Fifty shades of Grey.

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My eyes shot open.
Someone is spooning me right now, and I can't see their faces but I'm almost positive it's a certain Italian named Raphael.
I remember last night and groan, though I quickly shut up so as not to wake him. That would be beyond awkward. I Just want to get out of this bed without him causing a scene, or even worse...kissing me. Because then, I am beyond skrewed.
I was getting a feeling of 'shit-I-should-really-have-not-accepted-his-apology-or-kissed-him-or-even-just-touched-him-last-night-like-at-all'.
It's a complicated feeling, tell me about it.
God damn it.
He has an iron grip, or hold, or snuggle -you know what, forget's gonna be really hard to get out of this position.
It's like playing sleeping lions again...or was that another game.
Oh great, now I can't think straight. It's his god damn amazing smell.
Is that Dolce and Gabbana?
I groan.
Could not get enough of it.
Either my sister told him my favourite male perfume, or he has an amazing smell palette (is that even a thing?) , just like me.
Okay, breathe. Luna, you can do this.
I really was doing well, I had lifted up his arm (I may or may not have glanced down at some of his naked body under the covers), slipped out of bed, and then I heard the sexiest morning voice in history,
"You can't get away that easy Tesoro." There was a hint of a smirk in his voice. I turned around,
"Shit, I thought I was doing s-oooo holy shit!" I covered my eyes (I dunno why though, I've seen his naked body too many times to count.) At that thought I put my hands down and just stared at him.
He was leaning against the wall, and he had angled himself so that he was facing me. That smirk. Not a good sign.
He's in one of his good moods.
I kept my eyes level with his, though I did look at his AMAZING arms for like, 2 seconds...okay, maybe 30. NOT THE POINT.
"Are we going to stand here all day and stare at each other?" I ask him.
I guess he took that as his cue to start strutting over to me, and in no time at all he was an arms length away, pulling at the bottom of the (his) shirt, so that we collided halfway.
I gasped.
Well, shit.
Now the predicament has worsened.
"You look delizioso, il mio Tesoro."
I refuse to be turned on by his Italian antics.
Jesus Christ he smells sooo good.
My plan is quickly burning into a pile of pretty little ashes.
He leans down and kiss the MASSIVE SCAR ON MY NECK.
That felt good.
Okay, stop.
I need to get over my anger about what is happening and clarify some things with Raph.
"Raph." I say.
He pulls back with one final kiss to my lips.
"We need to talk." I say looking up at him, "about everything."
"I understand."
And the look he gave kinda showed it. I hadn't learned much about mates, but what I was quickly starting to figure out was that they always knew what to do. When to come and comfort you, or say sorry, or leave you alone...or just, understand.
I mean I hated the situation I was forced into -HATED- but I couldn't deny the little slice of magic we had.
I mean all the times I had flipped shit could have easily been avoided if Raph had just explained the situation that I had landed face first into, OR NOT LOCKED ME IN A ROOM. It's okay, I'm calm.
- As I was saying, explained to me what was going on. So, to avoid any future avoidable situations, I want to talk.
He nodded in response, he gave me jeans and my bra. Apparently he didn't need to change into anything...I insisted, so did he. I just decided to let him go and embarrass himself.
If you want to go out into the world and embarrass yourself, then go ahead sugar muffin.
That wasn't meant to come out of my mouth at all...but it did, and it was loud.
"That's a new one." he says leading me down the stairs and into the front garden, facing the forest. I say garden but it was more of a patch of well cut, tamed grass that clashed with the unkept grass about 50 metres before the forest started.
Were we just gonna talk on his front lawn? oh great, I can already tell that he is taking ths way seriously. Stupid jerk.
"Stand back, I do not want to get you hurt, tesoro."
Well then.
and it wasn't the smoking kind.
What the hell was that?
I look towards Raph, my eyes conveying all the 'what the fuck is happening, help' look.
He just grimly smiles. Is that supposed to help in this situation? I am having anxiety about cracking noises, and he looks like someone is about to die.
