinking I had any genuine feelings for this outspoken and desirable woman? After all, you know the sole reason I agreed to date her: it's my destiny and I could not change it even if I wished to do so with all my soul.

"Apple, don't leave yet." I muttered a few seconds after she turned on her heel to leave in the opposite direction from which she came from. 

"What else?" she asked. I sauntered to face her directly. Finally, I let down all my guards and showed her my true face. A sad frown. A melancholy that made you forget that I am a Charming. I bend down to her eye level so that we are the same height. I then stare into her beautiful eyes that are so easy to get lost in and so hard to escape. I make sure to answer her question first before I think of any more cheesy romantic paragraphs.

I politely requested Apple. "A goodbye kiss?" The sides of my mouth quirked up the slightest to communicate a "please?" Apple's expression had not changed once since she arrived here, but now her no-nonsense face became a teasing one. The moment grew riper, she leaned in very slowly. My eyes fluttered, closed, and my mouth closed, waiting. Before long, I felt skin against my lips and immediately opened my peepers. 

I was kissing Apple, however, I was not kissing her lips. I was kissing her hand.

Apple expressed a sincere simper as she removed her palm from my lips. "Sorry," she rejected, "maybe in another life, Daring." I offered her a playful scowl, once again being fake. I have to pretend to keep a stiff upper lip. "Ta ta~" she went away with a sing-song tone to her words. As soon as she left, I fell back into my dejection, thinking of nothing in particular but my heartache. Pure heartache.

And so I stayed there for the next hour or so, slumping against my locker. Smiling at any girl who would pass by. Smiling.

And fake.

The End.

I hope you enjoyed this, thank you very much for reading this story.

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