twenty five

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a/n: I'm back!! But get ready, there are only 5 chapters (including this) until it's the end :((

Next day

We all met at Joyce's. Me, Mike, Eleven, Dustin and Nancy. And obviously Joyce because she lives there.

Lucas is coming later because he's going to see Max, then he's bringing her over.

I set down a map of Hawkin's lab on Joyce's table.

"Okay. Since we don't have Jonathan, it's only me and Nancy that can use the weapons-"

"What?!" Dustin exclaimed. "BULLSHIT."

"I wanna use a handgun." Mike whined as El chuckled at him.

"ENOUGH!" I shouted as the kids jerked back at me. Looking scared. "Listen. Me and Nancy are old enough to use these handguns and we are going to kill Brenner. Your job is get Will and help him safely out of the laboratory."

"Okay." All the kids said in unison.

"Also Eleven, you're staying with me and Nancy, we may need you to use your powers-"

"What? Why? You have guns? El wouldn't kill Brenner." Mike stated as everyone looked at him. "I'm just saying, Brenner has looked after Eleven for years, and I think she has an emotional attachment to him."

"Then she can kill anyone around us-"

"You're only using her for her powers!" Mike shouted as everyone went silent.

He was true. I was using her. But if she has powers, why not use them for good use?

"Mike stop." Eleven whispered, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"No! I won't El!" Mike shouted as El jerked back and started to cry. "Can't you see that they are using you?"

"They aren't... They are trying to save Will..." Eleven said as it was silent. El tried to hug Mike but Mike pushed her off. "Mike-"

"Mike? Mike what?" He said as he walked out of Joyce's house.

I didn't mean to make Mike angry.

I do get what Mike is saying, but I need to use my powers to save Will. To kill Papa. I want to kill Papa. But I don't want to either.

I watched Mike get on his bike and ride back home.

"Should I go after him?" I ask everyone.

"No. Let me. Come back in a bit, stay with these guys and tell us the plan later." Dustin said as I nodded. "Thanks Hop." Dustin said as he leaves and bikes after Mike.

"Now where were we?" Nancy stated.

I knock on her door. Hoping she answers.

Instead a blond-haired lady answered.

"Hello?" She said.

"Hi! I'm Lucas Sinclair, is Max home?" I asked as she smiled.

"Yes. MAX WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT YOUR FRIENDS COMING HERE! FOR FUCK SAKE TEENAGER!" She shouted as she looked at me. "Girls am I right?"

Max walked past the lady and shut the door in her face. Max dragged my hand and walked to her drive way.

"I'm sorry about her, that's my aunt Jolene. She's a bitch." She said as I nodded. "So, what did you want?"

"I wanted to talk about Friday." I stated as she nodded. "I know you kissed Will..."

"W-What? How did-"

"When you ran after Will, I was sceptical. So I ran after you and I heard some of your conversation and... Yeah I saw it." I said as she kept her head low. "I'm not angry."

"You're not? Why?" She said, lifting her head after she asks both questions.

"Because me and you aren't a thing. So why would I be angry? I shouldn't have a say in who you like and who you should date." I said as she smiled a little.

"Thank you for being so understanding Lucas." She said, pulling me in for a hug.

I hugged back. As we pulled away our faces were close.

"You know... I have chosen between you and Will." She said as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Who?" I said as she smashed her lips against mine. She pulled away to look at me.

"You silly." She said as I leaned in to kiss her again.

"STOP KISSING KIDDIES." We looked over to see Dustin on his bike.

"Shouldn't you be at Byer's?" I shouted back.

"Well Mike and El got in a little argument so I'm riding back to Mike's to see if he's okay." Dustin said.

"Should I go see El?" Max asks as I nodded.

"I'll go see Mike with Dustin. Meet you at Joyce's." I said kissing her cheek.

Me and Dustin rode to Mike's as I watched Max walk to Byer's house.

"You two a thing?" Dustin asks as we turn a corner.

"Pretty much."

I run straight inside my basement and go inside the fort. I lay inside the covers and start to cry.

I hate it when me and El argue.

I don't even know why I'm crying this much, the argument wasn't a big deal.

But I just hate confrontation when it comes to Eleven, I shouldn't have yelled at her.

That was a dick move.

I really shouldn't have yelled.

I heard footsteps run downstairs into my basement and I see Dustin and Lucas looking at me worryingly.

"Dude... You okay?" Lucas asks, probably looking the most worried.

"Y-Yeah." I say.

"Dude that was a pointless argument, why are you crying?" Dustin says.

"I know... And I agree that it was pointless but..." I said as I sat up. "I hate it when me and El argue. It breaks my heart. Especially when I yell at her, I must have scared her..."

"You should go back to Joyce's." Dustin says.

"I can't now. It's too late. I'll just wait for Eleven to come back." I said as everyone nods. "How's Max?" I ask Lucas, changing the subject.

"She's great." He says, beaming.

"Someone's happy." I said.

"Yeah, he finally got his first girlfriend-"

"Shut up doofus, you haven't even kissed anyone yet!" Lucas exclaimed as Dustin put his head down.

"Shut up." Dustin whispered as we all laughed a little.

God I love these two weridos. That's why they're my best friends.


"What happened?" Max asked. She just came in and Nancy is telling her the story. I haven't stopped crying for a while. After we all talked through the plan, I just went in the bathroom and cried on Nancy's shoulder.

"Don't get upset El. Mike just cares about you a lot that he would fight for you." Nancy reassures me.

Fight for me?

What is this a war now?

Mike and me are a team. We fight together. Not against each other. And we're aren't on opposite teams, we come as one.

This is why this argument is so bad. It was pointless but we needed to get it out of our system, especially with everything going on.

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