I'm sorry I know

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I woke up to intense pain.
I tried to move my head, and yet it was like a tonne of bricks had been placed on my face, and the streak of pain that followed the attempt was not even describable.
I tried to call out to someone, but my throat was so dry and inflamed.
Why the fuck does it hurt so bad?
Where is the pain even originating from?
My neck.
Holy shit, did he infect me with Rabies.
Wouldn't be surprised if he was a rabid mutt.
What could I do?
I couldn't just sit there like a mute infected weirdo... or maybe I could, because honestly, I don't see myself getting out of this situation any time soon.
I was literally paralysed, every single movement would pain my body, hell, every breath I took was laboured.
I need someone to help me.
My initial reaction -more like instinct really- was to call out to Raphael, make him grovel and nurse me back to health. However I had two problems, one, I currently did not have the ability to talk, and two, my pride.
I can just imagine his thoughts or the look on his face as I called for his aid. The smug bastard would probably gloat before helping me.
For some unknown, irritating, irrational reason, I still seemed to miss his presence, it had been 41 hours since I had last seen or spoke to him, and I would be lying if I said that that didn't have an affect on me.
It infuriated me so much that I literally think the anger is surpassing the pain at the moment.
My mind could not seem to make itself up, and my emotions were everywhere at the moment.
Valentina and Aura are the only ones who visit me, mostly because they are the only girls that aren't whining mutts, or men.
It pained me sometimes to listen to them talking about their mates when mine was probably out there thinking what a horrible one he had, or waiting for me to cave in, or sticking his fangs into another willing girl.
Could one even change mates?
Pain shot through my body, but this time originating from the heart, not the neck.
This had become increasingly frequent in the past 24 hours, my heart would spike and send out shots of pain.
Painful pain. Worse than the neck pain.
I knew why, of course I did. And if I hadn't known before, Aura and Tina definitely made it clear that it was Raphael.
Apparently he had been experiencing the same pain, but he wasn't wallowing in self pity as I was. Apparently he felt that he deserved the pain that he was getting.
Eh,mildly true.
I had made it explicitly clear that the girls were not to peep a word about the heart ache (for that is really what it is) to my soul-mate.
I hope they had kept their word.
Annnnd I was wrong.
Loud steps resonated through the quiet house, determined, yet stealthy.
My door was pushed open with great force.
Why is he always naked?
Raphael was standing, for the third time in the past three days, naked in the doorway.
Be still my beating heart.
No seriously, calm down.
My body was leaning against the head board and my bare legs were spread out in front of me (I was wearing one of his shirts, cos they smelt amazing - don't judge) as I watched him as he prowled into the room and then, with a feral and predatory look in his eye, crawled (for the second time) towards me. his eyes never leaving my own.
Oh my god, I cannot move. No, literally, it's too painful. Can't move. At all.
I am going to have a heart attack.
He came to a stop when he was straddling my waist, leaning against me, with his forearms on the head-board, beside my head.
My breathing became shallow and my skin tingled.
The pain almost instantly stopped.
He did, literally, the thing I least expected him to do.
Slowly, ever so slowly, he leaned down towards my neck, never breaking eye contact until I could no longer see his face.
But, oh lord did I feel his mouth.
My head shot back automatically giving him more space.
He cupped the back of my neck and literally sucked the sore holes in my neck.
I screamed out in pleasure and alarm at how much pleasure I was feeling. I grabbed the back of his neck and pushed him further towards me. I felt him smile against my skin, and then drag his tongue across the mark.
He pressed wet kisses on my jaw and lightly - playfully, bit down on my mark.
God, is there any end to this euphoria.
I placed a hand on his chest to signal the stop. He leaned away and looked at me, eyes still dark with desire and hidden (well, not so much) intention. I pushed him more, so that he ended up on his back, and I was the one above him, sitting comfortably on his lower stomach.
I leaned forward kissing him too lightly and then with my forefinger started a trail from his lips.
Down his neck, as he gulped.
Down his muscled pecks, as he shivered.
Down his toned abdomen, as his body was raised off the bed and his moan echoed through the room.
He was too easy to work up.
I giggled slightly. Wait, what? Ew, I was giggling now?
Raphael's eyes snapped open and he flipped us over. my legs were locked behind his back and one of his hands were drawing circles on my thigh and the other was massaging my waist.
I sighed in content.
His forehead came down to mine.
"I'm sorry." I heard him say. "I'm so sorry for everything."
"I know." I kiss him lightly, "me too."

Short but sweet I think. I didn't want there to be any drama in this chapter, cos I'm nice...and I even gave you a saucy scene, which was sooo difficult to write because I kept laughing.
Any feed back? More love scenes (dirty devils)?
To the side is a picture of the infamous Raphael Trulia. I pick 'em well, I know.
Anyway it is currently 1:00 in the morning and I am officially knackered... so
Annie, out.
P.s thanks everyone for the comments, you guys make me laugh!

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