I'm sorry my love

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I just stared at Raphael and then at my sister.

"Are you going to let this happen?" I asked raising an eyebrow. Not really knowing how to take this.

"Lu, at the moment you don't really know the whole story and you have no idea how amazing it is that Rapha has even found you, how amazing it is that I have found Ares." she seemed to have forgot that the pep talk was for me and her attention was soon turned towards Ares. I swiftly got annoyed. As if on cue I hear Raphael growl next to me. I have already got used to his snarling and growling, so I just nodded my head and crossed my arms, agreeing with him. She snapped her head back to me and then to Raphael lowering her eyes and saying lightly...

"sorry." what the hell is going on here, my sister being all submissive? not possible.

I looked towards Raphael, but then my head snapped back,not really to his face but to what he was holding in his hand.

A big fat ugly looking needle.

I looked up at him, pleading with him to let me come out of this 'needle in me arm'-less.

"Ares restrain Lunas sister."

In that split moment I make eye contact with my sister. Eyes wide, breath being taken in in short bursts, and visibly panicked. She looked helpless. Slowly, different emotions started to cross her face, fear, panic, pain, anger, and then fury. She then proceeded to flip her sh*t and start punching Ares.


"You wouldn't." I whispered looking up to Raphael, eyes pleading, begging.

His eyes remained steely, and I knew he was going to this. Why? didn't he know that I would accept whatever the hell was going on here in time? I felt betrayed, I tell you what, the scariest thing in life is to feel something so strong that it consumes your every cell, and yet, not know why. At the moment betrayal and a sense of hurt were coursing through my blood.

I watched as the needle came closer.

I quickly swung my legs over the other side of the table and jumped off. I didn't even hesitate, hearing my sister screaming her lungs out,


I tooks those words as encouragement and legged it out the other door - that was technically off limits- and down the corridor. I heard his swift feet not far behind me. There is something you need to know about me. I'm not sporty at all. At all. but when adreneline overtakes me I freaking' run. Though I must say my adrenalin starts to wear out after about 5 minutes,which isn't so good.

I soon started feeling guilty that I had left my sister back there with a psycho and slowly in turn everything started to shut down. First my speed, I seriously started to slow, so much so, I swear I could hear my engines chugging and coughing. Then, I lost all sense of direction due to guilt consuming my thoughts and leaving no space for reasonable thoughts really.

Thats were I came to a dead end. Literally.

The school was under reconstruction at the moment and so some of the school was fenced off. I only realised that I was in a construction zone, because I rammed into a temporary wall, meant to stop people walking into the rebuilding site.

I whizzed around heaving and sweating, just, not looking or feeling my best.

I came face to face with Raphael. He looked unfazed, as if he had been walking his puppy not running after a girl that had some speed to her.

He gave me a hundred watt smile and leaned against the wall, crossing his arms.

*cough* looking beautiful *cough*

he did though.

And just like the last time a wave of need and just pure Lust overcame me.

What the f*ck is happening to my body.

I sucked in a deep breath and leaned against the wall for support.

No sooner had I done that then I felt Raphael's chest pressing against mine, trying - and succeeding - in keeping me up straight.

I moaned lightly at his touch, and instead of helping and staying away from me, he moved closer and ran his lips from the base of my neck to my jaw and then lightly nipping at my skin. I grabbed his shirt, and pulled him closer. Consequently his shirt came out from being neatly tucked in, and I couldn't help but slide my hand under his t-shirt.

He growled lightly as he caught on to what I was doing but then stopped abruptly as I traced my finger just where his jeans started. I could feel his muscles contorting under my touch and I felt him shudder and gasp in a breath.

"f*ck." he whispered, more to himself than me, as if he was restraining himself. He had placed his bulky arms either side of my head to support his body that was quickly becoming limp. However I frowned as  I didn't want him to restrain himself.

I wanted him.

So I upped my game.

I then used my nails and traced them up his stomach. At that point he put hung his head swearing again lightly under his breath, arching himself towards me slightly. I trailed my nails back down.

I stuck my hand ever so slightly under his trouser belt and his head snapped up, eyes yellow again. Ha! I'm not going that far.

I smirked up at him, grabbing his trousers and pulling them into me.

Shit. I could feel stuff was stirring down there.

As if realising my thoughts he leant down and whispered,

"you can't play with me like that and not expect a reaction."

To show him that I was not in the least bit about to back down, I push my pelvis into his lower region, watching eagerly as his eyes roll to the back of his head.

He then unexpectedly grabbed my ear lobe with his teeth and sucked lightly, but I jumped to the left, looking at him, mortified.

I had felt razor sharp teeth. All the electricity in the air dissipated suddenly.

"Smile." I commanded him.

He seemed to catch on but smiled hesitantly anyway.

Oh My God. He had two MASSIVE fangs from the top row of his teeth and two smaller ones on the bottom.

"What are you? a vampire?" I ask as he snorted, though he still made it sound attractive.

"Vampire...pfft...I'm hurt that you would compare me to that scum." okaaay then,not a vampire.

"Then what are you?"

He walked up to me and kissed me lightly before saying.

"I'm a werewolf." he said flashing me an apologetic smile. I looked at him puzzled, before I felt pain in my upper arm. I looked down and saw the needle. I tried to look up,but I couldn't. My head was too heavy,and then suddenly I had no control over my body. I started to fall, only for Raphael to catch me and say,

"I'm sorry my love."

I blacked out.

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