Still (Darlase, Darling x Chase)

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Might be OOC, haven't seen Ever After High in one and a half years now. Thanks so much for reading, hope you enjoy.

Stealthily, I snuck out of the dorms for my weekly escapism activity, friendly sword-fighting. It was as easy as pie to lurk out without being noticed by anyone important; everyone trusts each other too much here, that's why I could keep my secrets.

My metal boots sank a little into the soft soil so I quickened my pace as I galloped across the hills that surrounded the school building. I took a sharp turn at the forest. You'd think that the wishing well there is the simplest way to Wonderland but oh boy, no. My eyes darted left and right rapidly in search of an ancient- but quite thick- acacia tree stump.

The evening was grey. A tiny breeze was present, the grass was slightly damp and the moon shone a dim light on Chase's and I personal battle arena. I grinned, using this ray of light to guide me to my destination. Finally, after my sprint, I arrived. I stroked my forehead as if I was wiping off sweat. I wasn't sweating, it was too chilly. And I have a better stamina than that! I breathed in a couple of deep breaths in a calm and relaxed manner before recomposing myself completely.

I am ready to fight.

But as friends, of course!

I knocked on the stump in our secret rhythm.

A few seconds passed with no face popping out. "Chase?" I asked the stump, tapping it a couple more times. A gleam behind the carcass of a tree attracts my attention so naturally I wince to scrutinize it.

"Darling? Heh, weird, you're usually not late."

I whip my head to find Chase in his usual armor, his cocky and devious grin, his messy, spiked tuft of crimson and black hair, a shiny tumbler and two empty wine glasses.

While I wondered about how and why he brought wine glasses (and that line about my punctuality), he picked up the source of the mysterious gleam, his majestic sword. I was still dazed, in my thoughts. He swung his weapon in my direction but I effectively countered his attack.

And that's how we started our duel that night. Usually, we'd do a countdown but I figured that he and I have grown bored of such habits. We've also learnt to communicate non-verbally, it seems.

When we first agreed to spar occasionally for fun, I was ecstatic. However, now it is part of my routine, it has become the same old, same old. I assure you: my times with Chase are always thrilling. But these adventures are a piece of cake and I'm replaying the same old level again.

Cling, clang, cling, clang! The sounds our swords create in perfect harmony are still the most melodious of medleys, though. Although I am busy thinking, my focus not in the game, Chase looks as if he struggles greatly to win against me. He grits his teeth and keeps both of his hands' grip on his sword as he barely blocks my attack.

He doesn't seem bored.

And I feel bad.

"Hey, Chase. Wanna take a break?" He is about to defend his honor by refusing, I could tell, but he lets this one go. "Okay, to be continued," he announces, panting.

I sit down on the moist, grassy terrain beside my spacious armor after I exit it. Chase rests on the tree stump. He, with an unnecessarily violent force, pops the tumbler open, letting the metal lid soar through the air and land on my head. He apologizes then gracefully pours bubble tea into the two wine glasses.

"I thought we might be parched after fighting a lot," Chase explains, "I asked Maddie for drinks and some glasses and here we are." I pick up a glass and take a swig of the milk tea.

"Sweet," I comment, beaming kindly. "Just like you," he teases with a cheeky smirk. I dismiss this. He dismisses it, too.

He raises his glass. A toast doesn't feel right at this place and time so we only clink glasses and sip our tea in peace and silence, sometimes some chewing noises because of the bubbles.

"This is a nice break-through from our typical exercise," he speaks out, avoiding eye contact and instead admiring the moon. He's right. I nod my head in agreement even though I'm sure he isn't paying attention to me.

He shifts his gaze to me. "Are you getting bored of all this? I mean, I might be professionally trained and all, even though you're self-taught, you're a great fighter and I keep losing and..." he continues to blabber. His inquiry took me by surprise. I hurriedly reassure him, "No, no! Maybe a bit but I really like all of this!" He still looks unconvinced. "Really," I add. I throw in a small smile for more reassurance. He gives back a small smile in return.

We invest ourselves in our drinks again. Shortly, I join Chase on the sizable tree stump as the ground started to feel uncomfortable. Chase still sipped his drink slowly, staring blankly at Luna. "Are you getting bored as well?" I pass his question to him. He gradually rotated his head to me. "Never", he talked in a quiet voice softly. A pang of guilt shot through me again. It was resolved soon with Chase twinkling at me somewhat innocently. I beamed back at him and remained like that for around quarter a minute.

He broke our strange exchange and continued to gape at the moon. This time, he appeared truly content. Wine glass of tea in hand (after all this time holding this thing, I am very impressed at myself and Chase for not having dropped any of these glasses from a hand cramp or something), I laid my head on his shoulder. It was something I wanted to do. It felt right at this time and place. Anyway, my head was feeling tired, I am forgoing sleep! I joined him in his staring competition with the moon.

We stayed like that for definitely more than a quarter of a minute, just delighting in a floating rock in space with no aim, goal or objective.

There was no thrill, danger or adventure. Still, I had fun. Chase did, too. He told me after we bid our goodbyes so we could go back to our lives, one in Ever After and one in Wonderland.

After deciding on a date to meet next on, I, as sweetly as possible, waved him good night. He winked cheerfully at me. I sent him a flying kiss to tease him back. He briskly ran away, acting like a frightened child. Well, I guess he got the last tease after all. I left to my dorms with a ear-to-ear smile that wouldn't go away.

I posthaste realize that we didn't spar that much tonight.

Still, I like our times together very much. Still, I like Chase very much.

Author's Note: Pretty long, eh? I reread my old stuff and ALL OF IT IS SO RUSHED, ACK. Especially that Dexven one -_- Anyway, 1,000+words. RIP your eyes and my hands. This is my OTP for Ever After High next to Bropper so I have been waiting to do this for a long time. Although the concept of the story is pretty boring (see, what I did there) but hey this is a one shot.

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