Beauty And The Beast (Darebella, Rosabella x Daring)

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When you're in a class with Professor Rumpelstiltskin, it tends to feel like ten years in prison. Not to forget, the Princessology class; wearing a dress in the afternoon can make anyone sweat buckets. The Tall-Tales Telling class felt boring, for today, no stories were being told and only notes were being written. At this point, the attendees of Ever After High had just been staring at the clock, waiting for the end, clutching their backpack straps and magical pens. After the school bell rang, all the students ran out of the classroom doors, making a humongous flood in the foyer.

That is, everyone except Rosabella Beauty and Daring Charming.

Rosabella Beauty is a bookworm, like most bookworms, she is not passive-aggressive especially when reading a book. She is sitting by her locker quietly, reading her eighth favorite book about a raja and a tiger.

Daring Charming is gluing an enchanted mirror to the front of his locker. The Enchanted Mirror keeps a record on whoever looks into the mirror, so Daring Charming will not be fearful of thieves or being unsure of his looks.

Soon enough, they are the only ones in this section of the school. Only four lockers distance between them.

Rosabella's locker, of course, is nearer to the entrance and exit of the school. It was strategically chosen by her. Near the entrance, there is more sunlight for her, so it is the best spot for reading novels with tiny letters.

Daring walked towards the exit. Unfortunately, since Rosabella was sitting on the cold, hard floor with her legs stretched, Daring tripped over her. And fell.

Rosabella gasped, she was too distracted by her interesting book to realize that Daring was passing by. Daring had not seen her because she was too short, Daring fell to the ground cheek-first. Though, luckily, before he fell, he put his arms in front of him, so the fall will not harm his charming face too much.

"Daring! I'm so sorry!" Rosabella said with an apologetic look.

"It's okay Rosabella!" Daring exclaimed bravely while he got up, "I am strong! And such minor stumbles cannot fathom me!" Rosabella only giggled. "Good for you, then... But do you know what "fathom" means?"

Daring hid his shy face quickly, "Of course I do! It means Harm... Or injure!" Rosabella just grinned wider. "No, Daring. Fathom generally means "understand" but in a negative way, you will understand more if you read the definition on the MirrorNet."

Daring turned shy again. "Oh yes, of course! My bad..."

"We all make mistakes. But I didn't know you knew the word "fathom", where did you get it?" Rosabella questioned. Daring took a small, but thick, brown novel from his pants pocket, the pages were wrinkled and fungi had grown on it, the tale seemed as old as time. "I went to the Library to do some Geografairy research for our write-up next week, but instead I got distracted." Daring said, handing the ancient book to Rosabella. To be polite, Rosabella stood up to match his height and picked up the book from his palm.

She studied the cover for a minute or two, squinting her eyes because the cover was plastered in dirty creases. Suddenly, she became surprised.

"Daring! This is my mother's book! But it's written in different words... But it's still my mother's storybook!!!" Rosabella bursted out.

"Hmm... Person on the cover seemed familiar." Commented Daring.

Rosabella laughed and gave the book back to Daring. "When is it due?"

Daring scratched his head to think. "Today, actually."

"Then get on to the Library then!"

"I... Don't know the people there well... Can you please come with me?"

Rosabella pondered on it for a moment and slid her eighth favorite book into her locker through its huge horizontal holes.

"Come on." Rosabella smiled, showing her hand to Daring as if she expected Daring to take it.

Daring held Rosabella's hand and they walked, hand in hand, their lips shaped like Kitty Cheshire's, to the Library to return a tale. They might be returning a story, but they will... And they will... Be making much more stories.


Author's Note

Video isn't mine. Belongs to Madysen Meyers, god bless that dude for editing and creating such a great Darebella video on YouTube!!! Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed. I'm busy. Library has a capital letter because I think Ever After High has a special name for it but I forgot. Please comment ships of Ever After High. Ta.

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