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a/n: IM BACK GUYS AND ELLE ISNT ILL NO MORE WHICH MEANS MORE MILEVEN CHAPTERS. also get ready because this is the one y'all been waiting for!

We all split into our groups. Nancy, Joyce and Dustin. Will, Jonathan and Lucas. Me and Hopper.

Nancy, Joyce and Dustin were on lookout as Jonathan was beating up any people he saw. Will and Lucas kind of just walking behind him as Jonathan slayed.

Me and Hopper snuck in as the attention was all around Jonathan beating up all the secruity and Will and Lucas being themselves.

After about 20 minutes, me and Hopper had got into the part of the lab where Hopper saw Eleven. We walked through the empty halls, no people were found. Until we found a room with the light on, and someone was asleep on the bed.

I immediately burst into the room. And I saw her. As she was scared at who burst open the door. Our eyes connect as I run over to her and hug her tight.

"M-Mike." She stutters. As we both begin to sob in each other's arms. I will remember this moment for the rest of my life. I pulled away to look at her. I wanted to do what I promised myself but a sound wrecked the room. They had put an intruder alarm on.

"Come on!" Hopper shouted as I grabbed Eleven's arm and dragged her out the room. We ran down the halls, trying to get out the way we came.

"M-Mike, w-where are we going?" El asks as we all keep on running.

"I'm taking you home." I said as El held my hand tighter as we ran out the back-door and onto the grass.

"Get me out of here." Eleven mouthed to me as I nodded. Hopper took out the super-com.

"Okay guys, we have Eleven, now get out of there and we all meet at Wheeler's. Got it?" Hopper said.

"Got it." Dustin said.

"Got it." Lucas said.

Me, El and Hopper got into the car when we saw Dr Brenner standing outside the lab, chasing after our car.

"Drive drive drive!" I yelled as Hopper drove as fast as he could and got away from the lab. I sat with El in the back. I strapped her seatbelt in, and I couldn't stop staring at her.

She was finally back. She was here with me. Alive!

"El?" I said as El looked at me.


"I'm happy you're with me again." I said as El smiled a little. God I love her smile, even if it's little.

"Me too." She said sweetly as she admires the window. God I'm in love with this girl. I hope she knows that.

We arrived back at my place and I took El into the living room. We sat on the couch, quite far away from each other. I couldn't help but smile at the fact she's back with me, we successfully got her back!

"El, everyone will be back soon. And you'll get to meet Will!" I said as El's face looks scared. "Don't be scared." I said as I got up and sat right next to her.

"W-What if he doesn't want to be friends?" She says as I laugh a little.

"Eleven, don't be silly. He'd love to be your friend!" I said as she smiles a little. She puts her head on my shoulder. Her warm head against my shoulder, sends shivers down my arm and I feel happy.

It was then that Dustin and the others walked in and said hello to Eleven an all. After everyone said their bit, Will was slumped in the corner, looking all nervous.

Eleven was the one who saved his life after all.

I grabbed Will and brung him over to Eleven. Their eyes connected and Will held out his hand.

"Hi El, I'm Will." He said with a friendly smile. El shook his hand.

"I'm... El." She said as they let go.

"Thank you for saving my life, I wouldn't be alive today if it wasn't for you." He said as she nodded.

"Your welcome." I taught her how to say please and thank you's and your welcomes.

After that, everyone left, leaving me and Nancy to figure out where El is sleeping.

"I spoke to mom, she's fine with El staying. But she will have to sleep in your room tonight she said." Nancy said as my eyes widened.

Me and El in the same bed?


"No funny business." She said as I practically gagged.

"Ew!" I said as I took El upstairs and we went into my room. Nancy had put some pyjamas on my bed. "I'll let you change, I'll be outside." I said as I waited outside for El to get changed. After a few minutes, El opened the door, indicating me to come back in. I walked in and she sat on the floor and I sat infront of her.

"Mike?" She said as I looked into her brown soft eyes.


"What does love mean?" She asks as I tilt my head. "I only ask because I heard Dustin and Lucas talking and they said you was in love with me... What does that mean?" Finally I could tell her how I felt.

"Like when I first met you, I knew there was something there between us. You were different to every other girl in the world, and that's okay! It's okay to be different! Because that's what I love about you! Every day I thought about you, and I wondered, if I could get you back, I could tell you how much I love you. And how much you give me butterflies, which is a little bit of pain you get in your stomach, but it's a good pain, a pain called love. " I said as Eleven tilts her head, I continue explaining.

"If I could explain it scientifically; Love is bigger than you are. You can invite love, but you cannot dictate how, when, and where love expresses itself. You can choose to surrender to love, or not, but in the end love strikes like lightening, unpredictable and irrefutable. You can even find yourself loving people you don't like at all. Love does not come with conditions, or codes. Like the sun, love radiates independently of our fears and desires." I said as El's face drops, I think she gets what I'm saying.

"Love is inherently free. It cannot be bought, sold, or traded. You cannot make someone love you, nor can you prevent it, for any amount of money. Love cannot be imprisoned nor can it be legislated. Love is not a substance, not a commodity, nor even a marketable power source. Love has no territory, no borders, no quantifiable mass or energy output." I said.

"El..." I said as I looked at her.

"I'm in love with you."

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