Gitters and the Amazon Rainforest

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Luna POV

I was a pile of gitters after my encounter with Rahael this morning. I hadn't seen him in period one, or two. Thank god. Right now I was walking with Fi and Jay to my next class, Biology, and I was really finding it hard to move. The labs where on the other side of school and I just didn't want to walk that far, escpecially as Fi was blabbering on about how Rahael is going to be in Bio. I was honestly not myself right now. Thank god that it was only Fi and Jay. I don't think Callum would be able to take all this talk about 'weird Italians'...I chuckled, it is sooo obvious that he likes Fi.

My head was snapped back into the present as we enetered the Bio lab. Phew, he's not here. Yet. I took my usual seat. There was a pent up tension in the air and by God was it giving me a head ache. I decided to take my mind off it by looking around the room.

We all had designated seats and mine was in the middle row. There was one row infront of me where the Wolverines sat. The Wolverines were the pride and joy of our school, there was nothing that any member of the rugby team could ever do wrong. I say that spitefully but really, I didn't mind them, they were alright to me, at least I mean to say I'd never had any run-ins with them. However Beatrice was an A class pain in the whole schools arse, and if I didn't know better she could actually have been Regina George's really annoying, slightly less attractive cousin. This rant may seem irrelevant to the Wolverine team, however, the ball of sunshine, Beatrice, was Jonathen's, the captain of the team's, itsy bitsy girlfriend. Jonathen wasn't known about the school for his incredibly kind nature, or for giving large amounts of money to charity, and truth be told he was not really a nice person either, but the rest were, infact I hang out with a lot of them most of the time since Callum is also a Wolverine.

I had Callum infront of me and Fi diagonal to me with Jay sitting diagnolly behind me. There has always been an empty seat behind me since the drop out, Tom, last year.

At that moment Raphael decided to grace us with his presence. He had a V-neck grey jumper that hugged his muscles and low-hung jeans that hinted to toned legs, and black trainers with a white Nike tick on them. Damn he cleaned up fine. His eyes snapped to mine, catching me ogling at him. Instead of being a sissy and averting my gaze, I kept looking at him as he took the only empty seat that was behind me. He raised an eye-brow at me, and then flashed me a dazzling smile.

In turn I raised an eye-brow myself and looked forward, not returning the smile. Not before I could see a frown fall on his face, showing me he was dissapointed that I had not returned his kind gesture. I smirked to myself. I had no idea where this confidence was coming from, seeing as 2 minutes earlier I was about to jump out of my own skin from anticipation. But I seemed unnaturally comfortable around him, surprisingly, as most of the time I was just a wreck around attractive boys. 

Mr Terrence started with our lesson. I was actually finding it quite interesting until I heard,

"Luna." Someone whispered behind me. I ignored it.

"Luna." I heard my name called and I shivered, not being able to clamp down on it. I heard him chuckle.

"I knew that I had an affect on you." His accent is really not helping me in this situation. I felt like melting.

Well at least he wasn't infront of me. Then I would be forced to look at his amazing back for the whole double lesson.

I thought that he had realised that I wasn't going to talk to him, and that he was finally going to shut up...but no. The next thing I know I have scrunched up pieces of paper landing on my table. I rolled my eyes.

"Luna, open them." I hear Raphael say.

I turned around giving him a death glare.

"Will you stop annoying me!" I said more loudly than I thought I did.

I heard Mr Terrance clear his throat and my head spun round to face him. Caught red handed. Damn, now it looked like I was the one talking, not the pompous idiot behind me.

"Do you mind telling me Miss Blake, what the amazon rainforest is doing infront of you?" he said sneering at me, and motioning to the layers of scrunched up paper balls in front of me. He thought he was being funny by pulling a biology joke while also enjoying my humiliation.

"I should hope you have been paying attention to my lesson, these animals are going extinct because the forest is being cut down for things like paper, and here you are wasting their habitats to make a paper fort." He raised an eye brow...

"Oh I'm sincerly sorry sir." I said, he seemed to accept my apology and nodded his head, he turned back to face the board, and then I added,

"But you see the Amazon rainforest was blocking my view of the board and all the leaves were muffling your angelic voice, so I cut it down,"I sweetly say, I then incline my head towards the table as if listening out for something, " oh what was that?" I look towards Mr Terrence defiantly, saying, "the Amazon rainforest called, your monkey cousins say you need to come quick, your habitat has just been cut down."

A pencil dropped somewhere in the room. I heard Raphael's chuckle of aproval from behind me, and suddenly I had a new found strength.

I looked the teacher squarely in the eye as he slowly turned around. I smirked at him and cocked my head to the side.

He slowly stalking over to me. I kept my cool. Things seemed to happen all at once after that.

I heard the scratching of a chair being pulled out. Somehow I knew Raphael was getting up and walking towards me. Suddenly Mr Terrance's eyes were drawn to the fast aproaching Raphael. He was walking right towards Mr Terrance eyes glazed over.

"Mr Trulia, sit-" Bam, Raphael's fist hit him in the jaw.

Raphael looked up at me, and then everyone hit the roof.

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