The cracks start to multiply and grow in noise. It's coming from Raph.
At first he looks like any normal man, tall, dark and handsome.
Then, once the cracking had ceased, it was like an instant transformation.
Man to dog.
Except he wasn't a dog, more a horse-wolf.
I had seen him as his wolf before, but something about this time was different. He wasn't trying to catch me, and he wasn't angry with me, and I wasn't having that much of an anxiety attack.
I could really see him as his wolf. Big an black he towered over me as he softly padded up to my side and nuzzled my neck a bit.
I couldn't help but laugh.
"Raph, heal."
I jokily say, but he growls and as clear as day I hear in my head;
'I'm not a dog tesoro'
Errm...not really sure how to reply to that.
He soon sits on the floor, and spreads his paws in front so that he is laying on his stomach in a very Sphinx kind of manner.
I smirk.
"Hop on my back tesoro, I want to show you something." I hear in my mind again. This is beyond creepy, so creepy.
"I'm not getting on your back, you're not a horse."
His head turned towards me and I could literally feel the smirk.
"Are you sure you don't wanna ride me like a horse."
Okay, that is it. There was definitely a suggestive tone there.
Just pretend it didn't happen.
"Shut your face Dante, get over here."
I say waving my hand.
The massive wolf gets up and looks at me, he trots towards and then plonks himself down infront of me.
"see how you're ordering me around." he said laying down again.
"I wouldn't mind you ordering me around more often in fact...maybe while I'm tied to a bed and you're in a sexy domimatrix costume." What us with this really cheeky/creepy mood he is in today?
I climbed on top of his back. His fur was soft and so dark. It felt great.
I fisted his fur with my hands, and I heard, what sounded like a purring.
"Someone likey, do they?" I pulled at his fur again. He growled.
I was suddenly on the floor, on my back with Toto hovering over me.
"My love, I would not advise that you turn on my wolf like that, he cannot restrain himself the way that I can."
Well then, if you wanna put it that way...I won't be holding your fur anymore. LIKE, AT ALL.
And once again. The moment was ruined, On my way! Step forward, three steps back.
Almost as instantly as he turned into his wolf he turned back into a human and dragged me to our room. He had a worryingly somber look of confusion and panic cast over his face.
"What? What is it? What has happened." I ask placing my hands on either side of his face.
He looked down at me, his eyes coming out of the daze he was in,
"Rogues, there's been a trespassing. But they're skilled, we can't pick up on their scent."
I could tell he was in deep thought, but there was no time for that. I didn't know what a rogue really was, but seeing as Raph was acting all bristly at the mention of it I assumed it wasn't good. That, and the fact that they're "rogues", I mean, come on, I'm not that dumb.
Obviously they weren't a good thing.
"Snap out of it, you need to get it together and find them." his head snapped up, and his eyes looked down at me puzzled.
"Get in your wolf, go! Jheez, God knows what might happen!" He just stood there. I on the other hand, I was experiencing a full fledged panic attack.
"Are you deaf, your people are out there, what will happen if something happens to them?!" My eyes darting around, why Is this affecting me so badly. He puffed out his chest. Uh oh, warning bells.
" I am the Alpha, I do not do such mundane runs."
"Raph, do not take that fucking tone with me. Your people are in danger and you need to move your FUCKING ARSE and help!"
That's it. I did it now. His eyes flashed yellow and he pushed me into the wall behind me. I felt nothing though, as he had shielded me from the full capacity of the blow. The fuck is wrong with him? He should be bloody out there, doing something. Not playing freaking bouncy with me.
"They're as much your people as they are mine," he says lightly breathing over the mark on the base of my neck, "or do I need to remind you."
Is he threatening me? He better not be.
"You threaten me again Trulia, and heads will roll."
I try and move his head away from my neck, because the closeness was making my body heat go up in ways I really didn't need right now, while worrying for his pack. Or my pack. Whatever. THE pack.
"I don't need to threaten you, I can just show you."
He, then and there, while our territory was being attacked, decided to assert his freaking place by biting into the freaking mark he placed on my virgin skin.
