You are a God

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It was the middle of the night.
Mission:break me and sister out, then break Raphael's nose.
After our lovers tiff, Vince came in to tell me all the wonderful things I had to do as a Luna of a pack.
Bear his children for one.
Err, I'm like 17 years old. No. On top of that I had to look after the whole pack and be a role model for people. I can't even stay on top of homework, how am I supposed to look after and whole pack? 
The twit had left me alone all day because he had some 'territory problems'
Anyway, Raph didn't trust Vince to look after me because, well because Raph is a jealous moronic jerk faced mutt.
Yes, anger is my overwhelming emotion at the moment.
So he just locked the door. I'm not sure what kind of women they raise here in Italy, but in London a girl can break out of anything with just a bobby pin, and I have a bobby pin.
Cue evil grin.
I just needed the cover of night, obviously my plan had a few flawed areas.
One, I'm pretty sure werewolves are able to see in the night, but it's better than running away in broad daylight.
Two, I'm not exactly sure where my sister is being kept. I'm pretty sure that she is down the hall, cos I heard banging and yelling that sounded like my sister when she's In a bad mood.
Three, this mission has a very low success rate. I know we are on the coast, I can hear the sea close by, and I know that this place we are stuck in is quite small cos of the view from my window. This is obviously a little spot that tourists don't visit much -which I still don't think is an advantage -, but I couldn't think why, it's a very pretty place.
It's ugly, I hate it, it's Raphael's, I hate it.
God, I'm completely losing the plot here.
Okay so, it's now nine o'clock and mission hasn't started yet but I will tell you when it starts.
I took out the pin in my hair.
I know that I have a pin (good girl Luna, points for being obvious), and I know they can unlock shit, but I don't really know how.
That's another problem.
It shouldn't be that hard, just jiggle it, right?
I take a deep breath.
Mentally prepare myself for the panic I am about to feel.
You are ninja.Ninja is you. You can do this. The process of hyping myself for this mission has just made me realise that I need to be admitted into a looney bin.
I put the bobby pin in the lock, jiggling it a bit.
Jiggle jiggle
Okay. turns out this jiggling shiz is hard, and noisy.
No negative thoughts.
You can do this, you are Samarai - the last of two Samarai and you need to free the other Samarai and run away with your amazingness.
See, this is why I was mentally preparing myself. I freak out and go full weirdo.
I am officially in panic mode.
Okay. breathe.
No oxygen = no life
Conclusion = need oxygen
Okay not that fast.
Now I'm hyperventilating.
this is a lot of mental shouting.
Wait what?! Did I just unlock the door. oh my god, I am ninja.
Take that Mr Miyagi. Should have auditioned for the Karate kid, I missed my calling in life.
I slowly peeled open the door.
There are people downstairs, I can hear them laughing. Well, thanks for asking me to join.
Bunch of twits.
Okay. sister.
Why am I mentally calling out her name?
The adrenalin is too much guys.
"Fucking prick! who do you think you are locking me up like this?! where is my sister you arseholes!"
Oh,well, that was easy.
"Get me out of these handcuffs" she screamed.
WHAT?! he put her in handcuffs. omg that is funny. I feel bad for her sure, and completely livid at Raph for locking her up, but that's still kinda funny.
My mind is everywhere when I'm panicking. A stream of conscious babble.
I'm gonna have to bobby pin her out, cos, you know, I'm a pro now. Cos I'm a ninja.
Jiggle jiggle.
Okay not working.
Jiggle jiggle jiggle.
Footsteps getting closer.
Ahhhhh jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle.
I opened the door and closed it as quickly and silently as I could.
After a few really reaaaaally deep breaths I turned around.
"I am ninja"
My sister just looked at me
I put my finger to my lips in a shhh gesture, and pointed back to the door.
"Aurelia, are you okay?!" I recognised Vince's voice.
"No, you prick. fuck off." just so you know Aura never swears like that. I guess she is just really angry.
"I just heard your shouting, so I thought you needed something." Vince replied.
You could hear the smile in his tone. I winced, that is one sure way of making Aura extremely angry. Never, ever, like, EVER, mock Aura.
"You prick! One of my ex boyfriends was in a gang and is still in love with me. I will bloody get him to send his Goons to slit your throat in your sleep!" okay. this is not good, at all, she never talks about that boyfriend, too many bad memories.
