Chapter - 56

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Bello readers... !!

I am back...

Really sorry for the delay but couldn't help it...

Hope you like the update...

Please ignore grammatical errors and spelling mistakes..

Enjoy reading...


After nandini bid bye to manik she came back inside...

Finally they all asked her about how she came back to India and how did aryaman took her there as in actually all her identity proofs and passport was at home with murthy's.

Aryaman and nandini answered all their queries with patience as they knew they wanted to assure that their daughter was safe where ever she was....

Krishna: why don't you call your dad for dinner aryaman i mean would be a pleasure for us... If he could join us and we want to thank him properly...

Aryaman: dad would surely like to visit but he is out of town today.. Maybe some other day....

Krishna: ohh not a problem son, whenever mr Singhania is free...

Aryaman: sure uncle.

Just when they were chitchatting and having fun try alks they heard a voice...

Voice : i am back nandu....

Nandini: navya...

Saying these she ran into navya's arms... Though not best friends but they had a deep bond sith each other...  Navya usually used to talk with nandini and in these months navya surely came to know that nandini was an integral friend or may be more than sister for her cause she really missed being with her. With the news of nandini missing only she has became so quite that she can imagine the extent manik of manik's sadness.

Navya's eyes where tears filled and so were nandini's on seeing navya nandini nodded in a no saying no to shed tears and be happy....

Nandini: come navya meet aryaman who saved my life...

Navya: sure...

Nandini introduced aryaman to navya...

Navya: aaru is that you...

Aryaman: navu...

They both nodded their heads vigorously and hugged each otger tightly..

While other were to totally seating baffeled as they knew nothing about them...

Finally having enough cabir shouted standing up...

Cabir: eea chup.. Ek minute... How do you know each other and you navya (pulling her a little away from aryaman and holding her from waist) how do you know him...

Navya: he is cabir my fiancé..

Aryaman hugged cabir and said pulling his cheeks...

Aryaman: aww don't worry... "Jiju"..

Hearing these everyone got somewhat idea...

Cabir: jiju what man...

Navya: CABIR... bhai hai woh mera...

Cabir: ohh toh asa bola na.. And by the way agar tum dono ek dusre se ese...  Ese...  Aaru...  Navu..  Karke milo ge toh kese pata lage ga... Asa mil rahe the jese kitne salo bad mile ho...

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