Oh Jesus, I really didn't want this to happen.
Keep your head straight girl. Keep it, keep it.
"Raph..." I lightly moan. That's it, it's gone. I'm done for.
I arch my back, literally begging for his attention like a freaking dog in heat.
He lifts my legs up, so that they are coiled around his waist, and I squeeze my legs to get his body closer to mine.
He places butterfly kisses on my neck.
He's teasing me right now. I can feel it, but I'm not gonna cave. Not happening. Not caving in.
"Raph, if you don't kiss me, right now, I will chain you to the bed, and go all fifty shades of grey on your arse. Except I will one hundred per cent be dominating your fine behind."
"As you wish, il mio Tesoro."
He enclosed my mouth in a searing kiss, pressing his body into mine. Oh my Jesus, I need to breathe, but I think I'll let myself faint before I stop kissing him.
I could feel his hard on pressing into my body, causing lightning shots of lust to shoot up my body. You know what, girl power, I'm taking this situation into my own hands.
I unlock our lips, and trail kisses down his neck, if his deep groans are anything to go by then...
"Alpha, the situation has progressed."
Oh shit. Some weirdo just barged into the room, and ruined the moment. Oh no! Shit! I completely forgot about the situation.
Christ sake!
"Raph , you arse, you tricked me! When this is all over, I am going to have a serious discussion with you."
"Will it involve you tying me up to the bed?" He replies with a smirk. Okay. That is it.
"Raph, get your mutt arse out side, and shift."
"Make me." His eyes held a challenge.
I push him and then sorta flipped our positions, with him against the wall, and me leaning into his frame. Okay, time to get my game face on. Seductress on point.
"It's a shame," I purr, kissing the shell of his ear, "I was looking forward to wearing that lingerie tonight."
His eyes widen and he looks down at me. Then composes himself,
Ohhhh I so have you rapped around my pinky finger. I see him squirm before He says ,
"Is that all you were planning on doing?", his voice wavering.
"Of course not," his eye brow raises, "I was planning on fucking your brains out and screaming your name as I came under you, over you, against a wall, over a desk, the list is endless really."
His eyes kept widening thought the whole piss take lie (he wasn't about to find that out though), until they couldn't physically widen any more.
His Adam's apple bobbed.
"You lie." He says, his voice thick.
"Can you see it, my hot, sweaty body under yours, my legs wrapped around your torso as you pound into me, waking up all of your lovely innocent pack....THAT IS IF THEY ARE ABLE TO SURVIVE THE ROGUE ATTACK!"
I didn't need to say one. more. word.
He led me hurriedly outside, shifting painfully, but ever so quickly into his wolf.
"Hop on my back."
Holy shit, he just talked to me, in my mind, still not over that bit.
"Hurry up, we don't have time for this. I'm horny, my packs in danger, and I'm horny, so hurry up."
"Yeah, you failed to mention the fact that you're horny, so just...add that in there."
I look at his wolf form...the MASSIVE wolf form that is. Quickly getting over the 'I can mind link my mate' thing, and moving onto the pressing matter at hand.
"I'm not riding you Raphael, while you're like this." I say crossing my arms.
"Listen to me Tesoro, you have made this whole song and dance 'bout la situatione, you will get on my back, as the packs Luna, and help me with the attack."
His wolf pointedly looks at me.
"Plus, riding me now will get you in practise for tonight." He says, his wolf EVIDENTLY smirking.
"Oh, real mature Trulia, real mature." I say while climbing on top of him.
Lord give me strength, coz I have no idea what I'm getting into.

Guys, is me.
Sorry for not being with y'all the past month...
anyway, I keep trying to make love scenes but I end up on the floor in fits of laughter. Literally. Had to delete a whole section cos of it. I mean if you guys UBER want those kinda scenes then I can put the little chapters in... But only upon request cos I'm immature and have a really low 'I find this really funny' threshold.
Love ya'll.

Whose your fav character?
Whatcha thinks gonna happen.
My English is on point today.
Peace out.
Annie out.

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