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I walked into the 'pack house' as they call it, and slammed the door.
The twat made me so angry. He tried to lay the blame on my shoulders?
I don't think so, you prick.
I just needed to wait for the right time to run away.
I stopped in my tracks when I heard chatter in the living room.
"Who does she even think she is, I bet you she's not even Raphael's mate." EXCUSE ME?!
"She's such a slut, did you see what she was wearing, just his shirt."
That wasn't my fault, bitch, he left me no clothes!
"She won't last two minutes, he'll kick her out, like the common whore that she is."
Okay, that's it.
I stormed into the living room. There were four girls in there. I don't know who they are calling a whore, but they need to take a proper good long look in the mirror.
"Who the fuck are you talking about?!" I yell at them, well mostly at the two girls with knowing smirks on their faces.
You know that look that says 'we knew you were listening the whole time'
"I think you already know that, or are you retarded as well as a slut?" One of them says.
No. no,no,no,no,no.
Wrong person to make fun of, love.
"How dare you call me retarded?! there are people out there who cannot help what they have and are more genuine than use that word so loosely and yet you do not know the real meaning behind know, maybe you should spend less time on that ridiculous make up of yours and more time trying to keep those two brain cells, that you have between the four of you, intact!" I say the. pointing at the bitch, well, more like butch I continue,
"As for what I am wearing, it's Raphael's, he gave it to me and took my other clothes, which only leads to the conclusion that he wanted me in his shirt. Now, I know you twits are jealous, but do me a favour...back the fuck off, and take your head's out of your arses, it's not a fucking hat!"
I let just simmer for a couple of seconds.
"Anyone got anything else they would like to share?" I said looking pointedly at the other girls, and then at the two original Barbie's.
"No? okay then, good night."
I turned around and walked right out of their AA session.
Bunch of morons.
That is the second big argument I have had tonight.
This 'moon goddess' better know what the heck she is doing.
I walk up to the second floor, where our room is. wait, what?no. Where MY room is. I am not sharing with that twit if it's the last thing I do.
Well, I obviously thought wrong didn't I.
I bang open my door, guess what...ohhhh shit.
He had his backed turned to me, but I knew it was him. Raphael. He was clearly doing something, probably on his phone, but that was not what was bothering me.
His back was bare, well, so was the rest of his body. He literally had no clothes on. He was wet, bare and there was a towel around his feet.
Holy mother of God.
My brain kinda stopped functioning.
Nothing was coming out my mouth, and nothing was going through my brain, other than the fact that I would let him take me right now, on the freaking floor if he wanted to.
"What-" I cleared my throat because it sounded thick, "what are you doing in here...naked?"
I sounded uncertain, and a bit timid, as I said 'naked' which really annoyed me.
I needed to be a bit stronger around this guy.
"I got here before you did, and had a shower."
He didn't even turn around to address me.
"No, I meant, what are you doing here, in my room" I said a bit more forcefully.
At this he turned around. My eyes zeroed in on his male reproductive thingy.
"Oh Jesus!" I say while shielding my eyes. I literally covered my eyes with my hands at the same time as looking away.
he was big... you know what I mean.
I heard shuffling and then the door closed behind me.
I opened my eyes and removed my hands thinking it was safe to do so.
Well, it wasn't.
He wasn't standing in front of me anymore, I felt his presence behind me.
Well, shit.
All of a sudden my hips are being gripped from behind,and I am pulled into Raphael's hard and wet body.
Oh god, give me strength.
he leans down and runs his nose along my neck, he stops by my ear and says,
"I'm sorry for being a dick." he says. that really was not the best word to use right now.
"Yeah,well sorry doesn't cut it." I say, kinda breathlessly.
At that he lightly nips and sucks at my ear...
I try to get away but his hands are like iron grips on my hips.
One hand slides under my top, and I let my head fall back onto his chest.
"" I plead breathlessly.
" I really am sorry Tesoro." he says, kissing my neck lightly. his other hand travels to my behind and gives it a light squeeze.
I gasp lightly.
Holy shit.
Keep it together Luna, you can do this.
"No!" I say yanking free and turning around at the same time.
I see him, standing there, big and proud watching me with lust filled eyes, and I can't turn away.
"I-I thought I was the embarrassing mate." I say, trying to put force behind my words. Reminding him of what he had said earlier.
He takes a step forward, and yanks me back into him by grabbing the bottom of his shirt (the one I am wearing).
"Maybe, but you are MY embarrassing mate."
I could feel his hard member pressing against me, and it really wasn't doing anything for my judgement.
"Let me mark you."
He says suddenly, flinging me on the bed. I squeak.
"What?" I say looking at him incredulously, as he crawls on top of me.
Ohhhh, shit is about to get real.
He kisses my neck, sucking lightly on my sweet spot.
"Let me mark you."
I have no idea what that is.
I didn't think my answer through.
I didn't think.

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