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AN: I changed the head witches name to Alessandra, I dunno I liked it better!
Enjoy this sassy chapter.
Comment which side you're on.


There was a sort of calm that came down upon the whole town after I arrived. I had the sense that during my brief time away everyone had been on edge, especially my mate.

The boundary between this coven and the outside world had separated us, more than just physically, I couldn't feel his presence in my mind as I do now. Sitting next to him, I can feel more than the warmth of his body, or the the faint quiver in his breath as he drew my hand to his lips.

His presence relaxed me as I knew mine relaxed his. But there was a great many things to discuss, and mine and Raph's relationship was not one of them.

I lean forward, into the circle that had been created. I needed to get to the bottom of what happened while I was away, and share my experience as well. Immediately as I asserted myself, attention was on me,

"So, there is obviously a lot of things to talk about, before I ask for an update on what happened while I was away, I need to know why it was like a wasteland out there - not a single wolf in sight," I looked around, trying to prompt people into speaking up, when this didn't work I followed up my question with, "why had the entire pack vacated our land, why couldn't I feel anyone, why couldn't I feel you?" I ask looking at Raph.

Things started to feel slightly off when people's postures naturally shrunk, and eyes weren't meeting mine. Raph's knuckles were clenching and unclenching, and instantly I was uneasy. While trying to probe his mind I could tell that he was hiding something from me, which came as a shock to me, as he'd not shielded anything from me beforehand.

My sister then stepped forward,

"We'll start off easy shall we?" there was a rippling laughter throughout. I felt slight anger at that, it was like being left out of a joke. Trying to keep my cool, and remain a good Luna I kept my icy comment to myself.

"Alessandra," she pointed out the head of the coven who had sat next to her, "has a natural gift of foresight amongst other amazing powers"
gag, is she hitting on her?
"She saw that an unknown enemy was encroaching very quickly on our land and warned us, you and Raph weren't around so Arsenio assumed his role as beta and decided that the best course of action was to move out-"

"Scuse me," I interjected, "did Arsenio not use that massive head to maybe think that he should try at least to warn his Alpha, maybe check if he was okay?"

"Well -" she started, and I interjected, again,

"I believe that Arsenio has a voice of his own," I then placed my attention on him, making it painfully clear that he was to speak.

He cleared his throat awkwardly,

"Honestly, my first priority was the pack, I didn't really think - " I stopped him there, that's all I needed to hear,

"Amazing, thank you for owning up, you're completely correct in stating you didn't think."


Internally I was giggling a little bit because I had turned this gathering into an inquisition and the relaxed carefree mood from before had completed dissipated. Everyone knew I was pissed, and I meant business. The only person who didn't look phased was Alessandra.

Raph continued to silently seethe next to me, and I knew his anger wasn't targeted at me, but I also knew he didn't want to throw people under the bus, so I was putting on my Sherlock hat and getting to the bottom of this shit show.

My Alpha Mate Kidnapped me.Where stories live. Discover now