"Geez, you are you want me to unlock you, I know you pissed off the boss and Ares said not to, but you aren't no animal to be locked up."
I am going to stab Raph in the eye with my bobby pin when I get out.
How can Raphael lock up my sister like that.
What a prick.
What a PRICK.
"No I don't want you to freaking 'unlock me' like some common mutt, I will fricken set myself free and then you will know my wrath."
Okaaay then.
She's speaking Shakespearean now, we need to get out of here, and like, quick-smart.
I heard footsteps walking away from the door, so I assumed he was walking away because he was annoyed or couldn't be bothered.
When we had waited for a couple of minutes I decided it was a good enough time for me to bobby pin her out.
"How did you get out?" asked aura.
"Well, for one I wasn't chained up." I said looking at her, with an overwhelming look of anger on my face.
More like I will cut off his balls and then mince them and then force them down his throat, gauge his eyes out and then slam them down his oesophagus so that he can watch me yank out his stomach with my bare hands.
I'm sorry, it's just I am royally, royally pissed off .
"Okay, we can't go through the hallway again, too much risk." I looked out the window.
Oh so predictable...
A forest, really?
Okay, fine. Coming to terms with the fact that that is going to be so freaky to run through. I looked though her window.
"Aura, that is one mighty long-arse fall right there." I said pointing at the drop.
"Whatever, just get me out of this mother effin' metal." She whined
Using my newly acquired ninja skills, I successfully unlocked her arse out of those cuffs, we assessed the fall.
"Well we could tie together some bed sheets and then make a rope thingy and th-" I was cut off by my highly annoying sister.
"Or you could stop being a sissy and just jump." she said raising an eyebrow
"Well if you're so high and mighty, why don't you jump?"
She gave me a 'fine' kind of deadpan look and, woosh, she wasn't there anymore.
I looked out the window.
"Aura." I whisper shout.
"Auuuurrraaa." my voice pitch rises a bit.
"Look to your right, you idiot." I hear my sister hiss, and snap my head to the right.
She was hanging from a tree. I got to hand it to her though, that tree is FAR.
"how the hell did you jump that far?!" i say looking at the space between the window and the tree.
"And you thought you were the ninja." she smirked. oh, get over yourself.
Okay, my turn.
Needless to say, my jump was more ninja, but probably more painful than my siss'.
I had more scratches, but I like to think that it's cos my jump was more badass.
It was both more badass, and also just overall bad. Obviously my jump had to be the one that alerted the wolves -why couldn't it have been Aura huh? - and now we are playing hide and seek in the dark with dogs that can eat us.
But we aren't stupid idiots and we're running along tree tops, which I can tell you people is not easy, like, at all.
Tarzan makes it look so easy.
Yo, Tarzan, move along, there are new kids on the block.
That's right. Laura (Luna + Aura)
I'm just really nervous and I can hear barking in the distance, only getting closer by the minute. That's why I'm talking about weird shit like Tarzan.
Raph is going to be so pissed when he gets us.
No, IF. (Why am I even thinking about him.)
If, if is good.
It was at that thought, ladies and gents, when shit hit the fan.
I hear a scream and see Aura dangling out of a tree, and we are high up.
FEAR. fear consumes me, to no end.
I say something stupid like
"Don't let go." Which is moronic since no one would willingly let go of a branch a good 7 metres away from the ground. So we've all come to the conclusion that I am in fact Sherlock reborn from that deduction.
My comment is only returned by a anguished groan from my sis.
Shit. No smart remark back means doubly bad.
I jump around on some branches... and came to her aid (going all Shakespearean on you)
My hands were all sweaty, so I reached down for her short sleeves top.
JESUS! how hard is it to get the collar of someone's shirt.
That's when everything got even more 'shit hit the fan'
I heard growls from below. ohhhh shiiit.
Shit shit shit.
I literally scream
"SHIT," my language is preposterous when I'm panicking.
Why did she have to fall and jeopardise the whole situation, and we had such a good chance - even if we didn't know where we were, or where we were going.
Shut up it would've worked.
Oh shit. she's slipping. I do the only thing I can think of.
"RAPHAEL!" my scream rang through the air, I didn't know why but I knew she was going to fall and I needed to know someone would catch her.
