Yellow eyes head master and Mate.

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I looked around the room for help, for Fi... anyone. I was panicking myself, probably mildly also hyperventilating, and my mind was in a hundred different places at once. This is not a great way to start the school year. This is not great, period.

The whole class had filtered outside and were watching in like this was some kind of soap opera and the next big thing was about to happen. I on the other hand am freaking out...why does the headteacher think that I'm capable of calming him down, Raphaelo doesn't even know me , and I'm pretty sure he's like this because I pissed him off enough to snap, in the first place.

Mr Rivers looked pointedly at me and said again,

"Calm him down." except this time he sounded more 'get-the-hell-on-with-it'

I didnt know what to do, I've never been in a situation like this before, so I honestly had no clue as to what I was meant to be doing...

I looked back outside to see the guy that had come up to me that morning...the other Italian, Arsenio. My sister was in tow, and they looked...loved up.

Jealousy coursed through me, and spred like wild fire.

I was suddenly able to believe I could calm him down.

Raphaelo was in the middle of turning over a table, so I placed my hand on his lower back and trailed it up to stay between his shoulder blades. He froze, all that we could hear was the dropping of paper and pencil cases from the table he was about to over turn. He shivered deeply, and his back vibrated almost as if he was growling, or maybe even purring?

F*ck, why did that affect me so deeply, do I usually get this hormonal when cats start purring? No. So get it together.

"Put the table down." I said. My voice sounding thick.

Shortly after, I could here the table drop to the floor. Slowly almost as if he didn't want to scare me away, he turned around to face me. He was panting and heaving, but that's not the thing that shocked me, the thing that shocked me was the colour of his eyes. They flashed a yellow. A bright yellow. That's impossible. Only cats and wolves have that shade of yellow going on. But I couldn't inspect further as his eyes shaded back to their natural chocolate brown colour. I was forced to agree with my rational side telling me it was just a trick of light - the other side, well, lets just leave that theory down to rest.

I hadn't realised that my hand was now comfortably resting on his heart in the little dip he had down the middle, between his two amazingly muscly pecks. God, it was so hard not to act like a hormonal teenager around him.

Suddenly a wave of want and desire over came me and I had no idea what to do with myself I felt like jumping him.

I'm gonna have to move away from him if I want to stay a virgin'

Before I could move back towards a safety zone the headmaster said the weirdest thing...

"You smell..." he sniffed the air, his eyes turning black, "delicious" he looked at me. Did he just say that? I looked up at Raphael, to be honest, a bit scared. He was well two steps infront of me. Before I knew it I was being yanked behind Raphael as he snarled at the headmaster.


This is no way happening.

"Do not talk to my mate like that, she is mine, my mate." As the word mate left his mouth for the second time my body shuddered uncontrollably and I fisted Raphaels t-shirt, needing to hold on to something -though preferably him.

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