Waiting (Bropper, Briar x Hopper)

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I knocked on her dorm door, clutching my briar roses in my hand, waiting impatiently for Briar to answer. I glanced at my watch. Briar might be sleeping, because I had been here for nearly an hour, but I would wait a hundred years for Briar.

KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK, I knocked for probably the thousandth time today. Briar is a heavy sleeper, unfortunately. Suddenly, Ashlynn passed by, seeming to rush, opening the door and shutting it ferociously in my face. What did Hunter do this time???

A few seconds later, Ashlynn returned apologizing. "Sorry Hopper! I had to stay late from class and I am almost NOT early for my..." she trailed off, so I finished her sentence. "Secret date with Hunter? Don't worry, Ashlynn," I scoffed and when I saw her serious face, I continued my statement, "You can trust me, I won't tell, OR tease you."

"Thank you Hopper." She was about to run away but then she saw my flower bouquet behind my back and said "Briar is out with Daring" before she galloped away hurriedly, her orange hair flying in the air scrambled. But then I just processed what she said.

BRIAR IS OUT WITH DAAAARING?! I transformed into a frog right away. BRIARRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! Time to do her a favor, because Daring, is, a, terrible, person, with, the, ladies, especially after what I heard about him and Lizzie. Poor thing, poor thing, Lizzie. Basically, after that whole rendezvous all because of our stupid dare and Daring being so daring and dares, he went on a magnificent date with Lizzie... Just to cheat on her with Duchess afterwards. Jerk.

And I don't want that to happen. I want to keep Briar safe from ruffians, thugs, poison ivy, quick sand, dangerous things and pizza. So I dashed out of the dorms section like the Flash (or Quicksilver) and ended up in the high school lobby. Where would Briar go? Daring would go to the Hocus Latte, but I decided to go where the previous True Hearts' Day ball was held, as after the afterparty, it became one of Briar's most favorite places to hold a party. And what would Briar do? Hold a party duh.

I barged into the room, making lots of noise, but loud, ear damming music was already playing by Melody and Sparrow... Because one of them just isn't loud enough. I skimmed around the room to find Briar, surprisingly, the party was full of people I didn't know but was surely in Ever After High. Finally, I found Briar at the punch bowl after several minutes of waiting.

"Briar!" I cried out in relief.

"Hi Hopper, why are you here?" replied Briar.

"Doesn't matter. What are you doing?" Briar was in the process of opening her mouth to speak but Daring strolled into our mini conversation with his signature smile and spoke.

"She's with me, Hopper. Sorry."

Well... At least he had the heart to say sorry... But it's too late now to say sorry.

When he was out of sight, I had been trailing my eyes onto Briar the whole time so when the coast was clear, I pulled her forearm, with force but softly, to lead her outside.

I stopped dragging her when we were under the shade of a perfect birch tree that was secluded from public areas of Ever After.

"What do you want, Hopper?!" Briar scream-spoke.

"Briar! That's Daring! HE IS STUPID." I said to argue.

"Are you just jealous?" Briar calmed down, though, she smirked.

I was fidgeting with my flowers behind my back, I had forgotten I brought them down here with me, to avoid embarrassing myself and from Briar noticing the bouquet.

"No, I a-"

"What are those behind you?" she put her sunglasses in front of her eyes and winced. Oh man I forgot about those glasses.

I just stood in my awkward stance, confused as to what to do. Sadly, Briar snatched my flowers and read the card attached to it... Out loud.

"Dear Briar," she started, "You are as beautiful as your last name, and as fun as your first. You are my water when I suffer in thirst, I wonder whether you will invite me... To your next party burst?" She smiled sweetly (her smiles are all sweet though) and she read the last line, "From your admirer, the II."

I tried to grab it from her, but she would always dodge my shots.

"Briar! Give it back!"

"Why? Wasn't this meant for me?"

"Uhhh..." Secretly, I was asking my magic powers to turn me into a toad once more.

"Thanks, Hopper..."

I just hesitated a "Welcome". Someone help me. Help, help, help!!!

Briar turned her face to me and telling from her face fall, I could see that she could interpret how nervous and frightened I was. I wanted to sprint away. Although I knew this will end up as quite a sticky situation, Briar suddenly just hugged me softly. Wut.

Even though, I was probably a couple of seconds or so, time seemed to be passing like a dead turtle, I still felt Briar's warm grasp on me... Why did that sound weird?

Then she released from the seemingly never-ending hug.


I couldn't react though, I was still mesmerized.

"How about... I keep these roses, not get angry at you from crashing my party and trust you not to tell this to any living soul... And you get a hug?" Briar chuckled and said, holding the bouquet with her left hand and handling the card attached to it with her right.

WHAT DO I SAY HOPPER? My brain decided to make a hilllarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrious joke, "How about a kiss too?"


"Sure, I'll get more purple punch for you inside. I remember when you fell in the punch bowl. Just wait a second."

Briar dashed back into the room, somehow, she did it calmly.

It doesn't matter.

I am happy.

Today was a fulfilling day and I feel content.

I'll wait for Briar.


Author's Note
Woah. 1,000 words. For my standards, that's great. Well, anyway, sorry for not posting sooner, I have a play to take care of! (Okay that was a terrible excuse, I only help in music. Recently, I was taking a trip back to the nineties and got addicted to 3rd Rock From The Sun ._. I was bored and got addicted again to the storyline of the game, Gone Home, and then I re-downloaded ROBLOX. Oh dear. Oh yeah, sorry if it's bad, like I said in previous chapter, in a rush. Well, time to complete due homework. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed. PTCVBF, peace out! Ta!
Heads up, next chapter might be Dizzie... or... brace yourselves... Headmaster Grimm and Baba Yaga! (No, I am not trying to blind the population of Earth)
Otherwise, it's White Queen and Mad Hatter. Either way... Sorry.

References mentioned above
Flash D.C. Hero
Quicksilver Marvel Hero
After The Afterparty Song by Charli XCX (spelled wrong? Sorry)

For your information, if anyone was wondering, all the chapters should be, somehow, connected.

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