So you know when your night vision gets super cool and you can see all this random shit, and you feel like ninja? yeah well, maybe you don't, but I can tell you right now my vision is super ninja. Of course, you may be thinking to yourself, do I really need to know about night vision as I'm trying to find out about a dangling Aura?

The answer is yes, yes you do.

Because as I was looking around, admiring the general splendour with my new found vision, my moment was ruined by something shit scary.
You know as a little kid you didn't want to look under you bed in the dark incase you would see yellow eyes..or just, monster.
That shit is REAL. It is real people, because it has happened to me. Right now.
I Was all normal, you know screaming at the top of my lungs, calling for Raph, when on a branch not so far from mine, I just see a shadow move, and then
About two arm lengths away from me. I see yellow eyes.
Nothing else.
Looking dead straight at me.
I was so terrified that I screamed at the monster, let go of my sister, then screamed at the fact that I had dropped my sister.
As soon as my sister dropped, someone shifted to a human, catching her. well, more like letting her fall on him.
"Aww shit! that hurt." is all I hear. Ares?
"Are you okay,babe." He asks down below.
Silence. growl. look up. yellow. Teeth. Yikes.
"Fucking run Luna!" Screams Aura.
That's the second time she's said that in the past couple of days. I took that as permission to run like my arse was on fire.
I heard a growl behind me.
Run run run run.
Run. I've been running away a lot these days
It really is hard to run on branches.
Well it evidently wasn't for mike wazowski behind me there.
I'm jealous.
And then it struck me. what the hell am I going to do, I can't out run this Wolf, I can't leave my sister and I most certainly will not be escaping in just a flimsy shirt and Raph's boxers.
I whizz around.
We both stop.
I can tell that he is a black (obviously) wolf and that he is BIG. like really big. this guy was probably as big as a 16 hand horse. for those of you who have no clue what that means, it is big, like proper.
I whimper.
That was Stupid. Never show fear to an animal, and I just did, to an overgrown Scooby Doo.
I don't know what over came me. My logic was that Raphael would probably come catch me just as Ares had caught Aura. Stupid, Stupid Luna.
If only I was more clever.
I spread out my arms into a wing formation.I probably look like I'm on the titanic. I'm such an airheaded idiot.
The wolf seemed to catch on and lunged through the air.
I closed my eyes, too scared to see what would happen to me.
I felt...
That same massive 16 hand horse wolf had encircled my whole body, so that when we landed, on the cold hard ground, all I felt was...comfortable.
I quickly scrambled away from it, him.
I watched in amazement as the pup (well not pup, he was just acting like one) just rolled over onto his back, legs in the air and tongue out of his mouth.
I could tell he was being cheeky.
"No. stop, don't do that,"
He did as I said. He rolled back over and whined laying his head down onto his paws.
It looked cute, but I was pissed beyond belief, no cute pup could change that. I suddenly decided to go all out psycho on him.
"You monster! you kidnapped me, locked me in a room, chained my sister up -actually chained her up like a dog and then scared the fucking shit out of me chasing me through trees." I ran my hands through my hair.
"What did I ever do to you karma?" I look up and wave around my arms, "why do you curse me like this? why do I get the mutt and what's-her-name from the black swan, gets Thor? I hate you!" I shout at the sky, I whizz around and point my finger at the wolf.
I was going to say, I hate you to the wolf but Raphael had got up from his laying position and was now towering over me, and let me tell you even in wolf form he looked P.I.S.S.E.D.
"That was a bad move, Luna." I turn to see Ares, leaning against a tree with a scowl on his face.
"He's right, you just fucking pissed me off shawshank."
I turn back around, to see a very naked, fuming Raph, looking...
Fucking edible.
Jesus, this man is a god.
"Holy shit, you're a fucking God."
I didn't mean to say it loud. It didn't do anything for the situation and only humiliated me, but it needed to be put out there.
If not any other, then why not his mate?
That was sarcasm there.
I heard Ares snort behind me.
"What? your just jealous that your body isn't as freakin' edible as Raph's" I didn't turn around to address him that time though, cos I was watching the fuming, sexy eye candy infront of me.
No, stop. I think to myself, he locked you up like a common pet.
First thing I do.
I whack him one.
Yes, I am a bipolar bitch.

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